A witch...


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
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First of all I have to say that I was impressed by DarkFalcon's post... Congrats. First good post I've read of yours son. Totally agree.

Anyway, a lot of people embrace Wicca or WitchCraft because they think it's "cool" and "interesting" and will get them attention. These are the ones who you can be C&F with because they would love any attention.

But a lot of people really believe in the concepts of the religion and don't consider it a "fad" but their actual religion. They might be more sensitive about it. Doesn't mean you can't still use C&F, but you have to be careful to watch the line between funny and offensive. A lot of people look at Wicca like it is a joke, but you have to think of it as if they said it was a more "mainstream" religion and decide what kind of comments are appropriate. (For instance, you might not make a joke about being cheap to a Jewish person, or blowing up buildings to a Muslim because it would be an offensive, stereotypical statement).

You have to be able to judge the person you are talking to how they feel about it based on the rest of the conversation and how they act, etc. I mean did she come up and say "Hi my name is Jane and I'm a witch"? You can use C&F on that girl, because she is probably an attention wh*re. But if you are having a normal conversation about religion, you might treat the situation differently.

Personally, I think that religion is a touchy subject for some people and I try to keep it out of initial conversations. The last thing I want to get into when I'm meeting someone new is a religious debate. Religion, politics, and child-rearing are three subjects I try to avoid until I know a person somewhat.

I had to research many world religions for my book and Paganism (including Wicca, WitchCraft, Druidism, Shamanism, etc) was part of it. Although the media often makes WitchCraft look like a joke, it's actually a serious religion and is legally recognized.

Pagan religions are characterized by a connection to and reverence for nature and today include Wicca, Druidism, and Shamanism. Wicca (or WitchCraft) is based on a belief in a universal creative energy that is alive in all things in nature and is the source of power to an equally-balanced God and Goddess.

Despite common misconceptions and prejudices that they are Satanists, Wiccans and other Pagans do not believe in a devil or Hell. Many witches use “spells” (their equivalent of prayer) to produce positive change and live by the code: “and it harm none, do what thou will”.
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