This post made me laugh a few times.
To the original poster, Skilla, what you did was just plain stupid. The situation would have worked itself out by the end of the next day, if only you walked out a different school exit.
1.You came out looking for a fight.
2.You were wrong.
3.You were lucky.
I'm 285, 6'0" mostly muscle. If it was my cousin (i don't have a sister) you picked on, if you didn't come out and say something along the lines of "Sorry about your sister" I would have goaded you into throwing the first punch. Don't say, you wouldn't have done it... the state you were in when you came out, from what you're saying, you weren't very level headed, you were looking to prove your "manhood" as much as he was... anyway, sooner or later you will run into someone like me, when that does happen, I hope you have good insurance. BTW, if you did manage, to walk away, again, I would have turned the whole thing against you... "What you hit girls, but can't take on someone your own size?"
You did only one thing correctly, you didn't throw the first punch. Aside from that you f*cked up, and got very lucky.
BTW, this whole thing blew over a long time ago, but when you go to apply to colleges, out of school suspensions are listed on transcripts. This pretty much means you can forget about top notch schools.
Personally, I'm afraid of getting into a fight, the reason being that if I do, and my adrenaline starts pumping through me, I'm likely to kill someone. I have never registered as a figher, but I have trained in MMA, and did a little boxing, I was also taught alot by a couple of friends (they are SEALs, one an instructor, much smaller then me, but those guys can beat me most of the time, i have 100lb of muscle on them, still sparring leaves alot of bruises to my ego) Last thing I want is to end up ruining my life over some stupid $hit.
As far as dealing with drunken @$$holes, well, for me atleast, I stare them down. Take off my glasses, flex just a little bit, and then say (in a very calm quite tone) "Do you really want to make a scene?" or in a very menacing tone "Let's not fight." Turn around, and go back to whatever I was doing before. Although I do watch my back very carefully. So far, the most common response has been "F*ck this $hit." and they storm off.
The only time I will fight is in self defense. Even then, depending on the situation, I have walked off a couple of times. So what? You lose face in front of strangers you're likely never going to see again? That's better then dealing with assault, manslaughter, or murder charges.
Besides, in my experience, the really persistent drunks, who want to fight, are typically too drunk to actually fight. I had a drunk guy make a sloppy right hand swing at my face, with a normal guy I don't think I would have been able to pull it off, but I sidestepped to the left, grabbed his right wrist with my right hand, twisted, while pushing on his shoulder with my left, and tripped him. The guy fell hard, with me adding most of my weight on his shoulder. Kept him there for 10 seconds, picked him up, and pushed him away, he stumbled away
Got 6 number closes that day. F*cked two of the girls from there...
Still it was stupid on my part, a little more force, and I could have easily messed up his arm and shoulder.
To any fighters out there, who are registered, beware. If you get into a fight, instead of just "assault" you're automatically going to be charged with "aggravated assault" if not more. I had a friend of mine arrested a week ago, he threatened to jab his car keys into a guy's eye (he didn't actually do it) but just because of the threat, he's now charged with "assault with a dealy weapon". All because of a stupid b*tch, and a couple of punches. I think this time he's gonna do a little time...
Bottom line, always give the aggressor an out, if he doesn't take it, it's always better to walk away. Theodore Roosevelt once said "Speak softly and carry a big stick..."