A trend I've noticed with bisexual girls


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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Several years ago I dated a bisexual chick. Didn't think much of it at the time, but when it came to sex, she was usually satisfied pretty quickly and would make it known when she was "done".

Recently I met another bisexual girl, and after having sex with her a few times I noticed the exact same behavior. She is satisfied with one orgasm, and after she gets off her excitement level seems to drop and she lets me know that she is satisfied and I can do my business.

It almost sounds as if I am letting these chicks control the sex, I know, but damn...it's almost too good to be true! I will admit there are times when I'm getting into it and wouldn't mind going for another round, but for the most part I'm perfectly fine with hitting it hard and fast and getting the fukk to sleep!

Funny thing is, this new chick also likes morning sex. When we have done it the next day, we haven't been rushed or anything, but it's usually only a few minutes in, WITHOUT her getting off (that I am aware of) and she's asking if I'm ready to drop the baby batter on her back. Weird, but I'm not complaining.

The most intriguing thing about this is that the only common denominator between these two women is their bisexuality. I have never had a straight girl behave this way. Usually the straight ones want as much as they can get, and you're lucky if they aren't a bit disappointed when you don't want to go for round #7.

Anyone else have a chick behave like this?


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Women who are easy to get off are GREAT. Because it's so easy for them, they get it whenever they can. Even from other chicks.

I dated a girl who was "bisexual" for a while. We always used to go to strip clubs and then **** in the car later. :D


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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Until I was in my late 20's I didn't have much experience with women who go both ways.

Maybe that's about the time it became acceptable to be a chick who digs chicks...I dunno.

And I'm not talking about the college chicks who experimented one time and now consider themselves bi because guys like that sort of thing. I'm talking about chicks who have hooked up with multiple women and make no bones about it.

I might have mentioned it before, but I have respect for a lot of these girls. They tend to be more real. They make no apologies for who they are and they don't hide behind a facade. It's refreshing to be around people who don't pretend.

And it doesn't have much to do with them being easy to get off, cause I've had straight women who were very easy to get off, but they usually want more more more. The bisexual ones are more like guys I suppose. They are content to get off once and go to sleep.


New Member
Apr 29, 2007
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After reading this thread I have totally revised my goals for 2007.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
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A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
I'm of the firm belief that MOST women ARE bisexual...problem is, most won't admit it. But that's obviously now changing as we're seeing.

Look how women interact with each other(the way they look at each other, how they're touchy feely with one another, many times grabbing each others boobs, etc. Come on, that right there should tell you they have bisexual tendencies. My ex on her MySpace used to have written under her self-description, "I like to squeeze my friends boobies, but no I'm not lesbian or anything". Ya ok! In that sentence she's really saying she IS sexually attracted to other women, but doesn't wanna come out and straightforwardly admit it, so she's putting it that way.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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edger said:
... ( ....
The coder in me is freaking out right now, I'll have you know.

Good thread - I've been with a few stright gals that behaved the same way though.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
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Freud says that we are all bisexual and it's only society (basically a throwback to religion) that makes us anything other.

If you look at civilisations before Christianity they where all pretty bisexual and our society definately doesn't view bisexual women the same as men so that might explain why people think women are more bisexual.

Not that I'm saying I'm a fag offcourse :)

I've known a few gay men and bisexual women and the only thing I can say from personal experience is they are just more sexual and less repressed in general. I actually wonder about alot of guys who are real players too, look at Mick Jagger and David Bowie.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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edger said:
I'm of the firm belief that MOST women ARE bisexual...problem is, most won't admit it. But that's obviously now changing as we're seeing.
I've been saying the same thing for years.

But there are many, many women out there who are curious about it but would never do it, or at least the situation would have to be perfect for something to happen.

The two I'm talking about are a little more than the casual girl kissers you see saturday night at the club in Anytown, USA.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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d9930380 said:
Freud says that we are all bisexual and it's only society (basically a throwback to religion) that makes us anything other.
I remember the 10/80/10 chart that supposes that 10% of the world is completely homosexual, 10% is completely heterosexual, and the other 80% fall somewhere in between. I always thought that was fascinating.

I've known a few gay men and bisexual women and the only thing I can say from personal experience is they are just more sexual and less repressed in general.
Thats one of the things I love about bisexual women. They aren't afraid to let it all hang out.

Like this latest one. We were having a drink at a bar the other night and she told me the story of how she lost the skin on her knuckle. Turns out she was fingering her pu$$y while straddling the arm of her couch and didn't realize that she has given herself rugburn on her knuckle! Don't know too many straight chicks that would fess up to something like that.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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STR8UP said:
Like this latest one. We were having a drink at a bar the other night and she told me the story of how she lost the skin on her knuckle. Turns out she was fingering her pu$$y while straddling the arm of her couch and didn't realize that she has given herself rugburn on her knuckle! Don't know too many straight chicks that would fess up to something like that.

str8up, sure, but come on man, from your various post it sounds like you travel in near pornographic circles! :)

you got a woman who swings and showed you her t*ts. now you got a woman who tells you at the bar how she fingers herself.

i mean, god bless ya dude, it sure sounds like you got an itneresting life - but i dont really think this type of behavior is indicative of all 'lesbians' - or even the majority of them :p


Senior Don Juan
Feb 25, 2007
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@Edger - Yeah, I can confirm that. Almost every girl that I have boffed here told me she has experience with girls as well. It´s normal for russian chicks in 2007 to try another chick some time. And oh my god how I love the sexual freedom of the chicks in this country ))) Puzzy generousness, as afrojiggles put it so properly.

@Str8UP - no, can´t confirm that. Yesterday spent the whole evening with/ on/ inside a bi 25y.o. and she wanted more and more and more... fOck I can hardly walk today, leg n butt muscles hurting all over %


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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joekerr31 said:
str8up, sure, but come on man, from your various post it sounds like you travel in near pornographic circles! :)

you got a woman who swings and showed you her t*ts. now you got a woman who tells you at the bar how she fingers herself.

i mean, god bless ya dude, it sure sounds like you got an itneresting life - but i dont really think this type of behavior is indicative of all 'lesbians' - or even the majority of them :p
My life is definitely interesting and getting more and more so by the day :)

I don't have too many years experience with this to draw upon, but I would venture to guess that I have been around more bisexual chicks over the past couple of years than the average guy my age. And they come from all different backgrounds. One is a waitress at a strip club, one is a social worker, one is a hairdresser, one is a model scout.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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Amante Silvestre said:
It might seem great to just get off and roll over, but what I have noticed with the latter type is that a sexual experience with a man is usually just there to serve an itch and there's often a time frame on it. The more often you have sex with her, the shorter that time frame becomes, until eventually the act doesn't do it for her anymore and she's back to dating women again.
You might be right.

Only had sex with the new one about three times and it has gotten better and better, but I still feel more like a human sex toy to her than anything.

This is the flaky chick who obviously has other things going on, and I suspect that her strange behavior (showing high IL when she is with me but not showing it any other time) has something to do with the fact that she has a female booty call as well. I don't get any indication that there is another guy in the picture, but it has to be SOMETHING or SOMEONE because she just doesn't act as I would expect her to.

On a side note, if you're interested in keeping your avenues open to a threesome before that happens, I would probably advise cutting back on the frequency of sex while planting the idea that you're fine with her playing around with other women while she's with you. Of course, it's your judgement call on whether or not this is a possibility with her and how to go about doing that in a tactful and tasteful way.
I really only see this chick once a week or so. It isn't like we are hooking up three times a week.

Haven't really discussed sex outside of teasing each other when we are out, so I was planning on escalating it next time I'm with her to feel her out and see where she stands. I know she's a freak, I just wanna know HOW freaky!


Master Don Juan
May 29, 2006
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Deep down a bisexual chick will want to marry a man in the end. From what I've observed...women to bisexual women is a secondary backup deal. For bisexual men, I think it's the same...with women being secondary to men.