Don Juan
Russian girls are much more set on emotional attraction. Here (Canada) girls tend to be like clouds of bees. They run around together and their initial intrigue with a guy is being able to make their routine life better than it is. In Russia the initial intrigue comes with the potential emotional connection they can have.Originally posted by MacDonald
To the people that *truly* know Russian women:
I'm talking about non-jewish Russian women(because there is a differnce).
Give me everything you have about them. I know one that has been here a few years and I'm trying to figure her out. I've never met someone so hard to read. Quite frankly I'm not sure it's worth it.
But we did hang out once, so I figure I'll give it a shot again. Maybe she'll open up.
And she's shy. I love a certain type of shyness. I love the girl that is quite and shy until you start to talk to her, then she opens up to you and you find out she is intelligent and unique.
But this chick is walled off. She had a couple flashes of openness, but then the bricks go back up. What do you do when open-ended questions go nowhere? What do you do when you must carry the conversation almost entirely? I'll give it one more shot, then poof, if she doesn't respond a little. I never had much patience.
Is this normal for Russian immigrants? In general, are Russian women like this? What is the standard "courting" behavior in Russia?
I'd also like some advice with this particular type of shyness.
In terms of conversation and such, they aren't generally too shy. Once again, I hope you guys are sexually involved somehow... Once you get into sexual attraction, you can hook them like that. Otherwise conversation will get too routine and they'll realise they were wrong about having an emotional connection with you.
Again, I cannot give you a book on how to read them, but there are some really common sense things. You have to be dominant, fun and entertaining, unprdictable... sounds familiar? The one tip that will help you is build a strong foundation of sexual attraction and then slowly build up emotionally. Become closer, more comfortable, and you'll be exactly where you want to be.
And, relax, they aren't supposed to be frustrating you. Remember life is fun and it is a game. Your mindset can really screw you up at times so once again, take it easy.