Well man, it's your choice whether or not you want to pursue Cherie,but you'd still have a better shot with her than with Ashley. In one of your earlier post,you asked how it was that you fell into the friendzone with Ashley. It's obvious to me how. You said that whenever you play soccer with her and she scored,you gave her a hug. That's not kino. You classify that as kino? I'm sure that some of the other players on your team also hugged her or gave her hi-fives. Were they kinoing her as well? Why would she think that you hugging her after a goal would be any different than another guy on the team giving her a hug after a goal? Whenever you have constant,repeated contact with a woman,her mind forms an opinion of you. If she doesn't feel chemistry with these repeated contacts,you'll fall into the friendzone. This is if you have repeated conacts with you talking to her about whatever(sports,the weather,school,etc.) You fall into the friendzone by DEFAULT. So basically,it's over with Ashley. You can try the "deep voice" thing if you want,but she'll just throw that "business/as a friend" thing in your face again.