A Speed Seduction Report (LONG but worth it)


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2002
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
This is a report of some patterning and elicitation I did on a girl in a bar last night. Since it's all pretty textbook I thought it may clarify some applications aspects of SS for some people who are curious. A verbatim account on conversation would not be possible, but the important stuff is here. I actually feel like kind of a dyck for laying the SS on her so thick because this girl is WAY more into me now than I am into her, but it was good practice nonetheless. Some of the material I used was totally original, others borrowed.

I stopped by a local bar last night not really expecting much to happen there when I ran into a guy I work with. After talking to him for a little bit a girl approached me.

HER: Can I ask you a REALLY big favor?
ME: Well you can ask.

HER: There is this random drunk guy sitting at that table with my friend I would REALLY like for you to come save us.
ME: First can I ask, why don't you just tell him to get lost and come over here?
HER: I am non-confrontational, I guess I am too nice that way.
ME: <rolling eyes> Well okay...go on back and I will be over soon enough.

I see her walk over to her table where her and her friend were sitting there with some shytfaced WBAFC. After a few minutes I walk up to table and start things off with a canned opener to create a diversion:

"Hey! I was wondering if I can get your opinions on something. A friend of mine got a call from one of the producers of Rikki Lake and they asked him to appear on a show. The theme of the show is secret admirers. Do you think he should go?"

The girls played along and it was easy to extract them from the table leaving WBAFC (who later got kicked out of the bar) by himself. We joined my friend at the table and I did introductions. After brief group convo about what a dork WBAFC was we paired off, me talking to the girl who originally approached and my friend talking to her friend. Decided to get into EV early by saying:

"Something about you interests me. You say you are non-confrontational but you certain aren't passive since you felt comfortable asking ME to intervene. Can you explain this"

Basically the structure I used here was an intuition about her followed by an open ended question. It works wonders and here it got her talking about herself for a long time.

Props to Jake Steed for his advice to me on eye contact during elicitation.

Jake Steed says:

Hold deep, seductive eye contact when eliciting. Literally try to see your reflection in her eyes. To her, it looks like you see right into her and I could feel a deep "connection" from this.
Simple but effective.

While she was talking I used my tactic of using her ring as an excuse to start kino. While she was talking, without saying anything I took her hand. I commented on her rings then told her her hands were very small.

HER: Yeah, I get told that a lot. Also about my wrist. (subtle invitation for further kino)

After she said this I wrapped my hand around her wrist gently then tighten just a little. I saw her breathing rythm visibly change when I did this.

HER: Well I guess we can't hold hands since yours are so much bigger.
ME: <drop her hand> WOAH NOW!!! You are already talking about US holding hands?! You just met me, don't you think it's a little early to try to seduce me?!

She laughs but gets just a little defensive.

HER: I was really just kidding...really.
ME: Sure....!

I thought this would be a good time to start some patterning. I noticed she had a stone necklace.

ME: I've been staring at your necklace, wondering why it reminded me of something, and now I remember what it was. I recall a story I had read once, called "The Eros Stone Necklace." It was about a woman who was growning apart from her lover, and was losing faith in love. One night she was out walking, up in the mountains near her home. As she sat upon some rocks, and was staring up at the stars, she made a wish that a man would come into her life, and fill her with the adventure she had been missing. Suddenly, there was a flash around her, which at first startled her. But then she began to FEEL VERY RELAXED. A nice soothing comfortable feeling filled her body. Then an image flashed into her head. An image of passion so incredible so fulfilling, that she almost thought she were dreaming. At first she tried to deny that she was starting to FEEL A WARMTH DEEP INSIDE because she was afraid to feel that good. But the more she allowed herself to FEEL THAT WARMTH INCREASE, the stronger it became, and the more she wanted this to continue. Then she started to... HEAR THIS VOICE inside her mind. And the more she allowed herself to... LISTEN TO THIS VOICE the more it relaxed her, the more it warmed her, the more it caused her to LISTEN INTENTLY TO WHAT'S SAID. The voice began to change, and started to sound like her own voice. And this voice said to her, "Focus on what is in front of you, and you will discover that which you desire."
HER: Wow, that's beautiful.
ME: The actual story is a little longer. It's really cool beacause there is such great imagery in it. I am very visual person, what about you?
HER: A little.
ME: Well do you make movies in your mind about things you would rather be doing sometimes?
HER: No.
ME: You see, this is what I find so fascinating. How people experience the world a certain way but they imagine that everyone else experiences it that way too. For example I notice that people who are not as visual as me are very good at describing feelings.
HER: Yeah, I am great with describing feelings. I guess that is more how my mind works.



Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2002
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon

Guys, pay attention when she gives out clues about how to poke into her mind. It will help you poke into other things more easily

ME: Cool! Speaking of that (here I go
) I was watching something really interesting on the Discovery channel earlier this week. You know, I saw the most interesting show on the Discovery Channel last night. They were interviewing people who make their living designing attractions for amusement parks like Magic Mountain and Disneyland and Universal Studios. Wouldn't that be a cool way to make a living?
HER: Yeah.
ME: Well, anyway, they were talking about the elements that make up the ideal attraction. They said there are 3 parts to the ideal attraction. First, when you EXPERIENCE the ideal attraction, you FEEL A STATE OF HIGH AROUSAL. The ideal attraction makes your heart beat faster, and your breathing gets faster and you just FEEL THAT AMAZING RUSH all over. And then they said that another part to an ideal attraction is - it's fascinating. You just FEEL SO ENTHRALLED that you want to TAKE THIS RIDE multiple times; as soon as you GET OFF you want to GET BACK ON again. And they said, finally, the most important element, is a sense of overall safety. That even though the attraction make look a little dangerous, you're CERTAIN YOU'RE SAFE... you FEEL SAFE because you realise nothing bad can really happen, so that allows you to FEEL TOTALLY FREE to LET GO AND ENJOY THAT GREAT AROUSAL again and again and again.
HER: Mmmmm...I see.

At this point her eyes were glazed over and she was obviously oblivious to her surroundings apart from me. She looked like she was watching a movie and was way into it. Her friend invited as into a group conversation which pulled her out of trance.

The conversation was about our "most embarrassing moments". When it got to be my turn to share I told the story of when I was 19 and my friend and I borrowed his dad's Rolls Royce to go to a party and right as we pulled up honking the horn getting everyone's attention the top seal of the power steering rack blew out and dumped oil all over the exhaust. Very embarrassing and a very funny story. I have practice becoming a more animated storyteller lately and it has helped me charm groups of people in bars very effectively.

At some point after that conversation we somehow got into the subject of karaoke bars. In order to transition from the group interaction back into the patterns I decided to give her a story one on one first and it ended up being the story of how I sang Backstreet Boys to a bunch of rednecks in a karaoke bar and got a standing ovation.

Anyway, back to seducing...

ME: You know what happened to me today...this was so cool.
HER: What?
ME: I was on my way to get my haircut and I found a diamond earring of mine in my truck that had been missing for months.
HER: OMG, I have one that has been missing for six months.
ME: Well remember it's just like the stone necklace, FOCUS ON WHAT'S IN FRONT OF YOU and you will find what you desire. I mean...my earring was in the most obvious place imaginable. Be careful not to look too far past what is right in front of you to find that which you are looking for.

To me the feeling of finding that earring that had been missing was like putting on a coat for the first time in the winter...
HER: ...and finding $20 in the pocket!
ME: You completed my sentence for me (high five + kino on the shoulders and back).

I went to get a beer and came back.

ME: I don't know what I like more the middle of the summer or the tail end of it, what about you?
HER: You know, I never really thought about it.
ME: My feeling about the end of the summer (particularly the month of September) is that for so many years of our life it was a time of new beginnings, more so than the actually new years day itself. You remember that feeling of going back to school and seeing friends you had not seen in forever?
HER: Yeah. You had new shoes and clothes everything felt new again.

I love it when they take my shyt and run with it like that, LOL!

ME: I think that this is a feeling we connect with differently as adults. I think we go through the summer anticipating it's end to bring about change.
HER: I agree but I am more into the rest of the summer I guess because I remember that freedom from childhood of being able to be or do whatever during summer and not have to settle into as much of a routine until school starts up and you have responsabilities again.


We go back into talking with the group and she suggests the four of us all hang out sometime then brings up tonight. My buddy agreed but I was noncommital, I think this would be kind of a waste of time.

We walk them out to the car and she threw her tongue down my throat uncontrolably and gave me her number without me having to ask.

I have a feeling she is so into me by now that I she would have a cow if I tried to pick up other chicks while hanging out with her, I will probably wait until later to later to **** her if I decide to. I am sure I can do it now without wasting a night hanging out with her. The main reason I am stoked is because of the seduction practice I got out of this. Nick's only one-itis is that with his ability as a seductionist.


- The seductionist formerly known as trickynick

You either own the game or it owns you.

[This message has been edited by SexPDX (edited 06-22-2002).]


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2002
Reaction score
You know, this gets me thinking.. I've been doing RPGs for years and years as a gamemaster. Every game session I just improvise a whole superinvolved plot out of thin air that lasts for hours (and weeks and months).

I guess that skill would be helpful

Nick, question: those pattersn/stories you ran.. Did you make them up on the spot or did you get them from somewhere else? (whether that somewhere else is ASF, or your previous attempts with other chicks, etc)

I think I'm better at inventing stories of knights, wizards and monsters than I am at inventing stories of Discovery Channel


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2002
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
Originally posted by mistyc:
Nick, question: those pattersn/stories you ran.. Did you make them up on the spot or did you get them from somewhere else? (whether that somewhere else is ASF, or your previous attempts with other chicks, etc)
The discovery channel pattern and the stone necklace are from ASF. They were very close to verbatim the way I used them. The stone necklace was abridged. I like the pattern but to do the whole thing is just too long. The way I think of it, the canned patterns are just to get you used to how it all works before you are ready to take off on your own.

The September thing was mine and the earring was a story that actually happened that day that I decide to convert to a pattern on the fly.


- The seductionist formerly known as trickynick

You either own the game or it owns you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2002
Reaction score

another question

those words ALL IN CAPS. when you were saying them, were you saying them DIFFERENTLY than the other words? Or are they in caps just for OUR BENEFIT (as in, keywords that help us understand what you were doing)?


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2002
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
Originally posted by mistyc:

another question

those words ALL IN CAPS. when you were saying them, were you saying them DIFFERENTLY than the other words? Or are they in caps just for OUR BENEFIT (as in, keywords that help us understand what you were doing)?
They are in all caps because I cut and pasted it from the manual where they are all caps there. I said the patterns so close to verbatim that I did thought I'd save some time that way.

The words in all caps are embedded commands. The idea is that the story draws her into a state of suscepability to suggestion and you can hang and semi-isolate parts such as ...FEEL THAT AMAZING RUSH... or ...HEAR THIS VOICE... that are actually intended to be commands. Tonality of voice is important here.

This is hard to explain in a post. Maybe at some point I will record some mp3's of me talking in patterns and I can send them to you.


- The seductionist formerly known as trickynick

You either own the game or it owns you.

[This message has been edited by SexPDX (edited 06-22-2002).]


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by SexPDX:
They are in all caps because I cut and pasted it from the manual where they are all caps there. I said the patterns so close to verbatim that I did thought I'd save some time that way.
ah, I see

The words in all caps are embedded commands. The idea is that the story draws her into a state of suscepability to suggestion and you can hang and semi-isolate parts such as ...FEEL THAT AMAZING RUSH... or ...HEAR THIS VOICE... that are actually intended to be commands. Tonality of voice is important here.
Ok so they are spoken slightly differently?

This is hard to explain in a post. Maybe at some point I will record some mp3's of me talking in patterns and I can send them to you.
That'd be cool
I kinda have a vague idea of what you're trying to say. I can almost relate that to some parts of Don Juan de Marco (the musical suite by Richard Strauss.. you know the same guy who composed the music that was used as a theme for 2001: a Space Odyssey
I've been listening to that DJ piece a few times and kinda encoding the DJ principles in the music. lol)


Don Juan
May 25, 2002
Reaction score
Poland, Lodz
SexPDX that was nice
you did everything by the book + some ingenious creativity.
However this girl was somehow into you before NLP.
I wish I could play it myself like that


Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2001
Reaction score
Good sh*t, tricky.... I mean, Sex.

Eye Con Smile + Showing Value + Playfulness + Negs + Kino + Fake Resistance + Friend disarming + EV + good timing + innuendoed stories + takeaway + opportunity = good results

That's like Chapters 1-12 of The Book

Focus on what is in front of you, and you will discover that which you desire

That's definitely good sh*t. Of course, she was into you from the start, but you know what, it doesn't matter, it's still very good seduction.

Well I'm here to tell you there is such a magic wand. Something that will make you almost completely irresistible to any woman you "point it" at. Something guaranteed to fill your life with love, romance, and excitement.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2002
Reaction score
And they say NLP is the Dark Side

Although you should have pointed out some convo with her pulling out Trance words, and you using them. Also you should have been showing the use of self pointing and some anchoring too

Big John

[This message has been edited by Big-J (edited 06-22-2002).]


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2002
Reaction score
There you go, SexPDX (as I guess we are supposed to call you now, change it to Sex PHD) you are getting really good with SS now. That was great.

But remember that her STATE will only last for a small period of time. You let her get away that night. You'll have to start all over again when you see her next. And you will see her again. She will, however, go quickly back into STATE if you continue on.

Keep it up and keep us posted.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by JustDoItAlways:

There you go, SexPDX (as I guess we are supposed to call you now, change it to Sex PHD) you are getting really good with SS now. That was great.

But remember that her STATE will only last for a small period of time. You let her get away that night. You'll have to start all over again when you see her next. And you will see her again. She will, however, go quickly back into STATE if you continue on.

Keep it up and keep us posted.
That's supposing he didn't place any anchors he's not telling us about, again DETAILS!

Big John


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2002
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon

Thanks for all the props and feedback. I am at my wing's pad checking the various boards right now. My wings and I have had a conference and there is significant disagreement as to where to go from here with her.

I explained to them that I am not THAT into her. I may **** her once or twice but she is not a chick I'd really want to keep around for a number of reasons. So we all decided that my seduction of her is to be considered nothing but an experiment for us and those on the boards to learn from.

One wing thinks that I should call her late tonight (it is now 11:10 PM here) and ask if she wants to come over. He believes from the results I told him about that that would work out. I think there is a distinct possibility that this would work but it also might not. Since I would probably end up dogging her I would not really be too excited about her knowing where I lived.

My other wing (LJ) is more of a mentor to me and I usually trust his advice. He has seen me come from total AFC to the capability to produce a report like this and has been in the field with me for every step of it. He's probably the closest thing to a REAL pimp that I have ever winged with. While he commends the progress I have made with SS (which he doesn't really use being largely natural rather than concious in his game), he thinks I would be overplaying my hand with a move like my other wing (an SSer describes). He think that I would degrade my value and could not recover if it didn't go well. He also thinks I suck on the phone (which I don't entirely disagree with).

I think that LJ is right. I know the places where they hang out and I think I can maybe pawn both chicks and work some good social proof and in's out of this. I think I am astute enough to keep this girl in a position where I could still fvck her if I decided to at any point. However, if I drink to much more tonight I may just decide to go with the first wing's strategy

Big-J, I may have set some anchors that not even I know about. There was a lot of conversation that I did not have time to detail in the post.

mystic, I used to do that role playing stuff in junior high and I was a DM/GM myself. I know the imagination it requires. You need to just learn to apply your imagination in different ways. As a sidenote, be careful because you can get pretty far out in left field with that kind of stuff. I think seduction is easier than most guys make it out to be. All it really requires is the confident attitude that this site is good for combined with a sense of comfort with your emotions that allows you to convey them to a woman. I think of my stories and patterns as conduits of emotion more than anything else, even though I am still pretty new to REAL seduction. I think what happened to me over the last couple months was that I all the sudden became "unblocked" and got to a point where these things seemed more natural.

Anyway dudes, my wing LJ's girl is going to be here with more booze any minute and I don't really want to have to explain what I am doing on the computer when she gets here, LOL! So I am out.


PS: JustDoItAlways, you can call me SexPDX or simply "Nick" would work as well.

- The seductionist formerly known as trickynick

You either own the game or it owns you.

[This message has been edited by SexPDX (edited 06-23-2002).]


Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
Reaction score
Salt Lake City, UT
Yo NICK, much props.

How long did it take you to memorize those TWO patterns off of AFC.

Also I've been exposed to Ross's stuff ..Actually I started on ASF and then came to Sosuave.. I haven't used them just cuz I feel like it's not myself, you know.. plus its morally wrong or something.. what's your take on that.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.

Sun-Tan Superman

Senior Don Juan
Feb 20, 2002
Reaction score
I like the part about

"I don't know what I like more the middle of summer or the tail end of it, what about you"

This is good enough for me to use too


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2002
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
Originally posted by jahlivez:
Yo NICK, much props.

How long did it take you to memorize those TWO patterns off of AFC.

Also I've been exposed to Ross's stuff ..Actually I started on ASF and then came to Sosuave.. I haven't used them just cuz I feel like it's not myself, you know.. plus its morally wrong or something.. what's your take on that.

A lot of people have the issues you mention about patterning, I will address them serparately for the benefit of anyone that is interested.

Some people believe that the use of NLP for the purpose of seduction is morally wrong. This is of course a matter of opinion and entirely up to the individual, however the way that it is argued by most people it is either a total non sequitor or falls apart upon closer examination.

The people who say that it is wrong because the woman is being manipulated into feeling a certain way without being told are arguably correct. However, if that is wrong then it would seem to me to follow that anytime you ever talked to another person without stating your intentions upfront you are being EQUALLY underhanded and manipulative and behaving just as objectionably. The fact is that people operate under altered states all the time. We are in actuality, hypnosis machines. Is the employee who makes his boss feel a certain way about him in order to get a raise equally manipulative? Or the salesman you bought your car from? Besides, you can't seduce another person with any technique without having influence on their emotions in SOME way. What makes this method worse than any other?

When you pattern a woman you are giving her something of value. You are making her feel great feelings that she longs for, especially if you are good at it. She is getting something out of the experience.

The only time I personally find patterning to be morally objectionable is when you create anchors that set you up to be "the one" in the womans mind or saying that you love her and want to marry her when you know full well those things are not true.

Personally, I think that the reason that people have a problem with this is that they have serious problems accepting the idea that skilled seducers have found ways to work outside the evolutionary model that society has come to accept.

The next thing you mentioned that I want to address is the feeling that patterning is somehow "not you". For patterning to be effective you do have to "make it your own". This requires you to learn control over your own emotional states. This is one of the reasons I plan to start acting classes soon. You have to make yourself FEEL WHAT YOU ARE SAYING. There have been a few canned patterns I have been able to successful do this with. Not everyone seems to be able to.

I looked over some of them and practice saying them changing my tonality each time and noticed which delivery methods made me actually EXPERIENCE THE FEELINGS I WAS DESCIBING. You see, it's not so much what is SAID that causes the desired effect to occur in woman it is the FEELINGS it creates. This is why patterning is a two way street. This is why I say that patterns are conduits of emotion. You cause yourself to feel a certain way and when you get rapport with your target and are locked in with eye contact as you speak, she begins to feel that way too. Remember a real seducer is a conoisuer of HUMAN EMOTIONS.

I tried patterning on a few chicks before I REALLY got it to work, but on the night that I described in this post I slid right into what I had practiced. When I said the embedded commands to her I allowed myself to take them in as well. Once I saw that it was working that just made the rush more and more intense. Believe me, when it's working and you know it's working you feel so incredibly confident and at ease that it will seem as easy as falling off a log and it will feel great.

If the canned patterns don't work for you, think of things to talk about that you are very passionate about and throw a few embedded commands in there. It's just a matter of becoming "unblocked". Let yourself exerperience it. I very much enjoy now to practice different patterns in my spare time, I will turn on Motzart and print something off from the manual or just start pacing about the room saying whatever comes the mind that I think would be some tight shyt to say to a chick (impromptu patterning is very useful). It's a little bit harder to get all up into it when I am by myself but I manage.

I don't mean to talk all this up like it's the be all and end all but it is a great thing to be able to have a tool that makes women feel great when applied correctly and it is fantastic seduction.

My main issue in the application of it now is getting deeply inside them enough in the first place for the pattern to take hold. I am not going to just walk up to a woman in the supermarket or a bar and immediately start giving her the stone necklace, you have to have pretty decent rapport first. As was mentioned in this thread the girl from this report was already somewhat into me before the patterning and my patterns served to accentuate it.

Anyway, experiment with it and have fun.


- The seductionist formerly known as trickynick

You either own the game or it owns you.

~"Pon atencion al latido de tu corazon...y el ritmo de tu respiracion...como te permites llegar a ser completamente llevada...por la conexion que esta tomando lugar." ~


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
Very well done.

I'll be doing internal conversations of this stuff, and see what comes out .. ahem! ... in convo with real live chicks.

What little SS I've tried -- based on second or third hand descriptions -- has worked a treat.

Excellent subject. I'd like to see more.

Any links? I'll do a web search, but now I need to crash (triple workout + drumming this eve).

Keep up the good work!


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Hermosa Beach, CA
Very interesting stuff... so where's the "textbook" on speed seduction techniques? The DJ Bible doesn't have anything on it that I can find.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2001
Reaction score
JT47319, it's at fastseduction.com "Player Guide".

I remember when I first started using patterning, I tried some of the canned patterns even though they sounded cheesy, and it didn't produce good results. However, I persevered. Pretty quickly, I realised that the real way to use canned patterns is to cut off the stuff that doesn't fit your situation and to just use the stuff that works. The canned patterns aren't really even meant to be used by everybody. They were meant to be used by Ross Jeffries and the few other guys who came up with famous patterns. These guys have different psychotypes than me or you. And it's very basic SS knowledge that canned patterns are just a starting point. But if you read over those canned patterns enough and practice them, you very quickly start to derive the parts of the patterns that will work for you, and you very quickly are able to begin letting them penetrate your mind to the point where you can be walking along and just point at a rock or a tree or a kid and start spewing off about it. At least, that was my experience. I've always been a fast learner.

Patterning is a very simple idea. It's the use of emotionally charged storytelling or description to induce an involved trance in another person. Throw in some embedded commands on the fly if you're good, throw in a good understanding of body language and voice tone.

And it works like a charm if you're just willing to make that step of practicing it and adapting it for your own personality instead of giving it up because Jeffries wrote cheesy stuff. USE THE IDEA, NOT THE DETAILS.

BTW, Nick, you are f'in right-on when you mention the importance of letting the pattern affect you as well as your target. I think your own state is actually more important than the target's. That's why it's so important to adapt patterns to your own tastes and interests. If you can't put yourself in a trance, it's damn tough to put other people into a trance, because these mental states are very contagious. But once both of you are on that same amazing wavelength, everything else becomes virtually automatic.

Ever have that experience when a girl gets so into trance that she, for all intents and purposes, starts naturally patterning you back? Now that's cool. You know you're in when that happens. And I think in the end, it's just what SS stands for--Speed Seduction--creating those feelings of love in a very short amount of time. Instant Infatuation.

[This message has been edited by Vatican (edited 06-25-2002).]