A sosuave success story


Senior Don Juan
Oct 13, 2010
Reaction score
Gentlemen, I've made it: I've become a man.

There are so many stories on this website about guys who are in such a bad space socially. They obsess about one girl, about girls who mistreat them, they form bad relationships, and generally have a pretty rotten experience with the opposite sex.

That was me a year and a half ago when I joined SS. I was a virgin, had never been on a date, let alone kissed a girl, and was generally a social retard. I had almost no close friends of either sex and pretty much never went out.

Thanks to SS, I managed to isolate my oneitis in March 2010 and proceeded to have a very toxic "relationship" (no sex because I was a pu$$y) with a girl who already had a bf. I thought she was the only girl for me, and thought about her non-stop to a point where it began to affect my work.

After she dumped me, the year in between now and then was a social experiment. I went out more than I had ever done before and began to get good at talking to girls which, as every player knows, is just one subset of being good at talking to people generally. I went to lots of parties and made out with lots of girls, and also had my first sexual experience, culminating in more oneitis and me getting dumped again. There were so many failures last year... but I learned from them and am a better man because of it.

From having sex once, I then reached the point where you start to have sex/ extended foreplay on a semi-regular basis. I went from girl to girl pretty quickly because I was very good at building attraction, but I could never keep them for more than 1-2 times because as soon as they got to know me, they found out I was a pu$$y. I began to develop the abundance mentality which is preached about so often on here... but deep down I'm not sure I really believed it. I certainly didn't lead a life of abundance: it was almost always one girl at a time.

Fast forward to September this year: I'm finally approaching a level I'm both happy and comfortable with. For the first time in my life, I am actively dating two girls simultaneously. One is a 20 yr old Scottish girl who could easily be a model but doesn't know it; she's the best looking girl I've ever seen naked, a great kisser, and pretty hilarious generally. The other is a 21 yr old Greek girl who is slightly less good looking and slightly more down to earth, but is very intelligent and provides excellent banter.

I'm writing this as a way to encourage newbies on here. Life- and especially women- can seem very tough at times, especially when all the people around you seem to just "get it" and you don't. BUT: no matter how bad you are when you start, if you follow the philosophy of this site, you will become the man of your dreams.

Without wishing to sound cliched, this site has changed my life. And it's only just beginning :)


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
All over the place
Nice to hear you're reaching your goals. It's always nice to see people realize their goals, it gets me riled up to do the same.