I agree with typical on this big time.
These are two schools of thought.
I'm not here to criticize. They both lead to the same thing in different ways.
Let me get this straight. So you say that The whole "pictures tactic" revolves around the fact that you are good looking?
And sending her that "picture" makes her suddenly think....(gasP..I just lost out on a good-looking guy.)
But you know what the irony is?
If your game REVOLVED around your looks at that particular time...she NEVER would have flaked on you in the first place.
It's not your looks. She already knows you're good-looking. She's seen you already. She flaked on you because of something else. Sending that pics doesn't really do shyt because she didn't flake on you because of your looks...
According to your theory, if you were GOOD-looking already...then she never would have flaked..otherwise WHY IN THE FUK would you send her a picture of you when she already saw you?
You're a good looking guy.
She knows you are good looking guy.
She never would have flaked...if it was only your looks that was the problem.
But you see...she DID flake on you.
and what good does sending a picture do?
it's not your looks that suck.
it's something else.
Check out this scenario.
That's like a good-looking guy who talks to a girl.
Girl checks out good-looking guy. She thinks, "he's good looking."
Good-looking guy gets girl's number.
Girl flakes on him.
Good-looking guy thinks to himself, "I have to get her attention back."
Maybe i should send a picture of myself to let her know how hot I am.
Good looking guy thinks, "I should send a picture of myself to make her think again."
it's not your looks. It's your fukin wack ass game. She's already seen you, buddy. and you look like a pathetic loser, sending a pic. Did I mention she's already seen you? And it's not the looks..but your game?
My point is this. If you are good-looking. And you see her. And she flakes on you. She didn't flake on you because of your looks. So what do you do? you send her a picture of yourself like a chump. I don't know a
MAN who sends pictures of themselves.
i don't know how else to explain it. It's like this. You are looking to buy a diamond. There's a guy or girl who shows you a diamond. you decide you don't want the diamond. Then two days later, the guy sends you picture of the diamond. LOOK AT WHAT YOU MISSED OUT!
Fuk you bytch. Stop sending me spam! Stop bothering me! I already saw the diamond already, you dumb fuk!
:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: