A Review of the Basics


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2021
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I see a lot of useless bickering on here about the state of women in general. Women might not be up to the caliber they once were, and they probably have higher standards. Okay. Well guess what? That’s the game now. That’s the premise of approaching women. It is best to accept reality as unchangeable, and then move forward with the best of your ability.

Here are some of the basics that get passed over in favor of endless chatter:

1. You can never force a girl to like you. If she doesn’t like you, she will basically never like you. It is always better to approach another girl than to focus energy and time into a girl who is playing games/not responding quickly. If she’s interested, it will be very obvious.

2. Set a daily or weekly goal of approaches you must do. A good goal is 5-7x per week. Oh, you don’t have time? Too bad. There are women in the gym (which you should be going to), women in shopping areas, women in clothing shops, women walking on the street outside. You don’t have to succeed. You just have to approach. Just countdown “3, 2, 1, GO!” and approach her.

3. You can never fail approaching. Every time you fail, you learn what not to do. Furthermore, you lose nothing. You start off not having her number, in fact not knowing anything about her whatsoever. Either you get her number (gain), or you remain not having her number (stay the same). There is never any loss. I have never been strongly reprimanded even though I have done hundreds of approaches and failed 70-80% of the time.

4. Women are creatures of emotion. They do not care about your logical questions. They especially do not care about your logical answers. You should deflect or tease away the majority of her questions. You should ask questions in a humorous manner. If in college, ask if she majors in dancing. If she asks your hometown and you’re from the countryside, simply say “I’m from the woods”. Always withhold information and deflect. Make her curious. Make her ask more. The more serious you treat women, the worse you will do with them.

5. Assume things about her. Instead of asking her questions, say things like “You seem …”, “You look like a …..”, “I get the feeling you are ….”. Number one, you show confidence by not being afraid to get your assumption wrong. Number two, you can never lose from this. Either you get it right and she thinks you’re a magician, or you get it wrong and she gives you the info anyways. No loss.

6. You are more valuable than most women, you are the prize. Do you seriously think most women have much going on in their lives? I mean they know an incredible amount about Netflix, pop singers, reality TV stars, and their social circle’s drama. But, really — who cares? You probably know how to fix and build real things. You’ve probably striven for goals in your life — physically, socially, vocationally — and hit them. You’ve probably gathered some knowledge about psychology and biology, at least through your learning here. I bet you have interesting hobbies. Most women just don’t have this striving, focused, achieving nature within them. They don’t live to overcome themselves. They are not goddesses.

7. Your focus must be your mission, not women. Men, to be happy, must put standards upon themselves and achieve based on those standards. You must find your duties (gym, meaningful work, a passionate hobby) and submit yourself to such duties. Only by doing so will you grow and become stronger. Spending too much time with women will sap your energy. They are fun to play with, tease, and bang, but in the end it is hard to get anything done with them next to you. You need to cultivate distance, and with that distance focus your gaze on higher goals. Women can come in as a side piece, a bonus, but they should never be the essence of your life.

8. The above mentality (mission over women) will make you more attractive to women. You focus most time on improving yourself, but on the side you can approach girls and see what happens. You should also be too engaged in whatever you are doing to text women quickly. Always wait longer than her with your texts. Does this mean you don’t approach at all? No. But you can include approaching into what you already do. You can approach a chick in the gym in between sets. You can take a break from reading in a coffee shop to go to the bathroom and approach a girl as you come back. You need to go shopping, but you see a cute girl so you take 5 minute break and talk to her.

9. You express your sexuality through controlled physicality (kino). Touch is the biggest signal to women (as well as men) that you like her. Use it. Escalate slowly, in a controlled manner. Go from touching her arm to her shoulder, to her waist, to her thigh. Make it “accidental”, and always escalate after she is giggly after a tease. That way she is not thinking about the escalation. If you escalate quickly but in a controlled manner, you will never have to deal with the friend zone. Either a girl will like you or she will not. You will know very soon, and thus will waste very little of your time.

10. In verbal game, women will attempt to corner you by being serious. You should never answer in a serious manner. Every serious question or accusation (**** test) must be met with nonchalance and humor. The best tactic is agree and amplify. She asks you how many people you’ve slept with? You answer: “Way too many …. I can’t remember”. She attempts to pin you down? Admit it to her: “Yes, 69 bodies”. When you evade enough, she will stop chasing. You can also answer some **** tests by not answering. Simply say nothing and stare at her like you want to bang the **** out of her. Or say “OK” very deadpan. The key thing is not to emotionally react to the **** test.

11. You must have standards for your women. If you are banging a woman and she disrespects you or does something you do not like, you cannot let her step all over you. You must respond …… by not responding. The best defense against disrespect is silence. Do not answer her texts or calls for a few days. Then get back to her with much reluctance. If she asks what is wrong, say that you were busy. If you are with her physically and she disrespects you, tell her very bluntly and in a very calm but dissatisfied manner: “Stop doing XYZ”. Stare her right in the eyes. If she asks why, say “I don’t like it” in a very assertive manner. If she likes you, she will immediately stop and never do it again.

12. Attention is to women as sex is to men. The power women has over us is their vagina. That vagina will make simps do so much, it is incredible. However, we men also have leverage over women: our attention and commitment. Always withhold commitment from women you are seeing. Wait at least a few months before committing to a girl (if she deserves it). Your woman must work for commitment. Respect, regular sex, not arguing — these are all good signs. The moment you commit with her is the moment she feels secure. Do not let it happen too soon. Keep competition anxiety high. Mention that “people keep looking at me in the gym” if you have good muscles. Chat with hot female friends and tease them in front of her. Always make sure she texts and calls more than you. Always. You should be doing better things.

13. Stay healthy — and not for the sake of women. You will have more energy, feel better, have more confidence, and be more excited to approach women when you become healthier. This includes getting a good amount of sleep, not eating junk food crap, going outside, and lifting weights. Your ancestors were warriors and farmers, working hard every day. If they could lift hay bales and bend over farming for 40+ hours a week, can’t you lift iron for only 5 hours a week?

14. Lastly, remember that you should measure your success by how well you are hitting your goals and mission, not based on people’s opinions about you. You can never change someone’s opinion of you. If they don’t like you, so what? Can they stop you from approaching more women? From lifting and getting stronger? From reading and learning more about the world? No. If you let one person’s opinions damage you, you are making yourself the public property of others. If one person can insult and hurt you, then who cannot? Do not be weak. Be a fortress. Judge yourself, but only on the goals and achievements that are within your control. Anything else is useless suffering.
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Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
Great post.

1. You can never force a girl to like you.

In most cases this is true. We should look for genuine desire and never settle for anything less.

Set a daily or weekly goal of approaches you must do.

Assuming you have better results with cold approaching than other options, hell yes.

3. You can never fail approaching.

So true. You miss 100% of the shots you dont take.

4. Women are creatures of emotion.

Emotion and vaginal tingles.

5. Assume things about her and lead the interaction

6. You are more valuable than most women, you are the prize. And if you are not the prize, fake it till you make it.

7. Your focus must be your mission, not women. Life is a cake and women are just the cherry on top.

8. The above mentality (mission over women) will make you more attractive to women. Agree.

9. You express your sexuality through controlled physicality (kino) And lead the sexual interaction.

10. In verbal game, women will attempt to corner you by being serious. Or be at the top of her Desdinovas High Score List. . Women will rarely test you if she thinks you are her best option.

11. You must have standards for your women and stick to them.

12. Attention is to women as sex is to men. Yes, attention/validation, time, and cuddling.

13. Stay healthy and always improve

14. Lastly, remember that you should measure your success by how well you are hitting your goals and mission, not based on people’s opinions about you. Lots of people will try to keep you down. Dont let them


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
This board needed a great post like this. Solid in the fundamentals and positive. Thanks for posting


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
Decent post

4. Women are creatures of emotion. They do not care about your logical questions. They especially do not care about your logical answers. You should deflect or tease away the majority of her questions. You should ask questions in a humorous manner. If in college, ask if she majors in dancing. If she asks your hometown and you’re from the countryside, simply say “I’m from the woods”. Always withhold information and deflect. Make her curious. Make her ask more. The more serious you treat women, the worse you will do with them.
Women are like this because they are spoiled


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2021
Reaction score
Very well said. I see many guys here forgetting 7…they put so much focus on trying to get that puss that they forget their own mission is the most important thing.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2018
Reaction score
Good stuff man.

I like that Mission>Women.

I always remind myself that women must be peripheral. And the mission is central. Never the other way around.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2018
Reaction score
For me, when I'm doing well with women and life:

1. Health and fitness are on point.
2. Earning a lot of money.
3. I know (like really know) that I am better than the woman
4. Guys are respecting me
5. Lifestyle is remarkable
6. Not jerking off
7. Not wasting time, very active


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
14. Lastly, remember that you should measure your success by how well you are hitting your goals and mission, not based on people’s opinions about you. Lots of people will try to keep you down. Dont let them
Good principle. It applies to this forum as well. The best tactic in dealing with the insecure trolls who try to prove their point by incessantly arguing with you is simply not to respond. Any response just leads to more posturing and stupid arguments that lead nowhere. The less you respond, the less you care about their troll response, and thus it doesn’t affect you. On the other hand, the more you reply and argue with them, the more frustrated you get that you can’t get them to submit to defeat (which will never happen). Choose your battles wisely.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2022
Reaction score
1. You can never force a girl to like you. If she doesn’t like you, she will basically never like you. It is always better to approach another girl than to focus energy and time into a girl who is playing games/not responding quickly. If she’s interested, it will be very obvious.
True words. :up:

2. Set a daily or weekly goal of approaches you must do. A good goal is 5-7x per week. Oh, you don’t have time? Too bad. There are women in the gym (which you should be going to), women in shopping areas, women in clothing shops, women walking on the street outside. You don’t have to succeed. You just have to approach. Just countdown “3, 2, 1, GO!” and approach her.
Nike. :up::up::up:

3. You can never fail approaching. Every time you fail, you learn what not to do. Furthermore, you lose nothing. You start off not having her number, in fact not knowing anything about her whatsoever. Either you get her number (gain), or you remain not having her number (stay the same). There is never any loss. I have never been strongly reprimanded even though I have done hundreds of approaches and failed 70-80% of the time.

My sentiments exactly.

I always stress, see if you can bag 3/10.

If you can get at least 30%, you should be fine.

4. Women are creatures of emotion. They do not care about your logical questions. They especially do not care about your logical answers. You should deflect or tease away the majority of her questions. You should ask questions in a humorous manner. If in college, ask if she majors in dancing. If she asks your hometown and you’re from the countryside, simply say “I’m from the woods”. Always withhold information and deflect. Make her curious. Make her ask more. The more serious you treat women, the worse you will do with them.
Ehhh. I see where you are going with it.

Minor disagreement, but please continue..

5. Assume things about her. Instead of asking her questions, say things like “You seem …”, “You look like a …..”, “I get the feeling you are ….”. Number one, you show confidence by not being afraid to get your assumption wrong. Number two, you can never lose from this. Either you get it right and she thinks you’re a magician, or you get it wrong and she gives you the info anyways. No loss.
I see where you are going with this, too.

Problem is, suppose you are off on just about everything.

A good strategy with this approach would be; if you are off on something, when she gives you the info, ask questions and have her expand/expound on it.

Keep in mind, though....all of this yakking is non-sexual time.

She must earn your non sexual attention...and if she manages to make it that far, then she deserves your non sexual attention.

6. You are more valuable than most women, you are the prize. Do you seriously think most women have much going on in their lives? I mean they know an incredible amount about Netflix, pop singers, reality TV stars, and their social circle’s drama. But, really — who cares? You probably know how to fix and build real things. You’ve probably striven for goals in your life — physically, socially, vocationally — and hit them. You’ve probably gathered some knowledge about psychology and biology, at least through your learning here. I bet you have interesting hobbies. Most women just don’t have this striving, focused, achieving nature within them. They don’t live to overcome themselves. They are not goddesses.
OutfreakingSTANDING. :up::up::up::up::up::up::up::up::up::up:

7. Your focus must be your mission, not women. Men, to be happy, must put standards upon themselves and achieve based on those standards. You must find your duties (gym, meaningful work, a passionate hobby) and submit yourself to such duties. Only by doing so will you grow and become stronger. Spending too much time with women will sap your energy. They are fun to play with, tease, and bang, but in the end it is hard to get anything done with them next to you. You need to cultivate distance, and with that distance focus your gaze on higher goals. Women can come in as a side piece, a bonus, but they should never be the essence of your life.
OutfreakinSTANDING. :up::up::up::up::up::up::up::up::up::up::up:

8. The above mentality (mission over women) will make you more attractive to women. You focus most time on improving yourself, but on the side you can approach girls and see what happens. You should also be too engaged in whatever you are doing to text women quickly. Always wait longer than her with your texts. Does this mean you don’t approach at all? No. But you can include approaching into what you already do. You can approach a chick in the gym in between sets. You can take a break from reading in a coffee shop to go to the bathroom and approach a girl as you come back. You need to go shopping, but you see a cute girl so you take 5 minute break and talk to her.
I concur. :up:

9. You express your sexuality through controlled physicality (kino). Touch is the biggest signal to women (as well as men) that you like her. Use it. Escalate slowly, in a controlled manner. Go from touching her arm to her shoulder, to her waist, to her thigh. Make it “accidental”, and always escalate after she is giggly after a tease. That way she is not thinking about the escalation. If you escalate quickly but in a controlled manner, you will never have to deal with the friend zone. Either a girl will like you or she will not. You will know very soon, and thus will waste very little of your time.
I feel it. :up:

10. In verbal game, women will attempt to corner you by being serious. You should never answer in a serious manner. Every serious question or accusation (**** test) must be met with nonchalance and humor. The best tactic is agree and amplify. She asks you how many people you’ve slept with? You answer: “Way too many …. I can’t remember”. She attempts to pin you down? Admit it to her: “Yes, 69 bodies”. When you evade enough, she will stop chasing. You can also answer some **** tests by not answering. Simply say nothing and stare at her like you want to bang the **** out of her. Or say “OK” very deadpan. The key thing is not to emotionally react to the **** test.
Excellent. :up::up:

11. You must have standards for your women. If you are banging a woman and she disrespects you or does something you do not like, you cannot let her step all over you. You must respond …… by not responding. The best defense against disrespect is silence. Do not answer her texts or calls for a few days. Then get back to her with much reluctance. If she asks what is wrong, say that you were busy. If you are with her physically and she disrespects you, tell her very bluntly and in a very calm but dissatisfied manner: “Stop doing XYZ”. Stare her right in the eyes. If she asks why, say “I don’t like it” in a very assertive manner. If she likes you, she will immediately stop and never do it again.
Brilliant. :up::up:

12. Attention is to women as sex is to men. The power women has over us is their vagina. That vagina will make simps do so much, it is incredible. However, we men also have leverage over women: our attention and commitment. Always withhold commitment from women you are seeing. Wait at least a few months before committing to a girl (if she deserves it). Your woman must work for commitment. Respect, regular sex, not arguing — these are all good signs. The moment you commit with her is the moment she feels secure. Do not let it happen too soon. Keep competition anxiety high. Mention that “people keep looking at me in the gym” if you have good muscles. Chat with hot female friends and tease them in front of her. Always make sure she texts and calls more than you. Always. You should be doing better things.
Mannn. I made a thread about using what I call my "ignorement strategy".

When you take your attention away, they go from princesses to peasants.


13. Stay healthy — and not for the sake of women. You will have more energy, feel better, have more confidence, and be more excited to approach women when you become healthier. This includes getting a good amount of sleep, not eating junk food crap, going outside, and lifting weights. Your ancestors were warriors and farmers, working hard every day. If they could lift hay bales and bend over farming for 40+ hours a week, can’t you lift iron for only 5 hours a week?
Become eye candy to these brawds.

When she is out with her man, have her stealing glances at you.


Improving your physical self is at least 90% of the battle, in my opinion.

14. Lastly, remember that you should measure your success by how well you are hitting your goals and mission, not based on people’s opinions about you. You can never change someone’s opinion of you. If they don’t like you, so what? Can they stop you from approaching more women? From lifting and getting stronger? From reading and learning more about the world? No. If you let one person’s opinions damage you, you are making yourself the public property of others. If one person can insult and hurt you, then who cannot? Do not be weak. Be a fortress. Judge yourself, but only on the goals and achievements that are within your control. Anything else is useless suffering.
And the cherry on top to that, don't care about what the WOMAN thinks (David X).
