A recurring problem with my friends...


Oct 17, 2017
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So I stopped the car and said she should ring clown boy and left her on the side of the road.
This was the correct response and I applaud you for it.

Why? many others would have brewed....and brewed.......and you know that never ends well.

You nipped it in the bud good and quick.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
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In my experience these types of women have very little stability in their lives. They have mediocre jobs and are financiallyand emotionally unstable. Overall they are depressed and need someone to make them feel good about themselves. Men gawking at them does the trick. The problem is that it's only NEW men that do it. Once you inflate their ego enough times.... they build an immunity to your compliments. Thus needing new compliments from someone else. This is a never ending cycle because the true problem with these women is that their life is in the toilet and until they fix that and truly become independent they arent worth your time. It is an endless tornado of destruction where they take and take and take and never give anything back.

As the post above mentioned, as men, we need to do a better job screening these women before we let them in with their emotional baggage, financial needs, and overall destructive behavior. It doesn't matter if she's a 10. I'd take a 7 that is a stable financially independent women with her sh*t together any day over a 10 that is a trainwreck.
Is addiction the new normal? What you say about women here is equally applicable to men... but with men pornography fills the gap.

Addiction does seem to be the new normal... and it is probably the root cause for 95% of the problems you see... one way or the other.

It is an interesting word - ad-dict-ion [to words]. This suggests that the primary addiction is being stuck on words, or in other words, ideology. If so, then that is the mother of all addictions. And if this is the case, then freeing one's mind from ideology [or the ego.. which is the same thing essentially] could entail freedom from all addictions. Then the world would be your oyster once again... which you could choose to eat or not.

A lot of 'ifs'. But if you are not prepared to look into the possible conditions that might shape experience, then you will not get very far.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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There must be something in the water because I've had FOUR really good friends in the last couple of weeks have the same problem with their relationship chicks. That problem is that their chick suddenly started getting b!tchy. We have all been there, here is the reason it happens and what you should ALWAYS do:

Reason: There is another dude, who she THINKS is better than you, is in the picture who, at some level, expressed interest in your chick. Her hypergamy is being triggered and she is starting to think she can do better. This is the case 75% of the time, the remaining 25% could be a function hormone because of her age or mental state. She's likely not crazy... just preping to monkey branch.

Solution: There will be relationship coaches that tell you it's your fault... because they make money convincing you that, YOU CAN do something about this. They play on the natural male trait to want to fix sh!t that goes sideways... truth is there isn't anything you can directly once it starts to happen. If you have not ALWAYS put effort into yourself, trying to be the best man possible then you will not avoid other dudes looking better than you do.

The only thing you can do in this case, is focus on yourself... don't 'try' to fix anything or make her happy. God help you, but if you are married, no matter what you do you are fvcked, because when you start focusing on self improvement, you will be told you are 'ignoring' her, and this will drive her off, if you do nothing... she will become b!tchyer and b!tchyer, as you slide into fatness and misery. She owns your balls, so get ready to have them chopped off, divorce is expensive because it is worth it. Bite the bullet and divorce her... if she will not come around, end it. It will be painful (trust me I know) but it is the ONLY way.

If you are not married, just break up with her and start dating other chicks. She might come back around, but if she doesn't so what... there are other chicks.

Bottom line the only way to deal with a b!tchy chick is to fvcking walk away from it... if she is no fun she gets ignored.
the solution to monkey branching is to force her to make a hard choice and stick with it as soon as you suspect her of monkey branching

the instant you suspect that she's spending less time with you because she has someone else or that she's not as affectionate because her love is going somewhere else or less sex because she's tired from being pumped by other guys, etc. etc. etc. that's the moment when you gotta deliver some variety of "get your **** together rn or I'll find a girl with her **** together"

if she's nowhere near close to being able to replace you (she's still in the stage of flirting with her tinder matches or swiping for more), she'll drop her replacements because unless she's a complete and utter moron she won't drop a sure thing for a complete unknown

if she's about to replace you anyway you'll get resistance or a hard no or she'll just outright drop you right there, which is exactly what would've happened by the end of the week regardless.

if she's in the middle she'll likely want to stall for time or otherwise get you to back down, don't fall for it.

viable alternative solutions are as follows:
1. dump her for being disloyal because who wants a girl that tries to find a new man before the new car smell ran out on the old one?
2. simply shrug your shoulders, start spinning plates, and basically not give a **** who she picks


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
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They crave emotional excitement just like we crave physical excitement.

Familiarity does breed contempt... that is certain.

There must be some biological connection to this behavior.
Seeking a biological explanation is the delusion of ideology.

The aberrant behavior [which we instinctively recognize from a moral perspective] is itself due to ideology - that one is an individual, a homo economicus, cut adrift in a ruthless marketplace of a world... where life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Never underestimate their sheep minds and the impact their friends could have on her.

If there is a guy in their social circle that they like more than you, you can be sure they will make their mission to take her away and couple with him.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
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Really... please tell.me about myself. This should be good.

My advice is simple be the best you can... but there are always better men out there and there is nor

While I appreciate the wall of text and personality analysis, based on my assumed history, you have missed my point... and really do not understand what I am all about.

Do not listen to me if you intend to maintain a relationship. I do not believe LTRs are possible in modern society. You can say my attitude is based on past experience, and you are right... everyone's attitude is based on past experience... and what we observe. You can ether learn those lessons or continue to get burned... your choice. I like my life, it works for me... if you are a guy that feels the need to chain yourself to one chick... have at it, but the odds are stacked WAY against you.
Agreed to the point that nobody is the best. And what a woman (or a man) chooses to do to damage that relationship is completely up to them. However, often times failures in relationships are due to the things that I listed; the men are failing in some aspect of the relationship. Struggles arise and one party chooses to bail. If that were the case every time, relationships wouldn't exist at all.

What I mainly disagree with is pushing an agenda based on your experiences and your friends, which you use to provide support for your argument. Your answer is to cut chase when things challenging behaviors arise, and that is likely due to your experiences and your current sexual strategy.

I have noticed since I have come here that this place does make me hypersensitive to behavior changes in women. I suppose a side effect of the red pill, where reading others experiences and attempting to relate to your own.

For example, my good buddy recently told me his wife has been having an emotional (supposedly) affair since January and wants a divorce. And while it was her choice to follow that behavior, I told him it was his fault. What are your thoughts before reading more?

-4 years ago, he was in an accident.
-Constant back pain, like always heavily medicated - permanent nerve damage
-has had sex with her 5 times in the last 3 years
-sleep apnea, so he sleeps with a CPAP
-he now plays video games 3-4 hours a day
-house dad, doesn't work
-He is like a maid for his wife who makes over 200k a year (think alimony and child support for her)
-He has no goals, other than raising his kids
-She runs the ship and sets up routines for their week nights and weekends
-he doesn't hang with friends (except me now)

The list goes on...

He recently told me that sex tapered after they dated for 6 months, and they went into "roommate" mode very early in the relationship. But he still married her 4 years later... It was his fault then for selecting her and his fault now. I am willing to bet most relationships fail because a man's poor selection or his failure to lead.

That was wayyy too long, so if you made it this far, thanks for reading!