A recent situation i need help with before its too late


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2009
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jesus you were annoying as fvck to read in that convo.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
yea bro, the absolute best thing you can do right now....is to let this one go.

You are giving off the dreaded "Creeper" vibe. You don't mean to but adolescent girls spread the news like wildfire and it will really hurt your game in highschool, you NEED to leave her be. That is...if you plan on getting your d!ck wet in your highschool years.

The worst thing you can do right now is talk to her at all, if she texts you...ignore her, if she calls....ignore it...., if she says hi to you @ school in person go ahead and wave...but keep your chin up and roll on by. This will eliminate your creep status from her mind. You really need to adhere to this advice or your setting yourself up for failure over a girl that is not worth your time.

Gotta look at things outside of the box. Can you imagine what she is saying to her friends? About the guy that is always looking at her from across the way, or passing by the lunch table and feebly muttering "hi/hello". Those girls then tell other girls and its a huge fvckfest for your reputation....which is important at your age.

Find a new chick for us to help you with, that you have a pretty fresh start with. Then make a topic, and we will coach you from the earliest of stages.

:) Good luck, and hope you get something new for us to give you a hand with.


Don Juan
Dec 13, 2009
Reaction score
It's over guys. She told me off last night. Said I tried talking to her too much. I'll tell you what she said when I come back from school


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
pvf94 said:
yea bro, the absolute best thing you can do right now....is to let this one go.

You are giving off the dreaded "Creeper" vibe. You don't mean to but adolescent girls spread the news like wildfire and it will really hurt your game in highschool, you NEED to leave her be. That is...if you plan on getting your d!ck wet in your highschool years.

The worst thing you can do right now is talk to her at all, if she texts you...ignore her, if she calls....ignore it...., if she says hi to you @ school in person go ahead and wave...but keep your chin up and roll on by. This will eliminate your creep status from her mind. You really need to adhere to this advice or your setting yourself up for failure over a girl that is not worth your time.

Gotta look at things outside of the box. Can you imagine what she is saying to her friends? About the guy that is always looking at her from across the way, or passing by the lunch table and feebly muttering "hi/hello". Those girls then tell other girls and its a huge fvckfest for your reputation....which is important at your age.

Find a new chick for us to help you with, that you have a pretty fresh start with. Then make a topic, and we will coach you from the earliest of stages.

:) Good luck, and hope you get something new for us to give you a hand with.


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2009
Reaction score
jwei44 said:
It's over guys. She told me off last night. Said I tried talking to her too much. I'll tell you what she said when I come back from school

Didn't I tell you not to contact her?

If you had simply acted cordial, the topic never should have swayed to this. Oh and props to guy above who posted about the "creeper" vibe, I had a bit of trouble explaining that.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
Recon said:
Didn't I tell you not to contact her?

If you had simply acted cordial, the topic never should have swayed to this. Oh and props to guy above who posted about the "creeper" vibe, I had a bit of trouble explaining that.
Thank you :) I need to get back on here and start helping some more. Haha, sorry to hear of your anticipated outcome threadstarter.


Don Juan
Dec 13, 2009
Reaction score
Recon said:
Didn't I tell you not to contact her?

If you had simply acted cordial, the topic never should have swayed to this. Oh and props to guy above who posted about the "creeper" vibe, I had a bit of trouble explaining that.
she talked to me firstt.do you guys wanna hear what she said or is it okay? lol. ive been chill about it all day.


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2009
Reaction score
jwei44 said:
she talked to me firstt.do you guys wanna hear what she said or is it okay? lol. ive been chill about it all day.

I'm glad to see your taking it well. Like I said before update as much as you'd like


Don Juan
Dec 13, 2009
Reaction score

i uploaded the pictures cause i was on my iTouch when she talked to me first. but anyway.. just tell me what i should say should she come back as she said in the last IM she sent. Ill cut her out from now on but leave contacts open. I can act cordial like you said, but im moving on just to let you know

ps - dont im her please. she'll think its me and thats going to be bad for my rep or whateverr


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2009
Reaction score
jwei44 said:

i uploaded the pictures cause i was on my iTouch when she talked to me first. but anyway.. just tell me what i should say should she come back as she said in the last IM she sent. Ill cut her out from now on but leave contacts open. I can act cordial like you said, but im moving on just to let you know

ps - dont im her please. she'll think its me and thats going to be bad for my rep or whateverr
Excuse me? I can't see any of these pictures, it'd be easier just to put the text into your post


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2009
Reaction score
jwei44 said:
It says I do not have the password?

I'm editing this because I reached my 10 post limit. Anyways, All I can say is wow..

Not only is she b1tchy, but your coming off as a major creep.

Were you actually iming her from random sn's? I'd like to think you werent, but I've seen alot of friends go down an "internet stalking" road.

Even if you werent, the fact that she associated you with such "stalkerish" tendencies tells alot about what she thinks of you. Hopefully you can understand that. Women associate things with emotion, and sorry buddy but you and "weird, creep, sketch, stalker, loser" are soul mates in her mind.

So the real way you two go in touch was through facebook status? You indirectly said that she used you?


She even knew about your winter ball plans? Couldnt keep that to yourself?

You also used terms such as "we" and "us", and parting ways when she had no romantic feelings for you. Not only did this destroy whatever hope you had of saving face with her and her friends. Your school reputation could easily be destroyed when she shows her peers what you have been sending so that they can have a good laugh at you. I feel for you man.

I thought there was maybe something to salvage, but she has literally cut you off. There is no tomorrow, or better days.

Cut all contact, do not look at her, and never mention her name. DO NOT SPEAK ABOUT THIS WITH YOUR FRIENDS EITHER. (It will only have more people spreading misinterpreted stories about you)

If anyone asks you about it, just brush it of. Change the subject, or say "what are you talking about?"

Cleanse yourself of this mistake and hope for the best

Be glad your done with her because she is not a quality woman. Try to game other woman as soon as possible.
Last edited:


Sep 18, 2009
Reaction score
1. she's a cold, stuck-up b1tch
2. disgustingly, you have one-itis for her...NO girl should matter so much that you keep wondering what to do if she talks to you or something
3. STOP. IMING/TEXTING. SO. MUCH. it took me years of my young life to learn this, but it doesn't do anything unless you're setting up plans or something or throwing a couple quick jokes. it's hurt you tremendously
4. if you've already read the bible, re-read it
5. stop apologizing and having to explain yourself to her all the time
6. it's ridiculous that you were saying things like "so we go our separate ways" and stuff. from what you said, it looks like you hardly even talked to her. she was right about that much, constant texting and IMing IS annoying and most people will just start ignoring you instead of telling you to stop.


Don Juan
Dec 13, 2009
Reaction score
yeah guys ive learned from this. my friends say if she contacts me, be the biggest jerk i can.

and no iwas not random sning


Sep 18, 2009
Reaction score
DON'T be a jerk. That's not what No Contact is about. You'll just make it seem to her and EVERYONE that you were bitter about liking her and her not liking you back. Just be polite and respond to her if she tries to talk to you but DON'T start conversations with her or text her or anything like that.


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2009
Reaction score
sageproduct said:
DON'T be a jerk. That's not what No Contact is about. You'll just make it seem to her and EVERYONE that you were bitter about liking her and her not liking you back. Just be polite and respond to her if she tries to talk to you but DON'T start conversations with her or text her or anything like that.
Sage, I spelled this exact advice out to him about two or three times. He doesn't seem to be getting it. I broke the whole thing down for him on the previous page and he comes with the same sh1t. Dont bother anymore.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
poor jwei :/ just go back and re-read the parts that say "leave her alone, don't talk to her anymore, NO contact, leave it be, let it die, let it blow up, forget her, move on, oneitis is bad for you, yadda yadda yadda"

You will get over it soon enough. Lol


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2009
Reaction score
jwei44 said:
sorry guys. im slow. but i get it now tahnks
Dude, look your apologizing again. One rule of thumb is only say sorry when you've truly done something wrong. I live by that advice, though others may disagree.

Instead of saying sorry, just say you feel bad about it. Just like the word I love you has lost alot of meaning in today's society because it is simply overused.

Good luck with the future girls. Post back when you find a date. (Use your friend only has a last option.)

Btw, there are very few guys who actually "get it", and I can't say I'm one of then yet so keep working hard!

If you really want advice, look up "Igetit!" or "Solomon", or eaglez (I can't remember the numbers) who post's alot in the HS forum. They know their stuff.