A Question of Truth


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2002
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a lot of us actually paid some attention in history class... we know the kinds of things that ravaged your generation and have taken good notes. Are a lot of us ****ed up? You better believe it, but no more than you guys were during the sixties and seventies... hell... in many ways, we may be less. Now I know you are going to say that we are merely spitting on the generations that proceeded us and that may be true to a degree, but the fact is... just because something happened to you in your lifetime... does not mean it will happen to us.
Thank you! Honestly, Puerto Rican Lover, you gotta just chill the hell out. Go take a smoke. Just try not to be so critical in your posts.

Nov 6, 2003
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Wisconsin. USA
Jester and other young DJ's - you dudes are the direct fruit of the 1960/70's thinking!! Do not dismiss it!!

Matrix Reloaded, there is nothing new under the sun - the instincts and nature of men and women have not changed over all the generations that existed - so this has nothing to do with generational difference.

Abazllna, I am deeply critical...


critical (krît´î-kel) adjective
Abbr. crit.

*** Characterized by careful, exact evaluation and judgment ***

My evaluation and judgment is careful and exact because the situation, condition, and thinking of that which I judge is at extreme fault. It is my duty to enlighten the less enlightened!!

I would not be so critical if the results and outcome of your faulty thinking/actions were not so severe!! Nonetheless, the truth is what it is and it does not need approval. In order to reveal 'truth' one must be critical! "Critical' is a good thing!!!!

I use the term 'Fool' as a term of endearment - don't take it personal!:D

I shall clarify my stance in an upcoming post so that you may be furthered enlightened!


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2002
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My evaluation and judgment is careful and exact because the situation, condition, and thinking of that which I judge is at extreme fault. It is my duty to enlighten the less enlightened!!
Please, don't flatter yourself. You're blushing lol



New Member
Jul 7, 2004
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Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
All the young horish girls in America want to get screwed but most women in the world want a man (not his penis) to build a future and a family. Sexual ‘desire’ is ingrained within all of us so that we may be naturally attracted to each other. This is different than the statement, “All women want to get f@cked”!!

It is each other’s COMPLEMENTARY nature that we truly and naturally seek – NOT sex!!!! I wrote a thread on it for your edification – read it!!! The penis and the vagina are merely physical traits that are used for the acts of procreation and they are NOT the ESSENCE of who we are as a man and a woman!!!!!!!

You, of the effeminate, sex-crazed drug addicted, pill-popping generation whose parents are of the 1960/70's feminist/homo/drug culture, know nothing else but what you see and you have been damaged by the TV/Music mass-media indoctrination and have been made to believe that every man and woman on the planet wants each other for sex!! WRONG!!

Your thinking is the byproduct of the hor/fag culture that you and your parents embraced!! Muslims have rejected your/America's sick corrupt thinking/culture Those countries/peoples who haven't been infected by the effeminate/hor culture that America has forced upon the world, have men who still act like men and women who act like women and keep their TRUE natures as God intended!

We have innate sexual desires for the purpose of attracting one another but it is not for the ‘sex act’ that we crave, rather it is for each other’s companionship and yes LOVE and sex is merely a byproduct of this relationship that is needed for procreation!!

You can have 1000 hors and you will never feel fulfilled and will always be wanting!! Most men tire of women after they have been with them for a long period and she/you better have something more than her vagina and your penis if you plan to stay together.

I can’t imagine an 60, 70, 80 year old women saying they want a penis – never heard it yet – they always want companionship and love though – always – whether it be it from a man or a family member!

The hors you young minds are referring to “that want penis” are the most lonely, miserable creatures on the planet – these are bitter women who lash out at men and are men haters.The American condition of women proves their miserable degraded state of existence!! Men have abandoned these hors and the hors are crying out, with their child, alone in the wilderness asking the courts for child support from their latest pimp who got her pregnant!!

Go to your Court houses around the country and view the carnage for yourself!! Hell, just look at your window and see all the single hors with babies – ABANDONED. The vagina didn’t keep the man – did it??? Nor did the ‘penis’ keep the woman!!! What is missing??? Find the answer in my thread!!!

Women hate to be alone, especially as they age and are desperate to find COMPANIONSHIP and maybe LOVE – if they are lucky!! Many women have children from a pimp for the mere purpose of not being alone!!! The child support, if they get it, is a bonus!!

Metal - If I call a hor a hor it is not out of bitterness, resentment, cynicism – it is out of reality. I never had a disease and I never paid child support to a hor, I never had a divorce, and have avoided and narrowly escaped being a victim of these masculine hors you call women.

You must embrace reality!! I will never call a ‘lion’ a ‘kitten‘– only fools do such and such mis-categorization will get you eaten alive – and many men have been and are getting eaten alive from these hors because they didn’t see them for what they were – a hor!!!

I, my little DJ’s, have never been bitten let alone eaten because I always saw the hor for what she was/is – a ‘Hor’!! Embracing the ‘truth’ of a thing is positive – and blindly holding onto a ‘falsehood’ of a thing is ‘negative’.

You young DJ’s are extremely negative and blinded and will be bitten and hopefully not devoured for rejecting reality and “The natural order of things”!!

Case in point. When we became young boys/girls, (8 – 14 years old) there was something about girls that was different (her complementary nature) and this nature attracted us boys to girls and vice versa. At this age we are not thinking, “I want his penis” nor “I want her vagina” – we don’t even know what ‘it’ is or looks like and have no inkling of what to do with it.

This proves that we have a NATURAL attraction to bring the male and female in union with one another and this has absolutely nothing to do with her wanting my penis nor me wanting her vagina!!! This is a natural innate predisposed genetic trait in ALL men and women – you can call it our sexuality – yes – but our sexuality is much more than our penis and vagina!! It is truly our complementary natures.

But you of the hor/effeminate generation have been bombarded with sexual imagery all your life through mass media in every form – written,verbal, pictorial, musical etc..
And your schools promote and encourage sex by children and have condom vending machines on school premises for crying out loud!!!! Condom vending machines - how in the hell has it become our educational institutions ‘responsibility to provide condoms to kids??????

Is it no wonder we are producing illiterates and we are in decline comparatively to other countries?? Now they teach children ‘Homosexuality’ under the subtext of ‘Diversity’ and tell children to embrace this horrendous act as ‘natural’ and ‘good’!!! We actually invite homos to school to speak to children – HUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I understand why you young bastards are so delusional - you have been weaned all your life in a sex-crazed society by hors/feminists and effeminate teachers and parents!!

Women don’t want a penis, they want a man! Hors want a penis!!! Just because you have lived under corrupt conditions all your life and your parents and teachers and those who control the mass media have encouraged this corruption doesn’t mean that this is “The natural order of things”.

A lie is still a lie no matter how many believe it!!! The truth always remains and it is what it is!! If 98% of the people embrace a lie, this large number doesn’t make it ‘the truth’ – they just have ‘corrupted’ the truth to embrace and promote what they want others to believe and what they want!!

Not all women are hors and not all women want to get screwed. Have a greater perspective and see the world outside of your own corrupt city, state, and country!
this thread has gotten g@y. Jester i got ur baq on this,but U said SS is desparate.:eek:
(ill read all u posters bull**** and come baq later, :cool: )
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Wonderbbread, Of course I am making generalization when I speak of culture and today’s parents – your parents are of my generation and I know the thinking of my generation quite well. I blame my generation for the corrupt thinking of the current generation – we have corrupted you!! I’m not blaming you for your state of mind or condition as a group - I blame my generation who ‘pushed’ and forced fed us the hor/fag/feminist agenda over the past 40 years!

These are the 3 reasons why DJ’s don’t like what I say…

1. I mention GOD. This is my prerogative and I will not be quieted by those who do not believe in GOD! If you think humans are the Supreme ones in the universe then that makes President Bush the Supreme being of all of us since he has the command of the weapons to destroy the earth 10,000 times over!! Mr Bush is your leader!!!!! May God help us!!! Pray to your human leader, I’ll pray to my spiritual one!!

2. I mention “Hors”. A ‘Hor’ is what a ‘Hor’ does - why call her out of her name?? She is what she is – I have nothing to do with her horish actions – so don’t blame me for her actions – chastise her not me!

I mention ‘Homos’/’Fags’. The anus was not made for intrusion it is made for objects to protrude – this is quite elementary. I agree that all men are not created with the most masculine traits and some feminine traits override the masculine ones – we are all different – but again the penis doesn’t belong in a man’s anus – your homo theories and suppositions are non-sensical!!!

DJ Metal – of course we agree on the inbred sexuality of women but the statement that Jester was pronouncing is not the best way to state this premise – it is a vulgar way to express our sexuality because “sexuality” involves more than our penis and vagina!! And “No”, not all women want penis!!

Lesbians [women] do not want it – it is just not the man’s penis that they reject – they are rejecting our sexuality as men and the dominance and control that this entails. They reject out total being as men!!!!! Lesbians want the submissive nature of women and not penis!

Most women over 30 are not looking for it – they want companionship/family/security/love/your money etc.. They are fearful of being alone with no child or husband for the next 50 years. Older women usually grab the first guy that accepts them and cling to him hoping for a long term COMMITMENT! They want commitment and not penis!.

Married women don’t want it! – How many men after marriage have complained that the sex STOPS or comes in trickles?? Many men complain about this treachery – the ho was giving it up before we were married then once I committed myself she don’t want it any more – IT WAS A TRAP!!! I’ve been bamboozled, hoodwinked, misled!!!”

I would think if married women wanted a penis they could have it everyday yet they refuse to partake – Why??

Very old women want and prefer companionship and not the penis!!

Actually some women don’t like sex!!!

11 year old girls don’t want the penis. They want “Boys” (their complementary partner) As boys we gravitate and are attracted to ‘Girls’ before we even know that our penis is used for more than urinating.

As stated before, our sexual desire is within our genetic makeup at birth and this sexual desire encompasses more than the penis – the sexual organs are not what we truly seek – it is our innate complementary natures that attract us one to another and will keep us together in the long run!!.

Modern day masculine Hors are an aberration to their feminine submissive nature and yes they want the penis!!!! And yes, it is plainly obvious that most American women are hors!!

Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
Originally posted by LikRetsam
I like pie.
LMAO. That had me laughing for a while

Raptured Phoenix

Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
Asheville, NC, USA
you all realize that by argueing...

you are each simply projecting YOUR personality, YOUR way of DJing, YOUR likes/dislikes, YOUR "vibes" onto the other person?

Don't know what I mean?

I know a girl, she is pretty aware of her own processes (hell shes like the only girl who gave FEELINGS when I asked what she looked for in a guy) anyway, one time she basically told me that she mirrors whatever mood the guy set.

Did you hear that? SHE MIRRORS YOU. That means, if you are slutty to her, she will be slutty to you. If you are loving to her, she will be loving to you.

Now this is just ONE girl. PuertoRicanLover, you seem like a really warm caring kind of person. A 'good' guy. (not a 'nice guy') guess what kinds of women he will attract, and how they will act towards him...

Jester, quite honestly you do sound like some guy who will have AIDS and 3 kids for child support due to busted condoms by the time your 35. I'm not being mean, just being honest. You can tell a lot about people just by the certain words they choose to use. (Phucking/Sex D1ck/penis)

The use of these words alone suggests that you have a 'dirty' view on sex. To you its about an animal lusting getting a nut off type of thing, while I can almost assure you to PRL its a special emotional experience.

You two come from different social and mental worlds. Each of your realities is very different. You argue as if the way YOU experience the world is the only way everyone else experiences it.

PRL , did you have a passive feminine mother?
Jester, did you have an aggressive overbearing mother?

Although we as DJ's might feel it as an attack on our 'wisdom' for someone to mention a different type of women, it would be naive to believe the women we've attracted and interacted with and find attractive are what ALL women are like.

Face it guys, your experiences are limited by your own willpower...you don't know about the women you wouldn't want to know about.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Great insight 'Raptured' and yes my mother was a woman and not a hor - submissive and true to her intended nature - "Old school" as you youngsters say!!
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by MetalFortress
So why don't you got a submissive woman of your own yet?
Is there any available in 2004?? Also, if there are, I must be "attracted to her"!! Difficult find - extremely difficult plus she must meet my other criterion - a virtual impossibility!

It doesn't matter how good-looking you are, how romantic you are, how funny you are... or anything else. If she doesn't have something INVESTED in you and the relationship, preferably quite a LOT invested, she'll dump you, without even the slightest hesitation, as soon as someone a little more "interesting" comes along.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
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Some hope for the new generation

I've stated that I'm near PRL's age and agree with much (not all) of what he says.

I'll give my take on the younger generation.

I think you guys (and gals) can do a great deal of change in our society if you decide to not follow in the footsteps of my generation and the one above me.

For all the good things some of us "oldsters" have done, we have also formed this sick, U.S. commerical culture, which praises the almighty dollar, endorses cheating on spouses and girlfriends, has priced college education through the roof, and has brought you bad fast food, gas guzzling SUVs, bad music, drugs, cheap literature, Enron, stupid overseas wars, incredible poverty, and the dehumanization of mankind.

I work at a university and must say I do like a lot of what I see in the younger generation. They're more polished in how they meet and greet people, and they have a great deal of confidence. Some of the stuff I can do without (piercings and tattoos) but I'm old school).

For the most part, your generation has this country by the b-lls if you want it! Don't listen to what TV (produced by my generation) tells you -- it's wrong! Don't follow advertising, change the awful divorce rate (thanks to my generation) to a much lower number.

Be DJs as in don't be mysoginistic, treat women with respect, but ask that they treat you with respect. Don't build your life around women. Seek class and a warm heart first in a woman and you'll go far.

I'm confident this generation can turn things around if they would just turn off the TV, don't listen to Eminem or bad rap, treat people with respect, and re-create our sick U.S. culture.

Be leaders, not followers!


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2003
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PRL, I can tell you are a religous person, but think realistically for one f*cking minute. People CANNOT help their sexual orientation. If you believe otherwise then you're the one with the corrupted thinking. Do you honestly think homosexuals enjoy being ridiculed by society? Oh the benefits they get by taking it up the ass!!!! Gimme a f*cking break.

Now on to the main argument:

PRL, if your mother was human, then she couldn't wait to get railed by your daddy.

You spoke of Muslim women in one of your posts. Its funny that you mention them, because in most middle eastern countries it is AGAINST THE LAW for women to go anywhere in public without their husband at their side. Women in these countries have to hide their faces and cover their entire bodies in public or they will be KILLED. No f*cking sh!t they aren't hors. Do you think they have any choice?

Do you know how many abortions there are in the U.S. every year? About 3 million. Here are some facts (worldwide figures) taken directly from abortionfacts.com:

The Alan Guttmacher Institute reports approximately 22 million legal abortions were reported in 1987.
It is estimated that between four and nine million were not reported, totaling of 26-31 million legal abortions in 1987 alone.
There were a total of 10-22 million "clandestine" abortions, bringing the total worldwide figure to 36 and 53 million abortions.

Women have abortions because of unwanted pregnancy. Now for every aborted pregnancy there are at least 2 (or more) unwanted pregnancies that aren't aborted. Wait.. you mean people have sex for fun?!?! You can do the math, but it looks to me like there are a whole lot of 'hors' on this planet, and that doesn't even account for all the pregnancies that were PREVENTED due to the use of birth control (a whole 'nother story). Now this is just a hunch.. I mean I'm pulling this straight out of my f*cking ass, but maybe women ENJOY getting f*cked.

You could be right, PRL. Maybe God only gave cl!ts to "hors." I mean, why would any real woman need a cl!t? She's not after sex, right?


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
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Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
Is there any available in 2004?? Also, if there are, I must be "attracted to her"!! Difficult find - extremely difficult plus she must meet my other criterion - a virtual impossibility!
Yeah, they ARE available - you could spend the time you spend on this site, looking for them. Chances are you, like most here, simply overlook them.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
dbot, my misguided brother you obviously do not read for understanding and just 'throw out' statistics to make a point!! I have not belonged to a religion or gone to church in 26 years but you guys on this site are definitely driving me in that direction!!

You bastards scare me in your deviant thinking!!

There is no such thing as "orientation" regarding our sexuality - you have been brainwashed or a homo yourself - there are only two complementary natures regarding our humanity- male and female. This is not very complicated.

America has been the promoter of 100's of millions of abortions worldwide since early 20th century - we have corrupted the inhabitants of the earth to legitimize murder!!! There are many reasons for abortion but I'll tell you one thing, this abortion "kill the fruit of my womb' thing is a modern day massacre phenomena led by European countries across the planet.

You had others in the past perform abortions but never 100's of million in a century's time!!!! American and the British peoples have corrupted the earth - peoples have adopted the thinking of a corrupt people!! Where is the world getting "the 'pill' from?? You guessed it!!??

You are corrupted in your thinking and you are the average joe of your generation!!

You must think deeper - the ****oris doesn't define a woman's sexual nature - think please!!


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2003
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hahaha. Your comment had absolutely nothing to do with my post. I never said abortion was a good thing, so please don't put words in my mouth. I used those statistics to give you an idea of how many unwanted pregnancies there are on this planet. If people aren't having sex to reproduce, then maybe they just enjoy having sex.

As for your theory of there not being such a thing as sexual orientation, you're wrong. A human being is either attracted to males, females, or both. Nobody has control of what sex they are instinctively attracted to. Asuming you're a heterosexual male, then the following is true:

Males do not turn you on. You cannot look at a hot guy and pop a boner. Even if you tried, you cannot make yourself attracted to men. Thus, you have no controll over your sexual preference. Guess what? Neither do homosexuals.

Now instead of responding to my posts with nonsense, bring some valid points into your argument.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
Where is the world getting "the 'pill' from?? You guessed it!!??
What is so bad about the pill? Without birth control we would have MANY MANY more abortions. Way to contradict yourself.

Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
... led by European countries across the planet.
I'm not gonna say anything about that one.
Last edited:
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Hahaha, you must be young, abortions have skyrocketed since the 'pill' - early 1960's!! Who is contradicting himself? Please do your research!! Abortions todays are like getting a 'flu' shot in years past - commonplace and no social stigma!!

Women have become bolder and more promiscuous (horish) since they had better control of their reproductive organs through the pill and legalized murder - and now with the 'morning after' pill these hors are screwing everyone without consequence!!

Yet hors still get pregnant - nature (sperm/egg) combo is powerful and will not be denied!! You must make a willful act and kill the seed of your lust!!!

In fact Europeans and Americans are the biggest advocates and promoters of abortion in Africa/India/Asia/Latin America - they even mudered and advocated decreasing the population of the earth in the early 20 th century through "EUGENICS" - Hitler nazism was based on this superior/inferior peoples concept - truly corrupt thinking!!

Please read up on EUGENICs and Magaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood = she wanted to kill the "inferior" people of the earth!! She was truly a devil!!!

They changed the term "Eugenics" to "family planning" so that it may be more palatable amongst the gullible masses!!

The "BUSH" family are advocates of Eugenics and mass murder!!

Read and then read some more before you respond!!!
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
The sick HOMO population on SOSUAVE must be eradicated if this site is to be a viable outlet for men's romantic development!!!!

Cyrano De Bergerac and dbot should be the first ones to be hanged!!


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2003
Reaction score
First of all, men love sex. Women do too, but have been unable to show it for so long due to the authority of men and the pressures of society. Throughout the 20th century women have made leaps and bounds in their push for equality among sexes. Abortions didn't go up because a pill was invented. Abortions went up because:

1. They were legalized (found acceptable in a supreme court case)
2. Since the 60's more and more women began to embrace their sexuality rather than hide it, therefore more women began to have sex with more men. In fact, sexual activity continues to increase every year.

Now while the introduction of the pill may have led to increased carelessless with sex, the world is DEFINATELY better off with birth control than without it.

As for those "real" women who don't want sex, they're only bottling up their desires because they know that there are d!cks like you who still live by the double standard that men can do it but women are "hors" for it.

Sir, I mean you no disrespect, but your generation needs to grow the f*ck up and realize that times HAVE changed, and that humans are just that... HUMANS. Male or female, we all have sexual desires and we would have no reason to reproduce if that weren't the case. Women are just starting (and they have a long ways to go) to give themselves the sexual freedom that men have always taken for granted.

I understand what you were trying to get across earlier, PRL. I agree with you that marriages based completely on sex do not last. I agree with you that women look for security in a man. But 99.99% of the people in this forum are in highschool, and can't even imagine themselves getting married. We're just a bunch of horny punks that wanna get laid. F*ck marriage! The type of women you speak of are in their 30s and 40s and want to settle down, and find a good husband so they can start a family. The girls we're after just want a hot guy that they can f*ck around with and show off to their friends. Even in college not too much is different, only the playing field is larger :p


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
I am starting to subscribe to the PRL school of thought

You do sound like the kind of person that I will be like when I am 41 but now onto the thread.

First off, your 99.99% is off there dbot.

Secondly, PRL you cannot preach or tell a group that does not want to listen to you (i know that you haven't been to church in awhile but bear with me) think Jesus and the high preists and pharisees. They did not want to listen and crucified him. They were closeminded. Just like some of the members on this board. You can try to explain it all day long but it won't work if they don't want to listen, they have a different mindset behind them, sex sex sex. You on the other hand have a different mindset completely, I don't know but I think it has to do with marriage.

Thirdly, I am off to the mature man's forumn because of my mindset is not just about sex sex sex anymore.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.
