Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
All the young horish girls in America want to get screwed but most women in the world want a man (not his penis) to build a future and a family. Sexual ‘desire’ is ingrained within all of us so that we may be naturally attracted to each other. This is different than the statement, “All women want to get f@cked”!!
It is each other’s COMPLEMENTARY nature that we truly and naturally seek – NOT sex!!!! I wrote a thread on it for your edification – read it!!! The penis and the vagina are merely physical traits that are used for the acts of procreation and they are NOT the ESSENCE of who we are as a man and a woman!!!!!!!
You, of the effeminate, sex-crazed drug addicted, pill-popping generation whose parents are of the 1960/70's feminist/homo/drug culture, know nothing else but what you see and you have been damaged by the TV/Music mass-media indoctrination and have been made to believe that every man and woman on the planet wants each other for sex!! WRONG!!
Your thinking is the byproduct of the hor/fag culture that you and your parents embraced!! Muslims have rejected your/America's sick corrupt thinking/culture Those countries/peoples who haven't been infected by the effeminate/hor culture that America has forced upon the world, have men who still act like men and women who act like women and keep their TRUE natures as God intended!
We have innate sexual desires for the purpose of attracting one another but it is not for the ‘sex act’ that we crave, rather it is for each other’s companionship and yes LOVE and sex is merely a byproduct of this relationship that is needed for procreation!!
You can have 1000 hors and you will never feel fulfilled and will always be wanting!! Most men tire of women after they have been with them for a long period and she/you better have something more than her vagina and your penis if you plan to stay together.
I can’t imagine an 60, 70, 80 year old women saying they want a penis – never heard it yet – they always want companionship and love though – always – whether it be it from a man or a family member!
The hors you young minds are referring to “that want penis” are the most lonely, miserable creatures on the planet – these are bitter women who lash out at men and are men haters.The American condition of women proves their miserable degraded state of existence!! Men have abandoned these hors and the hors are crying out, with their child, alone in the wilderness asking the courts for child support from their latest pimp who got her pregnant!!
Go to your Court houses around the country and view the carnage for yourself!! Hell, just look at your window and see all the single hors with babies – ABANDONED. The vagina didn’t keep the man – did it??? Nor did the ‘penis’ keep the woman!!! What is missing??? Find the answer in my thread!!!
Women hate to be alone, especially as they age and are desperate to find COMPANIONSHIP and maybe LOVE – if they are lucky!! Many women have children from a pimp for the mere purpose of not being alone!!! The child support, if they get it, is a bonus!!
Metal - If I call a hor a hor it is not out of bitterness, resentment, cynicism – it is out of reality. I never had a disease and I never paid child support to a hor, I never had a divorce, and have avoided and narrowly escaped being a victim of these masculine hors you call women.
You must embrace reality!! I will never call a ‘lion’ a ‘kitten‘– only fools do such and such mis-categorization will get you eaten alive – and many men have been and are getting eaten alive from these hors because they didn’t see them for what they were – a hor!!!
I, my little DJ’s, have never been bitten let alone eaten because I always saw the hor for what she was/is – a ‘Hor’!! Embracing the ‘truth’ of a thing is positive – and blindly holding onto a ‘falsehood’ of a thing is ‘negative’.
You young DJ’s are extremely negative and blinded and will be bitten and hopefully not devoured for rejecting reality and “The natural order of things”!!
Case in point. When we became young boys/girls, (8 – 14 years old) there was something about girls that was different (her complementary nature) and this nature attracted us boys to girls and vice versa. At this age we are not thinking, “I want his penis” nor “I want her vagina” – we don’t even know what ‘it’ is or looks like and have no inkling of what to do with it.
This proves that we have a NATURAL attraction to bring the male and female in union with one another and this has absolutely nothing to do with her wanting my penis nor me wanting her vagina!!! This is a natural innate predisposed genetic trait in ALL men and women – you can call it our sexuality – yes – but our sexuality is much more than our penis and vagina!! It is truly our complementary natures.
But you of the hor/effeminate generation have been bombarded with sexual imagery all your life through mass media in every form – written,verbal, pictorial, musical etc..
And your schools promote and encourage sex by children and have condom vending machines on school premises for crying out loud!!!! Condom vending machines - how in the hell has it become our educational institutions ‘responsibility to provide condoms to kids??????
Is it no wonder we are producing illiterates and we are in decline comparatively to other countries?? Now they teach children ‘Homosexuality’ under the subtext of ‘Diversity’ and tell children to embrace this horrendous act as ‘natural’ and ‘good’!!! We actually invite homos to school to speak to children – HUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I understand why you young bastards are so delusional - you have been weaned all your life in a sex-crazed society by hors/feminists and effeminate teachers and parents!!
Women don’t want a penis, they want a man! Hors want a penis!!! Just because you have lived under corrupt conditions all your life and your parents and teachers and those who control the mass media have encouraged this corruption doesn’t mean that this is “The natural order of things”.
A lie is still a lie no matter how many believe it!!! The truth always remains and it is what it is!! If 98% of the people embrace a lie, this large number doesn’t make it ‘the truth’ – they just have ‘corrupted’ the truth to embrace and promote what they want others to believe and what they want!!
Not all women are hors and not all women want to get screwed. Have a greater perspective and see the world outside of your own corrupt city, state, and country!