Hookups = Lay, to me! None of this kissing and stuff. Usually they will be touching me and licking me before I even attempt to kiss them.
If your goal is to just kiss, make out, grind, then that can happen in 5-10 minutes sometimes, but don't expect that to escalate much further, at least with a random stranger. And you'll have a much harder time escalating if you ever decide to continue on another day.
To answer your question. I take a couple of hours, unless she's feeling me pretty strong, and it is obvious to me that prolonging it will only cool her off. Then I would just lead her to my place.
Sometimes your logistics (location, time, day, work schedule, etc.), and her temperature after a couple of hours won't be ideal for a same day "hook up", so if I can see she's a sure thing, as in, just a matter of time, I will meet up wit her again, and quickly pick it up where we left off. Usually that second meeting is them coming to my place.