A question about the mind frame


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May 30, 2008
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This might seem increadibly unoriginal to most of you.
But it IS the question above all questions, when it comes to the framing (or "Inner game", whatever):

How the hell does one properly react when he is genuinely informed about how ****ing dispickable women are?

I'm not talking about anything you'll find original.
I've had three relationships. Each one of them ripped my heart out and became a stranger over night.
Sure - it happens to all of us. Women too. Ok.

But the spiral this creates is exhausting.
You come to spot all the signs that a girl will friend-zone you, cheat and/or become a ***** over time.
So you back out. Next, right?

And then another one. And another.
And then a whole raw of them... Showing only their worst possible side to you.
So you deal with it, best you can. You work on yourself. You are productive. You practice your mind like a ****ing muscle, so that it would be impenetrable to **** people give you. So that you can ACT.

And STILL - you see whimps, you see rich chumps, you see cripples, idiots even gays getting *****, while you get sprayed with **** every single time you actually LIKE a woman (which happens only once in a while).

You get told by some girl friends and psychologists that it's the anger and LACK of faith driving them away / making them think you're a loser.

A simple fact is - I've let my career crash three times. Each one of them was a combination of pressure from all ****ing sides, letdowns of false friends, incompetent coworkers and cheating girlfriends.
And each and every time I've been faithfull to all of them. Friends, girlfriends and business partners.
So - I'm angry.
And no - I don't believe people will let me succeed, ever do anything less than cripple my success anyway they can. And I'm positive that, no matter how much I succeed - no ****en woman will ever give me a break and let me pursue my career.
I'm a film director. It's a very hard call, but my projects have a huge perspective. Hell - I might be rich this time next year. But you never know. And it's always stressful and very demmanding.
Only once that's taken care of - the "security" can appear.

But before that... it would be cool to have a girl that's not an enemy to good, honest hard work I put. Not to be a hinderance.

... how does one overcome this?
WHen I see a chump, a whimp, an ******* or a clown or a mamma's boy with a fine girlfriend - I can't work for hours. I started to hate working, because it might be years before I can earn a decent, stable living in this job.
And so I have to put up with getting only ****, because I'm better off saving for a business than waving thousands of $ worth of clothes, drugs and other perks for "partying".
And EVEN if I get rich - I'll still KNOW that she's in it for the money, and will cheat and flake the INSTANT an opportunity rises.

So I don't feel like dating for a year.
Ever since a breakup - I simply can't find a reason to even try.
It's always ****ing the same: I open up. There's some fun times going on. Then things escalate. She's perfect. I start caring about her, because she's great.
And then - she's colder than an iceberg. Because she decided to **** somebody else, so nothing I did counts.

No, it's not the sex. Every single one was amazed with the sex. No - I'm good looking, educated.
But the thing is... I can't be aggressive when dating.
It sickens me.
Jumping a woman like a dog would jump a *****.
I'm not a dog. Don't like being one. I like a more nuanced fun. I like them sparking my imagination. Actually being fun and interesting.

I just don't believe a SINGLE one would EVER appreciate in ANY way ANYTHING I did.

I don't fall in love, anymore.
I can't do romance - they always meet it worse than an animal would.
I can't care, anymore. The INSTANT I care - they act as though I'm a ****less low-life. So I split.

HOW does one actually have ANY fun with girls?

You get all geeky, honest and friendly - they have laughs and suck some idiot's ****.
You get all deep and dissinterested - they get all futty and suc some idiot's ****.
You get all reserved and serious - they get all careful around you, and suck some idiot's ****.

You see it enough times... and you stop caring how they react, what they do.
They can even say they love you - you don't care.
Because you know that they'll always **** somebody else on their ****ing way to the ****ing bathroom.
Because there's always somebody horny around, and you can't spend all your time with her, being in all the moods she'd like you to be, thinking about her and taking care she's always convinced you're the man.

Hell - I know FEMININE spineless cowards among "men" that are surrounded with *****.

What's the deal here??

HOW does one get OUT of this ****ing: "You don't get ***** because you're not getting *****" spiral?

HOW does one get out of this ****ing "you have to BELIEVE everything's cool" - when you see things clearly aren't?

I watch what's going on, year after year.
Most women I see **** their lives up over nothing, and end up used and thrown away.

What gives?
If I get rich and they start noticing "that special something about me" - I won't be able to love a single one. Because they've always been an obstacle, an enemy to everything I care for.

All I ever wanted was to ****ing find a decent one that I could have a family with. I always hated dating, hated breakups, hated one night stands and hated all the partying, drugs and getting wasted.

Now I'm ****ing 30.
The only men I see getting married are alcoholics on cocaine cheating their girlfriends.

Seriously - I see only the worst in women.
Yeah - sometimes I get some girl to crave over me. A girl I'm not attracted to. Or a very young girl... and I don't want to wake up with another self-absorbed child, again. Done that. I don't care about getting laid. I care about knowing she won't ****ing dissappear into the night, or divorce me on a whim in 10 years if things get bad. I want to know she won't sabotage my job or career. I want to know I'm not in bed with an opponent. I can overcome women physically, psychologically, emotionally. But I just want to NOT HAVE to do it all the ****ing time for them to remember I have ****ing balls.

If things went my way - all relationships would be like in "Mask of Zorro": harmless flirting with her being sassy and the man playfully winning.

HOW the **** does ANYONE get out of this ****ING loophole?

There ARE ****ing interesting women, out there. SOME of them are even AMAZING.
And ALL of them are ****ing INTOLERABLE. I have eat **** with EACH, TINIEST interaction - so I don't.
I'm so ****ing disgusted with them that I hardly feel any attraction, anymore.
In spite of working out, very hard.

Sometimes I think I'll need to get into a serious fight, or volonteer into a war - just in order to get any calm back. I'm that angry with so many people.

glass half full

Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2012
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Keep reading through this site, keep an open mind and learn what you can. I do understand where you've been with women. There are men here who have successfully found someone decent, just keep looking here to learn how they did it. I felt like that at one point, and tried real hard to be the nice guy women say they want (they don't, its bullsh!t). Paid dearly for that one. Took a lot of unnecessary junk just for her, I did get a real nice daughter out of it all. Good luck man keep looking at this site and keep your head up.


Don Juan
Feb 17, 2013
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Well, no offence, but in this forum guys all the time repeat that sexappeal is what counts most for a woman etc, and pay no importance to woman's personality. Attraction is important,looks, sex and charisma are important, but so is sanity and normal human decency - in men and in women. Especially in long term relationship. Just a thought....no offence intended. if you look for a piece of meat, what you get is a piece of meat. The same goes for women who look for a wallet, all they get is a wallet.


New Member
May 30, 2008
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ive said:
Well, no offence, but in this forum guys all the time repeat that sexappeal is what counts most for a woman etc, and pay no importance to woman's personality. Attraction is important,looks, sex and charisma are important, but so is sanity and normal human decency - in men and in women. Especially in long term relationship. Just a thought....no offence intended. if you look for a piece of meat, what you get is a piece of meat. The same goes for women who look for a wallet, all they get is a wallet.
No offence taken. That's a decent retort. You may be right.

Have you ever been with a woman you're not really attracted to, but with a good personality?
I'm asking in general.. looking for opinions on whether it works.

A friend of mine's being pursued by a good girl that's very perky and adores him... but he's not attracted to her.
Do you know anybody who made it work?
I'm honestly curious.
'cause you may be right.


Nov 4, 2010
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DonNickolas said:
A friend of mine's being pursued by a good girl that's very perky and adores him... but he's not attracted to her.
Do you know anybody who made it work?
I'm honestly curious.
'cause you may be right.
Make it work??

its a strange concept, should it be work? inevitably work is involved, its a question of how much work and the balance of who is doing the work.
personally, I dont see a realtionship working with a woman to whom the guy isnt attracted too, she doesnt have to be a 10 but she has to be attractive to him, if thats not there, there is reduced pleasure.
if she is really into him, she will do most of the work and he will have most of the power, however there are no 100% guarantees that she will not cheat even if the guy is a 10 and she is a 3