A prudish society


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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dreamxhenry_notAFC said:
well no duh,almost every western country has Nazis.But america has less nazis then germany,because it is reported germany's human population atleast 6%-7% are nazis memebers did you know that their is a building in Germany called"Nazis Nation Alliance?Bet you didn;t it is reported to have more then 500,000+ memebers world wide,most come from Germany.America has only about 10,000+ nazis nation wide.

America doesn't kill people death pentaly is a law to excute those who kill other people,as for Russia they kill people who threaten the government or is against their leader.But america;s death pentaly is justice,how would you like it if some killed 10 memebers of your family?And thats why death pentaly exists for those who can function well in society or prison,plus it saves tax payers money.But America is called"LAND OF FREEDEOM" for a reason,why do you think mexicans want to come here :)
As for the death penalty can you 100% say that all the ppl that have been killed have been guilty and I mean 100%. I am all for getting rid of ppl that take pride i killing or maming innocent ppl (lets not even go into politics here ok). So the fact is even with that simple model we can see not 100% proof the bad guy was found and killed, there exists no system that foolproof, now that means that more ppl where killed, more innocent ppl and do you think for one second the victims would want that extra thing on there shoulders, the choice was not theres it was taken for them. Personnally if i got killed I would not want the person to die, we all make mistakes even that one, there is still hope for the person to change and he may actually contribute to the world better then i could, should i have an eye for an eye? Why, am i that so self obsorbed, he made a mistake he beleived some ideal, he was led down a road he found himself on, should i punish, no in truth the guy prob had some really bad shi* going on in his life. Oh and get this:
Sociaty our sociaty is the cause of 90% of all criminals!
Jul 10, 2006
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AngelusPUA said:
As you can see most of the countries are European, the people with the highest I.Q’s come out of Europe the list goes on and on naming European countries.

P.S. You can say what you want about Russia but there gun deaths and homicides dont even come close to those of America.
Yes America has more homicide rate,and more prisoners then any other nation?You wanna know why?Because we have a higher black population and hispanic population plus in America miniortys are such in high poverty and we give them a bad image because of rap videos that it becomes their reality.But when someone murders another person in Europe it is worser their prisons are soo bad the human rights orginization are being involved.
And actually the top 3 colleges and I.Q.s have been proven come from

University of California,Toky(forgot the college name) and someother country in Asian(I think it was either from china or korea.)
Jul 10, 2006
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jonwon said:
As for the death penalty can you 100% say that all the ppl that have been killed have been guilty and I mean 100%. I am all for getting rid of ppl that take pride i killing or maming innocent ppl (lets not even go into politics here ok). So the fact is even with that simple model we can see not 100% proof the bad guy was found and killed, there exists no system that foolproof, now that means that more ppl where killed, more innocent ppl and do you think for one second the victims would want that extra thing on there shoulders, the choice was not theres it was taken for them. Personnally if i got killed I would not want the person to die, we all make mistakes even that one, there is still hope for the person to change and he may actually contribute to the world better then i could, should i have an eye for an eye? Why, am i that so self obsorbed, he made a mistake he beleived some ideal, he was led down a road he found himself on, should i punish, no in truth the guy prob had some really bad shi* going on in his life. Oh and get this:
Sociaty our sociaty is the cause of 90% of all criminals!
Well im glad your speaking YOUR OPINION,something you dont know about criminals is,it has been proven 95% of criminals released from jail or prison return back FOR THE SAME FREAKEN CRIME!So if someone murdered you and he got life in prison with parole,he would most likely kill again,their is this thing called"Insitution"after been locked up many times,they get used to it.And msot criminals atleast 95% of them dont and will NEVER contribute to the community when they are released they end up coming back,because my uncle works in a correction prison so he knowsn everything and says the same guys keep coming back,its a cycle that never ends.You wanna know what the reason for 90% of criminals is?Poverty,not having education,anger,family problems,bad neighborhood,economy.Those are the reasons,our government hasnt even worked on those issues,all they do is care about is votes these days.And as for the media they do nothing but say bullsh*t stuff,did you know America has more then 2million prisoners?They have the most prisoners,prisons,jails, in the World!And its increasing,all jails or prisons in USA are being overcrowed so in a way death pentaly saves money,but getting rid of some murders.I mean a guy who kills a 5 year old girl then puts her body in the lake is real f*cked up!
Jul 10, 2006
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jonwon said:
As for the death penalty can you 100% say that all the ppl that have been killed have been guilty and I mean 100%. I am all for getting rid of ppl that take pride i killing or maming innocent ppl.
Well lol i cant answer that question its up to the Justice Department.But I do believe in our justice system 100% with DNA evidence and good prosicuters I believe if they say he or she is guilty then its TRUE!


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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dreamxhenry_notAFC said:
Yes America has more homicide rate,and more prisoners then any other nation?You wanna know why?Because we have a higher black population and hispanic population plus in America miniortys are such in high poverty and we give them a bad image because of rap videos that it becomes their reality.But when someone murders another person in Europe it is worser their prisons are soo bad the human rights orginization are being involved.
And actually the top 3 colleges and I.Q.s have been proven come from

University of California,Toky(forgot the college name) and someother country in Asian(I think it was either from china or korea.)

You are skitting on the TRUTH but you still fail to see it.
It is not the minoritys it is the fact that these ppl are NOT given the choices that most others have.
So the trap is not minoritys it is POVERTY, POVERTY causes more crime then you can ever imagine.

Imagine If you was a minority, cra* school, poor local naighbourhood, negative ideals, poor role models, poor everything, poor upbringing due to lack of resources and true role models.
Whislt the rest of sociaty are getting FATTER on hamburgers, getting richer of your hard work, would that not pi** you off? I know i would get very piss** being the ALPHA i like to feel i am, so whats stopping you from going out and taking things that you feel you deserve, sociaty is but the problem these ppl have poor rolemodels and when they get so pushed by the rubbish system they go out with there impression of the world and they commit crime.

Where did the seed begin? was it internal, was it alwasy there, for some yes but for most, Sociaty made them criminal.

Notice how most of the criminal in this socaity are the poor the hard done by hardly ever the rich and if they where rich notice how they GET OFF easier.

MM and you say things are fine, open you eyes man.

Also the crime of drugs and stuff on a smaller scale is motivated by GREED. The sociaty we live in make the criminals in the first place and like the good guys we are we applaud when it kills these misguided fools, who is the bigger fool?


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2004
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Somewhere in Europe
All true.

Women from northern europe are beautiful and very open, I'm dating a girl from Latvia at the moment.


Jul 8, 2006
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Melbourne (Aus) Little Bahma (Bahamas) Marbella (S
dreamxhenry_notAFC said:
Yes America has more homicide rate,and more prisoners then any other nation?You wanna know why?Because we have a higher black population and hispanic population plus in America miniortys are such in high poverty and we give them a bad image because of rap videos that it becomes their reality.But when someone murders another person in Europe it is worser their prisons are soo bad the human rights orginization are being involved.
And actually the top 3 colleges and I.Q.s have been proven come from

University of California,Toky(forgot the college name) and someother country in Asian(I think it was either from china or korea.)
It’s really ironic how you demoralize Italy for racial profiling when you have done it in this post and the other. Fact remains that Europe is far better than American and Australia why?

-Lower rate of STD's
-More open to sex
-Organic food which promotes over all better health
-Better overall health care
-Better education overall
-Overall happier mood of people
-The overall demeanor of people
-Crime rates
-Less racism

Overall I.Q tests have proven that the countries I listed are the best in the world in terms of educated people; I am not talking about tests done at different colleges around the world that have so many variables they cannot be taken seriously. I am talking about standardized I.Q tests that test not only what we have learnt in schools but the overall quickness of people’s minds. When everything is taken into account Europe is a much smarter country than both American and my country Australia.

Overall Europeans are a smarter people.

Whilst the KKK is dying down there are still an recorded 42% of the American white population that are openly racist towards African-Americans and Hispanics.


Apr 27, 2006
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Americans and Brits have sex quite a bit. American and British girls also start having sex at a much younger age than most of Europe. American and British guys just like to dream that there are places where everyone is screwing each other. The World's easiest girls are in American colleges. If you don't mind chubby, spoiled, uncultured girls then just go to Cancun during Spring Break.

Now, if you go to Eastern Europe of course there will be many beautiful girls who will love you. Why? (1) Beautiful girls are common there. (2) Economics (3) The boys there are not exactly to die for. However, they will not be as easy as your typical American college slut. Not a chance.


Most Europeans are also much more bigoted than Americans. Many countries still are not allowing gays to have parades (Moscow has outlawed such marches). Imagine someone like Paolo Di Canio playing in the NFL? http://fr.altermedia.info/images/dicanio.jpg


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2005
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I thought DreamX was that hardcore AFC guy.


Jul 8, 2006
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Melbourne (Aus) Little Bahma (Bahamas) Marbella (S
sparky0000 said:
Americans and Brits have sex quite a bit. American and British girls also start having sex at a much younger age than most of Europe. American and British guys just like to dream that there are places where everyone is screwing each other. The World's easiest girls are in American colleges. If you don't mind chubby, spoiled, uncultured girls then just go to Cancun during Spring Break.

Now, if you go to Eastern Europe of course there will be many beautiful girls who will love you. Why? (1) Beautiful girls are common there. (2) Economics (3) The boys there are not exactly to die for. However, they will not be as easy as your typical American college slut. Not a chance.


Most Europeans are also much more bigoted than Americans. Many countries still are not allowing gays to have parades (Moscow has outlawed such marches). Imagine someone like Paolo Di Canio playing in the NFL? http://fr.altermedia.info/images/dicanio.jpg
First of all that website you gave me proves the Europeans are more sexually active,
The site you directed me to:
Loss of virginity: People from Iceland are having sex younger than any other country (15.6) followed by the Germans (15.9), Swedes (16.1) and the Danes (16.1)
How many times a year they have sex: The Greeks top the league at 138 times a year, closely followed by the Croatians (134), Serbian Montenegrins (128) and the Bulgarians (127)

So I don’t know what you are talking about man?

Europeans have a much more open view on sex, I have recently traveled to Europe and I am telling you girls there are not easy but if you know what you’re doing and you are cultured they will sleep with you. I was staying at this guys house in Croatia ,he is 22 and he is average looking, the first night I was tired her forced me to come out but I didn't bother picking up, he however met 2 girls and had a threesome. European girls have a much more open view towards sex but they won’t sleep with any d*ckhead you got to have an idea of what’s going on.......

Now of course we can say college chicks are easy but that can be explained, see in American society they are so constrained and are made to think sex is bad all their lives. So when they finally get the freedom of going to college away from their parents, away from disapproving eyes, they go crazy. Peer pressure also plays a huge part in this.

What I am trying to say in Europe if you go clubbing or if you just go for a night out on the town, if you go to a coffee shop you are much more likely to pick up a chick a sleep with her. They don’t put you through all these tests and c*ck tease you because they are much more liberal in their views.

There are some European countries that are very bigoted, I remember in either Croatia or Serbia a few years back they tried to organize a gay pride parade, an ex general and some soldiers blocked of the street, shooting at 100’s of people marching in the parade. You also need to consider though that the some of the world’s biggest gay pride parades takes place in Europe and Germany is very open to gays. The Swedes also have a vibrant gay community………….

Anyway main point is even the results of a worldwide sex survey (that you linked me to) prove that Europeans are more sexually active and have sex at a younger age. What does this say about Europeans, they are more liberal in their view towards sex and if you go there you will get laid more likely than you will get laid in America or Australia. I'm not saying go to Europe just to get laid I am just pointing out the massive differences between 2 societies in the same world and I'm giving my opinion on the benefits of living in a European country.
Last edited:
Jul 10, 2006
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AngelusPUA said:
Europeans have a much more open view on sex, I have recently traveled to Europe and I am telling you girls there are not easy but if you know what you’re doing and you are cultured they will sleep with you. I was staying at this guys house in Croatia ,he is 22 and he is average looking, the first night I was tired her forced me to come out but I didn't bother picking up, he however met 2 girls and had a threesome. European girls have a much more open view towards sex but they won’t sleep with any d*ckhead you got to have an idea of what’s going on........
I think your anti america,you keep defending Europea but keep putting america down.Your making it seem like Europea is a better country then AMERICA which is not true,but to your opinion YOU like Europe better.
Your post just pretty much proved my point about how european women just sleep with any men.Come now some random guy,picks up random 2 girls?What if they have disease does he know 1 out of 3 people in the world have HIV/AIDS or some infected disease.

AngelusPUA said:
Now of course we can say college chicks are easy but that can be explained, see in American society they are so constrained and are made to think sex is bad all their lives. So when they finally get the freedom of going to college away from their parents, away from disapproving eyes, they go crazy. Peer pressure also plays a huge part in this..
Actually college girls arenot the easest its actually highschool girls,since teen years is the most both men and women want to be more sexual activite its a growing number and problem in USA,they believe at atleast 50% of people sexual active are teenagers or minors.Where did you get the idea in American society sex is viewed as a bad idea?Because sex is just not talked about in America,its we just pretty much listen to the media,but if you go to most highschools in america.Most teens are openly talking about sex.

AngelusPUA said:
What I am trying to say in Europe if you go clubbing or if you just go for a night out on the town, if you go to a coffee shop you are much more likely to pick up a chick a sleep with her. They don’t put you through all these tests and c*ck tease you because they are much more liberal in their views..
Once again it seems like their "sluts" they dont even check if the guy has a disease or is married.Well women here probaly put men in USA tests maybe because we have higher disease rate,plus more men here cheat and well we function differently.

There are some European countries that are very bigoted, I remember in either Croatia or Serbia a few years back they tried to organize a gay pride parade, an ex general and some soldiers blocked of the street, slaughtering 100’s of people marching in the parade. You also need to consider though that the some of the world’s biggest gay pride parades takes place in Europe and Germany is very open to gays. The Swedes also have a vibrant gay community………….

Anyway main point is even the results of a worldwide sex survey (that you linked me to) prove that Europeans are more sexually active and have sex at a younger age. What does this say about Europeans, they are more liberal in their view towards sex and if you go there you will get laid more likely than you will get laid in America or Australia. I'm not saying go to Europe just to get laid I am just pointing out the massive differences between 2 societies in the same world and I'm giving my opinion on the benefits of living in a European country.[/QUOTE]
Yes European are more sexual active,tell me is it a good thing or bad thing?Sex is just not a game,but Europeans it is thats why they have a higher birth rate of young people having alot of number of kids.Plus America has the most safest well developed condoms,go do some research if you think im lieing.But I see your point of Europe,but it seems like your trying to say American girls are bad,maybe its because the function differently,every country has its a way of women and men interacting,none of them are better in the end we are all human beings.


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
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AngelusPUA said:
America has KKK they kill blacks and hate anybody who isn't white, they tie black people to the back of cars and drag them through populated city streets in full view of children. One of many atrocities the KKK has committed and continues to commit. You guys have the Westboro Baptist Church which spread hate towards gays and just about anybody who is not part of their church. Finally America has Nazi's to the fact is every country has active hate groups it is an ugly part of society but you cannot judge a people as a whole on what a small percentage of them do. Also I know Russia is corrupt but it is one country in Europe it doesn't represent the other 44 countries. The countries I am talking about are not corrupt and do not follow the principles of a communist regime.

College scores are an inadequate way to measure the overall success of a countries education system. The most adequate way to measure this is by using standardized I.Q tests in all the countries and tallying the results as an average for every country in the world. This has been done and the results are as follows.

-British Isles
-Czech Republic

As you can see most of the countries are European, the people with the highest I.Q’s come out of Europe the list goes on and on naming European countries.

P.S. You can say what you want about Russia but there gun deaths and homicides dont even come close to those of America.
dude, you've been watching too much Michael Moore bullsh!t.
Jun 20, 2006
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dreamxhenry_notAFC said:
.But America is called"LAND OF FREEDEOM" for a reason,why do you think mexicans want to come here :)
thats true!! :p

well you guys are whining about girls in america, well you should come to mexico. girls are fukin prude and **** because of the influence of the church.

here there is not freedom like in america, here there are lots of druglords gangsters and thugs, sometimes the police is worse than the criminals, the police here kidnaps and torture people and **** people are worried to go with them for help.

when i finish college im gonna move to canada or usa, cuz here there is no future....

there just was the president elections, and people where voting for a communist dude, fukin dumbasses they dont know that **** doesnt work...the good thing is that the dude didnt win but he is telling people to go and fight the power...


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
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florida baby
dreamxhenry_notAFC said:
I think your anti america,you keep defending Europea but keep putting america down.Your making it seem like Europea is a better country then AMERICA which is not true,but to your opinion YOU like Europe better.
Your post just pretty much proved my point about how european women just sleep with any men.Come now some random guy,picks up random 2 girls?What if they have disease does he know 1 out of 3 people in the world have HIV/AIDS or some infected disease.
youre a moron. buy a condom.

dreamxhenry_notAFC said:
Actually college girls arenot the easest its actually highschool girls,since teen years is the most both men and women want to be more sexual activite its a growing number and problem in USA,they believe at atleast 50% of people sexual active are teenagers or minors.Where did you get the idea in American society sex is viewed as a bad idea?Because sex is just not talked about in America,its we just pretty much listen to the media,but if you go to most highschools in america.Most teens are openly talking about sex.
have you been to europe? do you know people there? i read/watch alot of british news and even THEY are more sexually devious then us. and apparently they're still prudes compared to europe. you think europe has christian groups calling in to complain if janets breasts are bared during live tv? hahahahahha. no.

dreamxhenry_notAFC said:
Once again it seems like their "sluts" they dont even check if the guy has a disease or is married.Well women here probaly put men in USA tests maybe because we have higher disease rate,plus more men here cheat and well we function differently.
probably put men in USA tests? besides the fact its hard to figure out what that was supposed to mean, it shows you dont even know your OWN society. men and women hookup all the time...you think they waiting a week for an aids test to pass? god kid are you catholic or something theyre called condoms

dreamxhenry_notAFC said:
There are some European countries that are very bigoted, I remember in either Croatia or Serbia a few years back they tried to organize a gay pride parade, an ex general and some soldiers blocked of the street, slaughtering 100’s of people marching in the parade. You also need to consider though that the some of the world’s biggest gay pride parades takes place in Europe and Germany is very open to gays. The Swedes also have a vibrant gay community………….
http://action.web.ca/home/lgbt/databank.shtml?x=15477&AA_EX_Session=1956848cadfd8632fa3ac6122f46ab81 dont be a fool only 15 people died, and those are more primitive eurocountries.

dreamxhenry_notAFC said:
Yes European are more sexual active,tell me is it a good thing or bad thing?Sex is just not a game,but Europeans it is thats why they have a higher birth rate of young people having alot of number of kids.Plus America has the most safest well developed condoms,go do some research if you think im lieing.But I see your point of Europe,but it seems like your trying to say American girls are bad,maybe its because the function differently,every country has its a way of women and men interacting,none of them are better in the end we are all human beings.
i think youre "lieing"


and im sure that if they have condoms made out of thin plastic and we have amazing latex ones, someone over there is gonna start selling trojans. infact, if you visit the durex website you'll see theyre available in every major european country.

and any girl that makes sex a pain in the ass to get IS bad. no shiit we're all human beings shakespear, but i'd rather be around female human beings who dont use sex as a tool to get what they want and can admit they love it too.


Jul 8, 2006
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Melbourne (Aus) Little Bahma (Bahamas) Marbella (S
dannowillbookem said:
youre a moron. buy a condom.

have you been to europe? do you know people there? i read/watch alot of british news and even THEY are more sexually devious then us. and apparently they're still prudes compared to europe. you think europe has christian groups calling in to complain if janets breasts are bared during live tv? hahahahahha. no.

probably put men in USA tests? besides the fact its hard to figure out what that was supposed to mean, it shows you dont even know your OWN society. men and women hookup all the time...you think they waiting a week for an aids test to pass? god kid are you catholic or something theyre called condoms

http://action.web.ca/home/lgbt/databank.shtml?x=15477&AA_EX_Session=1956848cadfd8632fa3ac6122f46ab81 dont be a fool only 15 people died, and those are more primitive eurocountries.

i think youre "lieing"


and im sure that if they have condoms made out of thin plastic and we have amazing latex ones, someone over there is gonna start selling trojans. infact, if you visit the durex website you'll see theyre available in every major european country.

and any girl that makes sex a pain in the ass to get IS bad. no shiit we're all human beings shakespear, but i'd rather be around female human beings who dont use sex as a tool to get what they want and can admit they love it too.
See this guy know what he's talking about


Apr 27, 2006
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Europe is not one monolithic empire. Turkey is not Iceland. If you want to single out Iceland you should also look at Turkey. Each culture has different views and attitudes. Catholic, Orthodox Christian, and Muslim areas of Europe tend to be much more traditional than America. Scandanavian countries are nice if you are gay, black, or want a more liberated or older female.

As someone who lives 10 months a year in Eastern Europe I will tell you that American girls lack in morality.

Personally, I feel that God has placed me on this earth to help those girls who reside in post Soviet Republics. In some ways I feel that I am the 21st century version of Mother Teresa.