A Promise to Myself.


Don Juan
Oct 10, 2009
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The below was a post I wrote to myself moments ago, and I am currently down in life being extremely overweight, near broke, crashing out on my studies, having a near non existent social life, a dying relationship and the list goes on. I did not put it here because I enjoy being trolled or criticized, but instead decided to go "public" with it to make a commitment to myself. If you have anything constructive to add, feel free.

Welcome to my manifesto. This is where boys become men, and men who have lost their way find their way back, out of hell. For too long I have languished in self-absorbed delinquency, and now is the time to finally break free, inch by inch. This life is ours for the taking.

First of all, it is time to stop escaping from me. The further I run from myself, the deeper I sink into this bottomless pit called hell. Be myself, just the best me ever. If you take a look clearly, you will see that I have made countless attempts to improve my life, all of which amounted to nothing much. That is not because I was born a loser, but because I have been trying to live a life that was not mine. Remember the days when I was giving it my best at life? Those were the happiest days of my life, simply because I was doing something I wanted to do and fighting for my dreams. The other times after I left, I tried to live a life I thought I should have. That’s wrong, and the fastest way to self destruction.

Do you know who I truly am? No? Well, I almost didn’t know who I am, or rather, who I had become. But now I am clear. Are you? I am a hacker, in every sense of the word. A hacker whose primary definition is that of an elite engineer, someone who specializes in hacking things together and taking them apart, all in the spirit of making it work. I am a social engineer by passion, a software engineer by interest, and a computer engineer by profession. By day, I am a dedicated student who devotes myself to the academic pursuits I have finally come to terms and embraced fully at last, doing whatever I can to improve my knowledge in computer engineering. By night, I am a trader. My poison of choice is the Foreign Exchange market. I have lofty goals of becoming the best trader in Singapore and building an empire so great that it will last generations and a legacy of fighting for my dreams that will inspire the hearts of people. Both hacking and trading are the core pillars of passion in my life, and define who I am in terms of what I do, not just for a living but also for a life. That’s what I love doing, and nobody can take that away from me no matter what.

That somewhat wraps up what defines me in terms of what I do, but not who I am. Be clear that the distinction is a great one. I believe that a person’s dreams and goals in life shape him and guide him, providing him strength to go on even when everything seems bleak. Always keep faith in your dreams, no matter how the rest of the world may try to dissuade you, because this is your life and you deserve it. Me? I have always dreamed of financial stability and freedom, perhaps because of my family background, I crave for the day I break free from the chains of poverty and will do everything in my means to do so. Anything less than my best is to shortchange myself. I make no excuses for wanting to lead a high life, drive a swag car, live in a swell bachelor’s pad, not because I want to attract girls. I struggled with that for quite some time and somehow found something lacking when I tried to motivate myself to work hard, but now I see the reason. It used to be that I wanted all these to be attractive to women, but now I see the light. The focus is me. Girls come and go, but I am the only constant in my life. So anything that I want has to be for myself, and my enjoyment. I want the capability to work from anywhere in the world as I travel around the world soaking up what it has to offer, and that is why I picked Forex as my poison, and hacking as the lifelong passion. I want to have a great body, one that is lean and mean while being well built, and that used to be for the sake of being sexy to women. But no, now I see that it is for my own sake, for a healthy and body fit is the most important thing I need in order to live out my dream life.

You might realize that I have left out any plans or dreams I may have with regards to love and women. That is because they should never be the focus of any man, not me, not you, not anyone who wants to keep a sane mind. I made tail chasing my priority once. And I will never do it again. I will love and treat with love the people I care about and the people who deserve it, that is my core belief, but I will not go out of my way to court love, for nothing else should matter more than my dreams and goals. I want to become a Don Juan, an alpha male, but the definition of that is not how many girls we have slept with, but how much we gave ourselves to becoming who we want to be, and how much we enjoyed life.

I'm in the Mood

Master Don Juan
May 3, 2008
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Cloud 9
Great post man! Self improvement is all about realizing your true self and what you want out of life.