The pattern is fine, but the transcription does not comply with several pattern dictation conventions such as EMBEDDED COMMANDS IN ALL CAPS, (sp)s, and... pauses in certain places. The ability to supplement these is assumed on the part of the speed seducer. Here it is again, better illustrated.
I don't quite agree. You see, Ross gives everything in this form, but his patterns are polished and field tested. They work. And he also has to present it to people new to SS. So naturally he divides everything into sections so people can read it better.
But this is not the case with new patterns that were written by people new to SS. If everything is in plain text it is easier to see what can go wrong with pattern.
Let's get to the actual question:
I don't know if you'd find me really attractive or that I might be somebody that you can feel really close to...
First of all: You can not use her as the object in your patterns. Make it vague, a story, a legend, an opinion of your friend, a hypothetical situation.
Example: "Imagine two people who are dating each other. A good looking girl with a wonderful personality and a cool attractive guy. But they haven't DATED FOR A LONG TIME and do not REALLY KNOW EACH OTHER. So naturally, the girl is not quite SURE THAT SHE FINDS THE GUY ALL THAT ATTRACTIVE......"
because it doesn't happen with just anyone... you know what I mean don't you?
First sentence is overloaded with negatives. "With anyone" may not work. And she doesn't know what you mean. So that's pretty much useless.
That feeling of closeness that allows you to let go and really be with someone...
Now this looks like a pattern. Try: "have you ever got that feeling..."
I'm not sure we could have that... But we might have fun finding out and the very least we might be friends...
Ouch!! Here's capitalized version:
I'm not sure we could HAVE THAT...
(have what??? Insert a feeling/action - otherwise nothing will happen)
(Not such a good line. Doesn't create closeness and assures her that everything is uncertain.)
And at the very least we might BE FRIENDS????
You don't want to go there. No being friends with you.
But it is nice isn't it?
Don't make references to previous phrases. Keep it simple:
It is nice to BE COMFORTABLE TOGETHER and ENJOY THE GENTLE CARESESS. (while brushing her hair)
I mean when that does happen and you find yourself having all those feelings... inside.
Those feelings? which ones? Don't make references.
You know how that feels don't you?
No she doesn't. You haven't told her anything specific yet and ask how that feels.
I mean when was the last time you felt that way?
Girl: When was the last time I was this confused by a weird talking guy??? Probably never. Why?
Really intense... inside... and down below
This is a good piece.
and as you think about it have you noticed you can get some of those feelings back now!
Girl: Yeah. I feel weird about you again.
But you know I find you really attractive but I don't want you to sleep with me...
Girl: Phew. Thank god!! Oh no! What else is this weird guy planning to do with me?? I'm scared.
I'm not even going to ask you... because its your decision... and any way I'm not sure you can make me want you...
This part would fit nicely without direct "me" and "you".
but its nice to think about it isn't it?
Crap. I'm scared and confused again.
And I'm sure you'll find what you really want...
You don't care what she really wants. She doesn't necessarily want you. You tell her what to want:
"And when you know that YOU REALLY WANT THAT GUY(pointing at yourself) you START FEELING REALLY GOOD........."
eventually but until then we can have some kind of closeness… because I don't want to sleep with anyone who doesn't really want to sleep with me... 100%. But we can be friends can't we? Again you're programming her to LJBF you. And you give off weird vibes.
If you CAN' t BE BOTHERED TO WRITE, atleast just give a vote on the poll. One simple click is all it takes
lol Looks like NLP Good job.
Tell ya what guys... Even though I laugh at the whole concept of SS and I think its complete BS like most people here...I'm gonna field test this one on friday and let ya know how it went. That will be a real world experience where its used so I think it'll setlle this.
I think its only fair to the SS supporters who swear on the efficiency of SS. I've always said its BS, but never tried it myself. I think its time to actually try it. And this is a innocent litlle pattern.
The pattern won't work. It does not get her imagination going, it does not describe emotional states, the delivery is horrible, you use you and your girl as characters. Even if NLP was 100% effective, this pattern will never work.
Yes, but you can achieve all this without patterns and SS.
Err - how do you make her feel comfortable, connected and sexual withing 10 minutes of meeting her? No, really I'd love to know.
But what SS is supposed to be is some sort of a way not to just get a good convo going, but to actually implant commands into her subconcious right?
Yep. Theoretically, with good language skills you can direct her imagination into thinking and feeling whatever you want.
Most people would rather not, even if they could do SS perfectly. Unless you're looking only for one night stands and obligations-free sex you're sure to want to have actually bonded with the girl, to actually truly share emotions with her. Not to only have artificially created ones thru ss. What you gonna do after you do get the girl?
I can't say that this is not true, however quite often we need some body to exchange bodily fliuds with. If you decide that you want her, and you can make her want you, then both parties benefit and everything is fine. - that is only about sex.
But I do not understant the argument with the girlfriend. If you want a girl as your girlfriend, but you are not compatible, then you can use SS and get her or not use SS and have a big chance of failure.
If you want a girl as a girlfriend who's compatible with you, then SS will only speed up your process. Which is also a good thing.
SS can be used long term successfully, you can keep the girl around you, but it won't change anything if you don't like the girl by itself.
How can SS apply in LTRs? A GF is someone you like spending time with... not just exchanging bodily fluids. Are you gonna spend the entire relationship using patterns on her to keep her? As you only got her because of embedding a command into her to become your GF.
Well of course! But how can you want LTR if you're don't like spending time with her? If you want LTR, then SS will get you introduced and you'll lay her. Then if you enjoy her company, you'll have no trouble keeping her without SS. If you don't like her company you would only want to lay her.
Are there patterns for every single situation that happens in a relationship? I thought not.
If you can make patterns on the go, then maybe yes. Plus with all the knowledge and SS you can avoid 99% of problems.
Wow, that's a long post