A new week..A new beginning for us all..


Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2007
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Wouldn't you like to know? ;)
Time to start a new week, guys. Time for a fresh start. Your gonna make sure you got everything ready for tomorrow, your lunch boxes:p , your clothes, your briefcases, your aftershaves, your lunch, and anything else you need.
Then, your gonna go to bed early, your gonna sleep without any TV blaring, or nay music in the background. Open the window, and listen before you go to bed. Listen to the cars drone, the last birdsongs, the chatter in the distance. Then your gonna drift into a deep sleep.
Your gonna wake up earlier than usual. Your gonna put on a top, some shorts, and some trainers. Your gonna take a nice, quiet jog through your neighborhood, and your gonna listen to the world around you. Your gonna look at the details, your going to notice the things that others don't. Your going to be more receptive to the world, and your gonna feel good.
Your gonna get home, have some healthy breakfast, some eggs, shredded wheat, or weetabix. Nothing like, coco pops, sugar puffs, or any of that sugary crap. And no, you CANNOT have a coffee, it's a short sugar rush. And eventually, you'll feel like crap. Your gonna leave the cigarette packet at home. Your gonna get into work early.
Your goin to work at a decent pace. Your going to complete ALL of your work. And your going to feel good. So now, your going to treat yourself. And your going to go out with friends. Your confidence is going to shine. Your gonna feel good about life. Nothing can stop you, you can do anything, with your focused mind, and your ship-shape body.
Your going to go to a bar. And when, not if, when you see that cute girl there, eyeing you up, your gonna walk over to her. And your gonna talk, your gonna tease, your gonna pull. If it's her, or her number, your gonna get something from it.
And your going to change, slowly and surely, your life's gonna improve, your going to conquer all the things you were ever afraid to do.
Your going to do what 99% of the world CANT. Your going to put your mind's daydreams, wishes, to ACTION. And your going to live to achieve everything you ever wanted.

Me, I'm going to live. Tomorrow, I have school(college). I'm going to get on my bike, get into school, smiling. Why? 'Cos I'm going to do it. It? everything, anything. Anything I want. As soon as the thought of doing something fun, exciting, crazy comes into my mind, it's gonna be out there. In the reality.
And I'm, going to have fun. I'm going to have fire in my eyes(not literally:rolleyes: ) and women are going to notice. And they're going to wonder. What happened to him? I'll just smile, wink, and carry on. 'Cos I know, this is my life. My new life. The life where I, ONLY ME, decide what I do, where I go, what I wear, who I fancy, what I watch.

This is MY life. Can you say the same?


New Member
Apr 23, 2008
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MetroP NJ/NY
Amen! Within all that...sophistication shines out...A sophisticated modern man who is free, sharp, on-edge with options in his life.

Silver - nice post, a brief reminder that everyday is a new spankin' day : )

'To have but not to hold'


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2008
Reaction score
That's a Don Juan way of living. Good job ;)

Killer Six Pac

Don Juan
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
Haha man thanks for that inspiration, I actually set up all my weeks goals last night. I seperate them into health, happiness and financial.

Anyone else do something like this or similar?


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
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The Paradise City where the grass is green and the
My problem is always that the first day of the rest of my life always starts TOMORROW...or some other indefinite date in the future.

I would have gone to bed early tonight to do all that good stuff tomorrow, but here it is 3:30 in the morning and I can't seem to sleep for the life of me...

Great stuff though man... I will definitely stop procrastinating TOMORROW! :D
Mar 23, 2007
Reaction score
Amen brother... Amen

reading that ... felt like a fresh breath of air

I too will be going to class tomorrow....

"so what's coming to you tony? The world... chico"


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
Nice post SilverS!
Killer Six Pac said:
Haha man thanks for that inspiration, I actually set up all my weeks goals last night. I seperate them into health, happiness and financial.

Anyone else do something like this or similar?
Yes I have goals for the day even for things like do the shopping, smile to somebody etc etc. I'm setting my long term goals too.
MooseGod said:
My problem is always that the first day of the rest of my life always starts TOMORROW...or some other indefinite date in the future.

I would have gone to bed early tonight to do all that good stuff tomorrow, but here it is 3:30 in the morning and I can't seem to sleep for the life of me...

Great stuff though man... I will definitely stop procrastinating TOMORROW!
Goals help procastinating. When you write something down it helps focus the mind and you'll find yourself actually wanting to complete the goals. When a goal is complete no matter how small look back at it and feel good about it.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
Wouldn't you like to know? ;)
Killer Six Pac said:
Haha man thanks for that inspiration, I actually set up all my weeks goals last night. I seperate them into health, happiness and financial.

Anyone else do something like this or similar?
Yes, I actually made a thread on this..It's a small template, have a look..Self-Improvement Template