A new hope


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2009
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Things have turned for the better, ever since I decided to cease contact with the girl that I had gone on 4 dates with and who apparently had lost interest. See post "Would it be a mistake?"

On Thursday, a very very attractive 36 year old girl (seriously she is a 9 in the face and a 9.5 body) with no children responded to my email on match.com. We met at a wine bar on Thursday night. We talked over a glass of wine and the chemistry was obvious from the start. After one glass of wine she was saying how attracted she was to me, etc. We then changed venues to go to a Sushi place where about 12 coworkers of mine were doing "sake bombs". We both got quite tipsy. Next thing, we are back in her apartment having protected sex. I swear I am not making this up. I recognize how unusual this is. I only mention it so you will have context for what I am about to ask.

The next morning she calls me and wants to see me again. I agree and pick her up and we go to a spanish tapas restaurant, followed by playing billiards. During the billiards portion, she is flirting with me, and I say "if you don't stop distracting my shots, I'm going to take you right here on this pool table". She loved this sort of flirting. She still had somewhat of a headache from the prior night's drinking and I said "let's go back to your place and I'll rub your head to help you feel better. Then came THE TEST.

So she said "Ron, I've only known you for two dates. What is happening here?" I said "what do you mean?" She said "well, I sometimes get other people wanting to see me on match.com and I definitely want to sleep with you tonight but don't know how you would react if I saw the other people". I said "well, you can ask me any question you want, but be prepared for the full honest answer". She said "I want the honest answer"

So I said "well, I'm incredibly physically attracted to you, and definitely want to get to know you a lot better. While I don't want to hear about you dating other guys, that's a choice you have to make and I don't plan to bug you about it. I've been dating a lot of other girls, but none quite as special as you. I'm not going to pressure you or push you, so let's just let things develop naturally. We really can't tell how it will develop. Maybe we'll end up being friends only." She liked this and kept staring at me telling me how much she loved my eyes.

We then went to her apartment and had very very intense sex. During the post-sex cuddling, we were talking more in very endearing ways. She was telling me she is going out with girlfriends (and her gay male friend) tonight to some clubs and asked me if I was jealous. I said "of course not, I don't own you. I hope you have a great time"

She seemed nervous about a story I told her of breaking up with a recent girlfriend after 4 dates because there was no "spark" on my end despite physical and emotional compatibility. She then said "well, let's see how we are after 4 dates and then we can decide if we want to be exclusive." I said "that sounds cool to me." Then she said "I see we have huge chemistry". Then I did the one pseudo-needy thing, which I don't think was so bad actually. I said to her "well, since we're going to wait until 4 dates to see how things are going, what do you think about agreeing that we both will not have sex with others until the end of the 4 dates?" She very readily agreed to this. Note: I still intend to have sex with the other 2 girls I am seeing, and I expect she probably will have sex with others, but at least I have her moving in the right direction.

Then, somehow in the conversation around 2am we discussed playing tennis together and taking a trip to Vegas together later this month. She was enthusiastic over both. We left by agreeing that she'll text me sometime.

So here is my plan, which I wanted to run past you guys, as I don't want to F this one up.

1. I will continue to see the 2 other girls with whom I have been having sex. I have a movie date tonight with one and a date tomorrow night in my home with the other. This will help me keep my nerve and not get clingy or desperate.
2. I will NOT text or call this new very sexy girl (strongly preferred by me over the other two) until at least Monday afternoon. Coincidentally, she is also a night shift nurse, just like the other one that I had been dating that lost interest after 4 dates.

Anything else I am missing? She is really incredibly attractive and I am sure gets hit on ALL the time. It's tough knowing she is out at clubs tonight, but I have the idea that if I try to be too clingy right now, that I will blow it.

I know this sounds like a bit of bragging, and to be honest, I'm a bit proud of how far I've come so fast given all of your advice, but I am still extremely capable of falling into AFC behavior, so I really need some guidance on my next step.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
So I said "well, I'm incredibly physically attracted to you, and definitely want to get to know you a lot better. While I don't want to hear about you dating other guys, that's a choice you have to make and I don't plan to bug you about it. I've been dating a lot of other girls, but none quite as special as you. I'm not going to pressure you or push you, so let's just let things develop naturally. We really can't tell how it will develop. Maybe we'll end up being friends only." She liked this and kept staring at me telling me how much she loved my eyes.
ronp, you COMPLETE ME!!!

ugh. nononononononononono.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2009
Reaction score
Well, I see those phrases were not ideal, but I will point out that I said both things before she decided to have sex last night.

But how do I recover? What next?


Jun 6, 2009
Reaction score
"After one glass of wine she was saying how attracted she was to me, etc".

What kind of woman says that?
One glass?

This comment alone would have raised serious questions for me.

"So here is my plan, which I wanted to run past you guys, as I don't want to F this one up".

The very fact you have stated this leads me to believe you are going to very easily and very quickly fall into the dreaded combo of oneitis / afc'ness.

If this latest woman all turns to custard - don't say we didn't warn you.

I wish you luck - although luck has not much at all to do with it.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2009
Reaction score
Yellow flag

I agree that statement (and a few other things I have not mentioned) are big yellow flags. This girl is very very smoking hot (especially for a 36 year old), but I have a feeling there's some sordid past history somewhere. She's from the Philippines. Came here 8 years ago and works as a nurse on the midnight shift. Never married.

Knowing that she isn't marriage material is somehow helping me keep my nerve better in all of this than the others. The sex was very sensational. The best I've had in a long long time.

But, I have to admit, your observation is correct. I do expect to somehow fall into oneitis on this and screw it up.

I'm committed to not contacting her until Monday afternoon.
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
Sex on the first internet date? That's a huge red flag right there.

Never had one of those that didn't turn out batsh!t crazy. Damn straight she probably isn't marriage material. And she probably has at least 3 other d!cks standing by too.

Last girl I did this with I found out she was banging other guys the whole time I saw her. Probably right after or before me too. And she lied about it and tried to say she wasn't dating anyone else. The lies started the second I met her.

She carried around those disposable toothbrushes.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
"Sex on the first internet date? That's a huge red flag right there."


How did she flirt with you?

What exact words did she say??

"I am still extremely capable of falling into AFC behavior, so I really need some guidance on my next step."

Just remind yourself as often as needed that every woman no matter how hot is ultimately replaceable and that one that is very hot but yet begins behaving badly is not to be coddled and tip toed around so as to try and keep her. Cut that rotten apple loose and find fresh fruit.

Or you could even do Bible Belt's method which is to say fvck her sister or best friend...she'll blame herself.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2009
Reaction score
Here is how she flirted with me:

1. Made rather overt sexual references. First, when i spilled a very small amount of water on her by accident, she said "this early and you're making me wet already?"
2. She stared into my eyes, telling me how attractive I was, and then nestled up really close to me, touching my leg, bringing her face really close to mine several times
3. Told me that she has read "the game" (i think this is the one by neil strauss), so I shouldnt' try to "play her". i feigned ignorance on this.

I don't understand what her game and motives are. Objectively, I'm quite good looking with a great career, but I'm not THAT good looking!

I don't see what's in it for her and why she would be acting like this. one other alarming thing is in bed after sex she was asking me about my job, and then asked how much money approximately I made. I told her it was wildly variable, and could swing by hundreds of K year to year (which is true, as I am mostly compensated with a bonus). She then told me exactly how much she made as a nurse (which was higher than I thought)

She also revealed to me a story that in her building, she used to live next to a famous DJ (I didnt recognize his name when she told me, but I googled it and he is indeed quite famous in the club scene). She said she was friendly with the DJ's wife, and then became friendly with the DJ himself in the hallway, etc. Then the DJ's wife got jealous and stopped speaking to her. The DJ moved to southen california with his wife and two children a few months ago. She showed me 4 signed CD's of his that he had given her.

I can't stress enough how incredibly attractive her body was. She's 36 with the body of a 19 year old. I'm drunk on the sex I'm afraid.

But I still don't get what the heck she is after and why she gave up such great sex two nigths in a row and why she is coming out with all the questions over whether I want to be exclusive or not. Before I answered as I already detailed in my OP, I replied to her "you're the one bringing up these questions, not me".


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Oh gawd, this has trainwreck written all over it.

You and she acted like you were on a ONS from night one. Now you are discussing "exclusivity", and then you agreed to NOT have sex with others , but you have no intention of keeping your end of the deal.
YOu better go read some more of Guru's posts .

You have not correctly set the frame here - if fact she has you in her frame - the pvssy frame. Your attempts to try to assert some control over the situation will fail. You are asking her NOT to do the same sex thing with other guys that she freely did with you.

You know why she had sex with you on the first night ?
A. Because it is what she does to get what she wants.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
ronp78 said:
I don't see what's in it for her and why she would be acting like this. one other alarming thing is in bed after sex she was asking me about my job, and then asked how much money approximately I made.
Ding ! She is for sale, lease or rent.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2009
Reaction score
OK, but why is she bringing up all the questions about exclusivity? She very much wanted to ask and discuss this question. I tried hard to avoid it but it was clear she wasn't putting out until we had the discussion.

if she's a first date fvcker, (which i recognize is quite likely) why should she care if I'm exclusive or not?

She also did quite an excellent strip tease for me, wearing these high heels and matching lingerie that could have been from a stripper.

But she's a registered nurse working the night shift! I know this for a fact. It doesnt add up!
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
ronp78 said:
OK, but why is she bringing up all the questions about exclusivity? She very much wanted to ask and discuss this question. I tried hard to avoid it but it was clear she wasn't putting out until we had the discussion.

if she's a first date fvcker, (which i recognize is quite likely) why should she care if I'm exclusive or not?

She's probably looking for a sucker to marry her. I think they use sex to suck us in.

My last girl from the internet who was like this started talking about marriage in the first month of meeting her.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 16, 2007
Reaction score
Slow down man. You are going back to your old ways way too soon.
1. So many dates right away
2. Planning a trip together.

See her once or twice a week, play it cool. Never bring up being exclusive and if she does tell her that you two just met. Just slow it down and think of this like a chess match planning your next move..


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
ronp78 said:
OK, but why is she bringing up all the questions about exclusivity? She very much wanted to ask and discuss this question. I tried hard to avoid it but it was clear she wasn't putting out until we had the discussion.

if she's a first date fvcker, (which i recognize is quite likely) why should she care if I'm exclusive or not?

She also did quite an excellent strip tease for me, wearing these high heels and matching lingerie that could have been from a stripper.

But she's a registered nurse working the night shift! I know this for a fact. It doesnt add up!
Yes it does add up.
WHy do people seek exclusivity ?
A. to have EXCLUSIVE access to the object. She is testing you to see whether you will enter into a relationship in which she provides you with sex and in return YOU provide her with money and its trappings. She wants you to be her own ATM, and she want to be the only PIN holder, hence the exclusivity feeler.
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Don Juan
Jul 26, 2009
Reaction score
I can't argue with everything you've laid out. It actually does all add up now.

Because the sex is so good, I'm going to proceed, but will be extra careful watching the demands/requests for money, and definitely NOT stop seeing other girls, that might be better LTR material.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
You have violated the cardinal rule,

Placing too much value in a woman.

To make matters worse, you have ignored the warning signs,

So she said "Ron, I've only known you for two dates. What is happening here?" I said "what do you mean?" She said "well, I sometimes get other people wanting to see me on match.com and I definitely want to sleep with you tonight but don't know how you would react if I saw the other people".
You succeeded in qualifying her and failed to eject. This rapport has a thirty day shelf life. Report back in thirty days with the lesson you have learned.
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
What I have learned is if she bangs on the first Internet date, you should pre - emptively dump her because she is a headcase, gold digger, or all of the above. In other words, she is trash.

And I have had more than a few girls bang on the first internet date and none of them worked out. Even if I thought she was "special" and I was the only one. It never turned out that way.

I think banging on the first internet date is different than a first date where you met her in real life. The one's who do it without even seeing you in person have a whole slew of mental issues. BPD alert! Start the sirens.

In fact the girl I saw last week and banged I met her online and she banged and sucked on the first date and I almost fell for her but I am keeping her around as a bangdoll. She wants more (marriage... barf) and I am telling her what she wants to hear so I can keep getting the sex. She will probably end up shooting me.

Don't even THINK about being anything serious with this woman. She is good for one thing, sex. She was disqualified from being exclusive when she put out on the first Internet date.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2009
Reaction score

After all this great advice here on this topic, I am definitely starting to see things your way. I will report back with how this shapes up.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2009
Reaction score
I'm getting the urge to call her today, and fighting it hard, but I have the feeling I will give in.

One of the two other girls I am having sex with is coming over tonight at 6pm and it should be fun. But my mind is on the very sensational sex I had with this one.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Even spinning plates and multiple sex partners can't keep you from getting one-itis. This was one of my criticism for plate spinning as the end all be all. It helps with one-itis, but the real problem is some men still want what they want regardless.