A must read if you wish to understand how to maximize your capabilites.


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
To become a DJ we must first be aware of our surroundings and how we perceive them.

Perception is everything. Children are a great example of this, you tell them the sky is made of marshmallows and they'll believe you because they have to perceive SOMETHING other than NOTHING or what are they left with? Abstract thinking, which I believe is inconceivable.

If someone sees something I call a zugalot, they're going to accept that it's a zugalot unless they have reason to believe otherwise (i.e. encountering multiple things that are already classified). If I weren't there to tell them it was a zugalot, they would have to come up with something to call it themselves.

That person would probably look for characteristics they could define, such as color, smell, shape, size, and most importantly resemblance to something else. i.e., if it looked like a tree they might call it treedo.

Where do they get the "-do" from? It’s not abstract if you thought I was going to say that. The "-do" is of the alphabet, and other words have the letters "do" in them. If that information was not there the person would not have thought up the "-do". Why might you add the "-do"? To differentiate between the tree and treedo is a good reason.

Imagine this though; there is nothing that could possibly be resembled. You have no childhood, one day you just appear in the world. And there are no surroundings. You have no senses, there is nothing to see, nothing to hear, taste, smell or touch. Your mind exists alone. Your mind absorbs zero information.

With these conditions, what thoughts can be processed? Well there is nothing to process.

The youngest children rely on feelings, and instinct.

I think there are three things humans react to.
  1. Instinct
  2. Feelings
  3. Intelligence

    Instinct is simply one thing: The feeling or urge that a certain action must be taken. This action can only be done in certain surroundings. I.e. if you had an instinct to pull bananas off of their trees, this instinct wouldn't apply where there were no bananas.

    In our world where there are no feelings, and no surroundings, instinct is non-existent.

    Feelings can't really be broken down any further than the ideas of emotions and the fact that it is purely psychological (as are instinct and intelligence). The brain senses emotions and tells the body to feel them. Where do they start? Surroundings. If your bed is warm you will feel it. If you discover you won a million dollars, you'll feel happy. What if you had no surroundings? Where do your feelings come from? No senses, no interaction with another world. There would be no feelings. In our closed off world, feelings are eliminated.

    Last is intelligence. How does intelligence come about? Babies do not react on intelligence. It is only when they become older and parents enforce certain ideas that they learn that thing A does this because ___ and that can help me in this situation because _____. In that case I’ll use thing A. I theorize that the smarter the animal, the less instinct and feeling are relied on. And the more instinct and feeling are relied on, the less intelligence is. Babies do not know to do anything other than what they are told by people the feel trust for and comfort from. Their feelings guide intelligence, and intelligence cannot exist without feeling. Thus since we eliminated feelings above, intelligence is also eliminated.

    What do you have left to react on now? All three things are gone. You cannot react, and if you can't react to something there is no growth. Growth only occurs when there is a reason for it. If you nurture and water a plant it will grow, if you choose not to water it then it will not grow. If you struggle catching up to your prey, your body will evolve to increase your speed. Your speed doesn't increase "just because".

    There is a cause for every effect. You are closed off now with no causes for any effects. No effects take place. What will happen? Nothing. No growth, nothing at all.

    So why do we want growth? To interact better with our surroundings. Our surroundings correlate very well to our growth. Why do we want to interact better with our surroundings?

    This will enhance our feelings, instincts, and intelligence. Those 3 things govern our bodies and minds. They control what we do for their own satisfaction.

    However we are a part of them, and they are a core part of us. Everything we do affects them and anything positively affecting them positively affects us, since they govern us.

    We have no will to just die, so we value them not negatively but positively. they don’t want to die so our intelligence says "we're valuable" and our feelings say "we make you feel good" and instincts say "our race has evolved for many years, I know what’s best for you I’ve been through those years." we have no choice but to agree with them, because there is nothing else to convince us otherwise. The only other option we have is suicide.

    *quick note* I’m not encouraging suicide and saying your brain is plotting against you.

    Everything we interact with we place some sort of value on, and that’s where our perception comes into play.

    If I offered you either a hundred dollars or a thousand dollars at no cost, what would you take? The thousand dollars is valued higher because it can satisfy more of our feelings, instincts, and intelligence (from this point forwards I’ll call those "FII").

    We have to pick between two options, live or die. Since you are reading this you are obviously alive and don’t want to die, so in that case you agree with your FII that you need to satisfy them.

    As I said before, we place value on everything. The kid riding his bike on the sidewalk has little value, being that it has value in that it's part of society, and POTENTIALLY could be of more value if certain things were to happen.

    Potential value is a big one here. If I were to trip and fall and break my neck while no one else was around, this kid could save my life. In this case his value would be extremely high. However if he just rode on past and nothing happened to me the value would be low. But potential value doesn't change.

    The higher value we perceive things, the more we will satisfy our FII. In this case, we want to put as much value on things as possible since we are working together with our FII to please them (so we will be pleased).

    If you give a child chocolate for the first time, he's not going to perceive its minimum value. He’s going to love it, and if you tell him that he can only have it once a year, he's going to value it even higher. The value we place on things is lowered the more access we have to it, since we don't have to go to as great lengths to acquire it as if it were always present.

    I love using children as examples when it comes to human nature because they haven't yet been educated by society to think certain ways. Children will value things however you tell them to, because they feel devotion and trust to you. Adults have already been told how to value things, whether it was in words or actions. Children can view a new bed as highly as we would view a million dollars for free, or as lowly as we view dirt. This is the capability of mankind's perceptions.

    Let me explain it this way. If every person you met on the street was "stupid" until you got to know them, you wouldn't be a friendly person and you wouldn't be pleasing you FII. If your perceptions were that every human being was great, and you valued them highly enough to be very excited and happy and friendly around them, you WOULD be pleasing your FFI and things would be going better.

    What’s the difference? Perception. That is how much it can change things.

    I’m going to bring up another point, relativity. Everything is relative. Repeat that a few times. If you view all humans 10X better than John does, your perceptions for each individual will still be different. If a girl has a softer voice than another girl, even though you might adore both of them, you will place higher value on the one with the softer voice.

    This is how we strive to improve. Even if you have $10 mil, that's not much compared to bill gates. If everyone had bill gate's money, the economy would change and you would be considered poor.

    This is why we try to go for better, no matter how good what he have already is. Values drop as their relative value to other things drops. If you can control your perceptions to things to where the effect relative value has on actually value is limited, you'll be in great shape.

    Let’s talk about one way of getting around that. It’s called diversity. If all the girls you dated looked closely the same, had the same accent, enjoyed the same things, etc, their relative value would be about the same. Their actual value would drop because that type of girl would be easily accessible. Now let’s say a girl from another country comes along, looks different, different accent, enjoys completely different things. Her value is going to skyrocket because she is so diverse from the rest.

    Ever hear of supply/demand? If something is easily accessible its value drops. The more the supply outweighs the demand, the more accessible something will be.

    The more of these "special" girls you find, the more accessible they will be and the lower both their relative and actual value will be.

    Diversity is very important in our lives. It allows the demand to go up, but in many cases we control the supply, so we control the value on our lives.

    By becoming a diverse person, by becoming DIFFERENT from other people, by finding diverse people and items, the value your FII places on your life will be much greater at much lower cost.

    Ever wonder why they say "be different?" this is as good a reason as any.

    The way you perceive things will change the value you place on them. So let me ask you this one final question:

    Are your feelings, instincts and intelligence telling you to acquire the more or less valuable?

    Disclaimer: This is in the "Tip's Forum" so I must have a valid reason for why it relates to getting girls... hmmm let's see... oh I know
    . By acquiring the most valuable lifestyle you get the most valuable girls, which are the best kind.

    "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."
    -Antoine de Saint-Exupery

    "Everybody sees what you appear to be, few feel what you are,"

    [This message has been edited by MaDsKaTeR212 (edited 11-30-2002).]

DJ Ice

Don Juan
Nov 13, 2002
Reaction score
Great post, skater! Lengthy but highly valid.

Create Reality

Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2002
Reaction score
This post is awesome! A damn good read. This is something alot of people miss out on realizing and it's very helpful, to anyone at all.

I have a question for YOU Madskater, You seem to have alot of interesting views and I was wondering where you get the bulk of your info. Like books, classes, ect.

BTW Im taking an economics course soon and alot of what you say sounds related to economics. Have you studied it? If you have, what can I expect?


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Create Reality:
This post is awesome! A damn good read. This is something alot of people miss out on realizing and it's very helpful, to anyone at all.

I have a question for YOU Madskater, You seem to have alot of interesting views and I was wondering where you get the bulk of your info. Like books, classes, ect.

BTW Im taking an economics course soon and alot of what you say sounds related to economics. Have you studied it? If you have, what can I expect?
Thank You.

Most of my info comes from my head. I've read a couple books somewhat psychology related or written by psychologists, but none of them aren't really focused on it. Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People" opened up a lot of my views on how people react to things and operate, but the main idea of that book was "be friendly".

I've looked through a couple web sites when i came across them, but i dont remember any of them. I haven't taken economics, i've been wanting to take psychology and sociology but i cant until i'm a junior next year. to be honest with you, i dont have a whole lot of resources, i just find ideas and elaborate on them or make other ideas out of them.

have a nice day

"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"Everybody sees what you appear to be, few feel what you are,"

[This message has been edited by MaDsKaTeR212 (edited 12-04-2002).]