A more complicated LJBF situation. Advice needed


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2008
Reaction score
First post, I'm sorry if it's a bit long.

So I've been seeing this girl for about 3 months. Well call her "Susie" Things were goin pretty well. We went on dates and hooked up throughout the duration.

At some point she had canceled two dates in a row, So i took it upon myself to see other girls. I began seeing two other girls and hooking up with them regularly.

when me and susie finally got along to seeing eachother once again. She admitted to me that she flaked on me cuz she found another dude she was into. She told me they "did it." think she was trying to make me jealous, but i jsut told her "cool, I've been seeing other girls and doing it with them." she cried, we made up started seeing eachother again. I continued seeing the other girls but didn't let her know.

fast forword: she distances herslef again, my other prospect are outta the picture (one moved to germany, the other commited to an LTR). I have it bad for susie as we have ton in common and have bonded quite well.

she canceled a date on me last nite, no big deal. I went to a party with friends and tried to have fun anyways. tried. Until I walked in on susie making out with some gutter punk loser. I pretended to not see it or care, then about 5 beers later she come and talks to me and I call her out on it.

she is emberassed and flustered. I tell her that I really liked her. She basically gives me an ljbf line and I tell her that's probaly best we don't bother with eachother anymore.

Gutter punks interrups and takes her away.

I'm feeling lost-since i really have feelings for this girl. she insist on being friends and I do value her company and wanna be arroound her, but wtf? I don't "just" wanna be friends.

I know i should find some more plates to spin-but i really want her.

fellow DJ's if you could drop me a line of wisdome I would greatly appreciate it.


Don Juan
Jun 7, 2008
Reaction score
the girl screws u over and over again and you tell her you like her ;) great going there..

this is what I would do: date and fvck other chicks and ignore that "susie", when/if she becomes desperate, fvck her, as soon as your semen is in her pvssy take out your c0ck , wipe it clean dress up and tell her you never want to see her again in your life. And then see what happens ;)


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
manonfire said:
I'm feeling lost-since i really have feelings for this girl. .


Its always a competition to see who will fall first and then who will fall harder then who will cheat on or dump who first... This is the game people play to protect their pride and ego from the turmoil and hurt you feel now...

Also she is hoing now... she is cool Fing you too as long as you dont try to "save her" ie. stop her from hoing.. MOdern liberal womens power lies solely in their vaginas so any attempt by you to control her vagina is seen as a direct attack on her very existence..


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2008
Reaction score
thnaks for the reply. as they say hindsight is 20/20. I'm sure the fact that I was drunk didn't help the situation. Ah well, you live you learn.

taht was pretty much the last straw with her.

I deleted her number.
I suusally do try to have at least 2 plates spining at a time. I guess I got too comfortable with the two platse I was spining. Now,they're both outta the picture and i'm back to square one.

onwards and upwards.

I did email susie, to tell her that I wanted my things back. she's upset that i don't wanna jsut be her friend. Oh well, her lost.


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2008
Reaction score
Also she is hoing now... she is cool Fing you too as long as you dont try to "save her" ie. stop her from hoing.. MOdern liberal womens power lies solely in their vaginas so any attempt by you to control her vagina is seen as a direct attack on her very existence..[/QUOTE]

That's another thing she recently became a stripper because she think it's "empowering" third wave feminist BS....

But as far as I know most stripper probably have some serious head isssues.

I'm cool ignoring her in the meantime- if she wants to F I have no problem doing that....or should I?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score
The World
She told me they "did it."
that's disrespect to you as a man. why would you even want to keep her cheating a$$ around?

she canceled a date on me last nite, no big deal.
yes it is a big deal. a woman should not disrespect you like this, over and over again. if there's an emergency i understand. but she is out there fvcking other guys and you are allowing this to happen because you did not put your foot down from the get-go.

Until I walked in on susie making out with some gutter punk loser. I pretended to not see it or care,
WHAT?!!! you pretended not to care?? ... you should stepped your balls up and dumped her ass on the spot and never ever looked back.

she is emberassed and flustered. I tell her that I really liked her.
she is caught cheating like a rat on you and you tell her you REALLY like her?.. dude what the f?!

She basically gives me an ljbf line and I tell her that's probaly best we don't bother with eachother anymore.
she gave YOU the ljbf? you shoulda dumped her a long time before this ever happened bro. now she thinks she was the best thing that ever happened to you that you were willing to put up with her hoochie behaviour and still want her.

I'm feeling lost-since i really have feelings for this girl.
OH MY GOD. You still have feelings for a cheating lieing hoe?!! what is wrong with you mayne? step up and be a man!!!!

I know i should find some more plates to spin-but i really want her.
no you don't want her. you want to get back at her. that's what it is. you are infuriated she cheated and dumped you and you want to have her so you can conquer her and get bored and toss her out the window.

dont let your ego get at you. and for god's sake. step up, be a man, delete this woman's number out of your phone, out of your mind out of your life FOREVER. never talk to her disrespectful a$$ EVER again.


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2008
Reaction score
I know i should find some more plates to spin-but i really want her.

How much are you going to put up for her. I say dump it..

You were okay with her cheating on you, that is not good. She left with some other guy.. that is not good.

if she wants to F I have no problem doing that....or should I? Not a good idea.

These women prefer 'other' goodies. They have enough of males etc.


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2008
Reaction score
yeha, at this point I pretty much just want my stuff back. if she doesn't repond to my email-should i hound her to get my things back or jsut let it go?

thans for the support.


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
Suck It The F*** Up
But Let It Break Your Heart A Little
So That Your Stronger The Next Go Round


Senior Don Juan
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score
The World
manonfire said:
yeha, at this point I pretty much just want my stuff back. if she doesn't repond to my email-should i hound her to get my things back or jsut let it go?

thans for the support.
i think you are using your stuff as an excuse to have contact with her but if you really did lose something very important to you, then just call her and pick it up and then dont talk to her again