A message to the newbies


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2010
Reaction score
I have been on and off this website under a few differnt names. Sometimes I would look back on the **** i said and get so embarressed that I would start a new profile.

If you are a newbie you are probably either looking for a girlfriend or just to get laid. Unfortunatley you are looking for the wrong thing. First start by by being good enough for yourself before a girl is going to be good enough for you. (That's an unrealistic way of saying your #1 not her, she's here to compliment your life)

Allot of the things you will learn here will be counter intuitive. Counterintuitive actions will be what you will take part in because not only will you date girls but you will meet someone special and hold things in you think you should say. You will be mean to her when you think you should be nice. And you will act this way after you learn how women work because you want to make her happy. Nice doesn't always make women happy beacause we are not only soul bearing creatures but we are also animals. You have to seduce all aspects of the female form. AND THIS DOES NOT MEAN BE A JERK. THIS MEANS BE A MAN. READ THE BOOK OF POOK.

And if you get caught up in the community doing boot camps and buying RSD dvds etc. etc. your gonna find yourself at the risk of people sucking money out of you more then caring what is best for your interests. I never payed for a boot camp and there are ways of getting those dvds without paying the ridiculous amounts of money they ask. Read the book of pook. this is guy who came here under an alias and wrote about his experiences not only to better himself but to help others for no profit. There are guys who claim to know who he is and that he started his own site it's bull****. Those scumbags are just trying to ride his coat tails you can tell they are differnt people just from the writing styles. I have been through all of the deangelo stuff RSD stuff etc. and there are some gems in those but nothing compares to this PDF file that you can download for nothing.

Get out there and fail, over and over again, infact that's a chapter in pook's book. I asure you it will come sooner or later. Do your best to weed out the disinformation from the vast amount of virgins on this website. There are still some solid guys here that have good things to say. I'm pretty good at this game now I was kind of a natural as a kid but still needed allot of work, I still come here for advice. Guys will flame you on this site and rip on you most likely they are 16 and still haven't ****ed. the experienced guys will be patient and talk intelligently with explanations to follow up their argument.

Some people are doomed to not be a ladies man and that's not a bad thing. If you read pook's teachings you will understand why that is not you. Sometimes we don't find the books that we read, sometimes they find us. Just google it and it will pop up for download..amazing (by the way pook isn't a God there are other guys that have great ideas, he just helped me the most and it's a good start i combed through all the crap out there this free pdf is the best)

I just felt like I owed this little rant to this website because it has helped me so much. before the internet this would have never been possible
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Don Juan
Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
I read the Book of Pook yearly...tis that time again.

'Date' tomorrow with an 8.5, so I'll be sure to read a few chapters - grab that mindset..and go.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
South Africa
Agreed, work on your confidence and rid yourself of insecurity, then the rest comes with it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
doinwork said:
Allot of the things you will learn here will be counter intuitive. Counterintuitive actions will be what you will take part in because not only will you date girls but you will meet someone special and hold things in you think you should say. You will be mean to her when you think you should be nice. And you will act this way after you learn how women work because you want to make her happy. Nice doesn't always make women happy beacause we are not only soul bearing creatures but we are also animals. You have to seduce all aspects of the female form. AND THIS DOES NOT MEAN BE A JERK. THIS MEANS BE A MAN. READ THE BOOK OF POOK.
You have to remember that in many ways women are the exact opposite of men. So it's only natural that what they are looking for is not the same as what we are looking for. This is something that has helped me understand some of the counterintuitive stuff. We are looking for something nice, soft, curvy, and feminine - obviously, that is not what women are looking for.

The other thing I would say to newbies is take all this PUA stuff with a grain of salt. Some of it is very useful, some of it is useful for certain people, some of it is useful in certain situations, and some of it is just straight up BS.