On monogamy:
Figured maybe this was a good time to toss this one out there. I know it may not sit well with the general consensus, but seeing as there are a few supportive voices out there, thought maybe I'd give it a shot.
I personally feel monogamy is actually a realistic "trait", if you want to call it that. True, I can't deny that the more mates one has, the greater chance of producing offspring. What I do believe however is that even “limited” by natural laws and evolutionary biology, Men can still rise above our savage upbringings (and I use that in a good way).
The only way to know, and thus rise above, the "savage" aspects of our lives is to live it. To experience it. Rollo alluded to this. These days it seems that men have forgot how to live as Men (for reasons that aren’t important here.) Once one has "re-learned" how to be a Man (through various capacities, of which multiple exposures to women is of HUGE help) however, it is much easier to make a monogamous relationship work. You have a plethora of experiences to draw on, and you also have a better idea of what "you" will/won't put up with as a Man. “Savage” is good: it’s natural, and when it comes to sex/reproduction, women will sniff it out and shag it. But to be able to switch our basic nature on and off, and not be a slave to it, is the key.
A lot of posters like to champion "Monogamy isn't natural: It goes against our basic programming as humans" etc. Maybe, but it doesn't negate the fact that it can possibly work out for the better. I could make the argument that it isn't "natural" for humans to stop at red lights on the street. Street lights have only been a part of our society for 50+ years: you can’t get much more “unnatural” than that. Yet it seems to function rather well, us stopping when we see that red light. The “unnatural” argument is nothing more than a crutch, in my opinion; a convenient excuse to shirk the responsibilities of a Man and to not bother to stand above the basic animal instincts that are common too to bugs and monkeys that fling feces at each other. We Men are better than that.
*When I say “better”, I am thinking in terms of children, family unit/support system, property ownership, familial inheritance, etc. If you don’t think these are important, then this post won’t matter at all.*
This isn’t to say that monogamy is always the right choice. As we have seen in the last two generations, it can do more harm than good. Two parties that don’t have the necessary experience and outlook with regards to a singular relationship can do irreparable damage to each other. And when there are kids involved, the results can be infinitely worse. I do have the opinion however that when a monogamous relationship “clicks”, the parties will be much further ahead in LIFE, than they would have been having pursued multiple “natural-based” relationships.
In the end though, it just comes down to what one can and can’t accept. I choose to accept that as Men, we are more than our penises. We are more than the testosterone hormone that courses through our blood. While the barbarians of past were busy wiping their arse with their hand, burning libraries and living with goats, a few civilised gents got together and said “We are better than this.” Out of that Rome grew, and became a shining light amongst the drivel. Philosophy, medicine, architecture, government. This leads me to feel that while it may be difficult to not steal a glance at a nice pair of breasts, it surely isn’t an excuse to slam an individual pursuing a better life with a single good woman.
(And yes, the biggest battle is finding a "good" one, I know)