A Man and a Shy Girl, or, How DJs Deal With Shy Girls


Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
Quick version: I'm in college. Met socially inept girl who is cute, very intelligent, and nervous; how should I proceed?

Longer story:
There's this shy girl who lives in my dorm. She reads a whole lot, is relatively independent, intelligent (in the cute nerdy way, if that's possible), and nervous as hell around me.

So I found out in her online profile that she liked a book that I also liked, and I used that as a chance for an opener at lunch about a week ago.

I took her out to lunch a couple of days later. She was nervous the whole time; having studied the DJB for so long and applying it to reality/normal life, I could detect her body language, speech, etc.

As time moved on, she seemed to warm up a bit, but was still jittery.

I invited her over to my room to hang out and chat for a bit a couple of days after the first date. I liberally applied kino and flirted/teased. She initially pulled back, but got closer and more comfortable (though keeping some distance). We talked for awhile over some tea that I made (coffee is so passe). Here's what I've found out so far (from my biased perspective):

Socially/Personality --
She's shy around people. She has poor social skills. She hangs out with dorks at lunch. She has hobbies, including dance, art, etc., but they are all mostly solidary pursuits. She loves to read a wide range of things. She is interested in pretty hippie stuff, like spiritualized yoga and alternative medicine.

Personal --
I feel that she is honest to a fault. For example, I directly asked her after she said, 'What am I supposed to do?' when I nudged her with my foot, "Have you ever been taken out on a date before?"

Her reply to this was no. She had a "boyfriend" who never took her out (some guy she met when she was working on an organic farm in a rural area). Totally inexperienced. No game.

She also told me about a guy who (I didn't push to ask who it was or if he was still here; should I have?) basically stalked her like nobody's business last year. The creep followed her everywhere, would always be in her room, and would even sleep in her bed uninvited. She cites this as a reason for being cautious around me. I asked her if she thinks I'm dangerous, and she said maybe (so she has some inner game, or as much as a smart AFC girl may).

Anyways, yes, I like this girl enough to want to pursue things further. I am also keeping my cool to a high degree about this; I've got a good feeling and am planning my moves.

I am asking for experienced DJs to help me out here:

- What are your analyses of the situation?
- What possible ways might I proceed?
- Have you guys had situations like this before, finding a relatively untainted diamond in the rough?

Thanks in advance. And if you need more information/details, please announce whatever it is you need and I will see if I can add in anything else.

(Before I get yelled at for posting something that might have been answered before, let me say that "shy" is not a term that can be searched [too short].)


Master Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
You lead everything (conversation, activities, etc) until she becomes confident or comfortable enough around you to make date suggestions.

This type of girl is easy to date. She seems very interested - I don't think you need any help with this one. Just keep doing what you're doing. Be nice to her too. The ****y-funny isn't what you want to do with this type of girl.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2004
Reaction score
I'm currently talking to this girl that is really really really shy. She is related to my coworker's girlfriend so that kindof made it easier on me.

But anyways, just do what Eric said. Eventually, she will get comfortable being with you and start opening up. Just remember to be patient and not to get discouraged.

Shy girls tend to make for good LTR's just because they are the exact opposite of attention *****s. They tend to have better personalities and dont slut it up.


Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks for posting.

Here are my thoughts:

Be nice to her? How can I be nice without shattering the imagery? She thinks I'm some dangerous character and doesn't know how to respond to me. Being nice makes sense in this particular, but there's just that something about being a "nice guy," you know?

Could you guys please give some hypothetical examples of how I could be nice to her while still being a challenge? Also, I can only roughly gauge her IL, since I don't have much experience with these types of girls (shy/socially inexperienced/cute/dorky).


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
I read a little bit of your post and heres my response:

From experience with shy/reserved girls you usually dont need the C&F stuff. Just be the leader. initiate the questions/topics, be funny in a witty way. To get her to open up ask her questions relating to what she likes and other stuff about her.

In due time she'll open up and when they do they're pretty inside.

Being nice is one thing, looking for her validation BY doing nice things for her is another. So just be a gentleman.

With shy girls being a challenge isnt always necessary, shy girls are already inexperienced and have low self-esteem...i mean why make her think she has to compete for you with other women? However, being unpredictable is much better imo.

anyway good luck


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
I LOVE shy girls man, especially the dorky ones! I'm currently in an LTR with a girl who sounds a little like this one, and really happy with her.

Eric is right: cut down on the C+F, but still apply a little push/pull. Let her win a little though. What I mean is, when you push, let her attempts at pulling you back in work well, so that she knows that she is attractive to you and that there is no reason to be so shy.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
well i had the chance to read your full post.
I suppose there are varying levels of shyness in girls.
But the chick im seeing is somewhat shy/loner type..and she's spiritual yoga type too, however i give her the chance to express herself. And she does, they will open quickly if asked the right questions!

Ask things such as -
how would you feel when/if you ....
What do you think if....

What i do with her is ...she shows high interest (contacting me..etc), and i react by setting dates and stuff. Initiate all the kino and the kisses.

The thing about shy chicks is they rarely initiate kino, i mean if they do it once in awhile for a short while...they are definitely interested in you sexually (give them time, at least 2 dates). And especially they rarely initiate kissing. take them places, surprise them! however since they like to take things slow, i wouldnt rush into the kino as if you're a sexual beast immediately.

Remember, shy girls are shy cause they lack experience. But deep down, they are the horniest creatures on the face of this planet!

One last thing...EC + smile, look at her as if she's the only girl in the room...it always makes them hot


Master Don Juan
May 24, 2005
Reaction score
Im another member of the club, currently trying to get with a shy girl. I met her at work, I wouldnt necessarily call her shy, but she fits the profile is nervous around me and verrryyy quiet. Nervous enough around me, to make me nervous.

It takes alot of persistance man. I thought i was taking things slow, made chit chat here and there(dont see her often) always smiled at each other,etc. Eventually i got her alone one night. MAde more talk, tried to get a #, and she played it off.

ITs so frickin tough, you have to initiate every aspect of the conversation, ask her questions,initiate a little kino. ETC, ahhhh...but thoose cute shy girl eyes. Every shy girl has um.

I started to give up, every time i saw her i knew i would need to think of something to say. Then 1 day she really started talking. Lots of EC, great convo.Im still trying to figure out a day to hang out. The good thing is theese type of girls seem to be the ones with lots of patience, and just all around good people for the most part.


Master Don Juan
May 24, 2005
Reaction score
I forgot my question. MY gut is telling me to take this girl on day dates and save night dates for later. My question is, when would be a good time to initiate things like touching her hair, a goodbye kiss,etc. Im thinking after the 1st date may be too soon?


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by gimmeyofonenumba
I forgot my question. MY gut is telling me to take this girl on day dates and save night dates for later. My question is, when would be a good time to initiate things like touching her hair, a goodbye kiss,etc. Im thinking after the 1st date may be too soon?
Every girl is different , i'd say it depends on how high their IL is and if they trust you by being comfortable around you.
for me i stroked her hair on date 2 and kissed on date 1. However for me, the first kiss she thought it moved too quickly (she told me later on), guess she didnt expect a kiss on the first date. However now she expects kisses from me regularly which is good.

Anyway go with the moment, if it feels right to kiss her then do it.
if not then you must on date 2.


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
bloody oath. that's not fair.

If there's hot shy girl around we can't get to her fast enough.

but if your a hot shy guy you haven't got a chance at getting a ONS let alone a girlfriend. Raaaaaaaarrrrr!

........ok......yes jus wanted to b**** about somthing but as for your problem......well everythings sort of been covered and if i was to try and give you anything i would only be repeating everybody else.

all i can say is be gentle

Remember, shy girls are shy cause they lack experience. But deep down, they are the horniest creatures on the face of this planet!
any way you could use that to ur advantage some how?