a long story


Don Juan
May 14, 2007
Reaction score
I switched my life arround, a total 180 turn, i started my summer courses at uni with a clear fresh head free from all the things that had to be acomplished and left with nothing left than getting girls all arround me. i finished up reading all the seduction/pickups material i could find all arround the internet, so now i got nothing left but to appear at uni ever day and work my thAng.

i will write a long story, with as much detail that i could notice and remmember, i am not writing this to mainly give candy to your eyes, but i am also wanting from you to point out every flaw, every mistake, every single "WTF WHERE YOU THINKING" that comes slamming your head. i am writing this long story of mine to get my situation in the view of the best and hopefully learn thoes small things i lack from their help.

i take two classes, i start the first class and im ****ing sleepy, i notice that a nice 3 or 4 hot chicks take the same class, so i start spreading my smiles, then dose off into how hot that Doctor lecturing us is and start stripping her.
life goes on, the class ends, i throw a couple of hellos to the chicks arround together with dudes, open body language, a nice smile thats not too much or freaky, just alittle candy thing you give to a kid when he impresses you.
i start my second class and there i notice this Hot woman, sitting right there at first row, well, whatever, they are all hot, she gets the same treatment. a while into the class after dominating the class conversations, the liking of the dudes arround, i start glacing at her, she starts giving me little eye contact, what i usually did at the time was just look enough to get her attention, then i look away knowing that they will look away at the same time since they are not white chicks, i live in a brunet country, north africa to be precise, so the girls there arnt white chicks that would strip a guy naked with her eyes and he would go say hello and the sparks fly and they start kissing, its more like get to know me and maybe we will kiss in 1 weeks time, that kind of bull****.
back to my story, i throw glances, she responds like i expect, then comes the second half of the lecture 1.30 hours later in the class, i go out, chill with some buddies, talk with the girls i made connections with (nothing serious, just being extra friendly), by doing what i was doing since the whole morning i was showing myself being sociable and open towards girls, im not a threat, i lead the men arround me, and i am socializing with other females that enjoy my presence. normally she notices that, second half starts and i start my normal childish routine and do eye contact based on bull****, i look she looks, we both look back, then i look, she looks and then she keeps looking.. i wasnt expecting that so i freaked out, not OMFG WAH? just looked back infront of me, mumbled to myself silently, laughed like a mother ****er, then slamed the keep it cool on me, took a breath and looked back, she was still looking, so i smiled like a mother ****er. i recieved a smile not just like it, but like a million times better, and there i felt something different.

so now right there a major invite has happened, she showed that she is interested, and she knows what she wants. so here i am. more eye contact bla bla class ends i go to her and start talking about how awsome the professor is, a funny old man wearing pants 4 sizes larger than he is, but tied well under his minature belly with a belt. we keep jokes on untill we reach the coffee grounds, i think that i shouldnt keep on talking with her since i got more time to see her the next day and the day after and so on, so i go for a "well, i have to go sleep alittle, im all done here", and didnt ask for her phone number, a nice smile and i turn arround, walk over to friends, do the same and i leave.
pretty nice eh? that made my day!! i knew i should have stayed 5 minutes more, gotten to know her alittle better and get her phone number maybe, but never mind, i will have the whole day to do that tomorrow.

the next day starts and my day goes nice than the day befor, i wont get into day detail because i dont give a **** about it, being normal is good, social life is easy and needs no effort, all you need to do is ask a question that they are interested in and there you go, the gates of heaven. more importantly now is this girl, this story isnt a sob sob story about this specific girl, **** that, i got 6 more girls i could think of right now that i am already flirting with and have no problem assending with them to whatever i want, in other words im not collapsing here about 1 girl, i am just curious what other ways would fit for this situation or the mentality or the actions, whatever that comes to your head, back to the story.
tomorrow comes, 2nd class starts, same deep eye contact going, this chick is seriously not leaving me alone, first i was the looker, now she is the looker , she ****ing looks, dazez off in eye contact then a smile then a get back to what ur doing thing. then comes the half time, coffee grounds, i go over to her and sit with her, we talked about our age difference, which is 2 years younger than her, then we talked about jobs after uni and what she wants to be, what she likes, hobbies and light intrests. verry nice im liking it. things are going nice, we have one of her friends with us, so im keeping good relations with her friends, not to mention the other 3 of her group that sit behind me in class that ive gotten myself on the Good side of theirs. so all i could think of right then and there that i was SET. i was GOOD TO GO. things got repetative, kind of, more mind games, more talkes, no phone numbers no after uni meetings, there are still the other half of her group that i dont know, and they are the hard part, the part that has the stone girls, or the 10s of the university, **** that mine is a 10 too.

yesterday is when things started to get sloppy for me. during class i negged her, she looked at me and i did the you have a booger neg on her, she was hit hard by it, nice one!, i didnt wait for her to react, i did it like normal humans do to each other, 2nd half comes, im sitting next to her, i go for the "Thumb wars" game *kino, so refuses, i go :comoon, im not that good, she refuses, then playfully i say that i will count till 5, do the deadline girl. and still a no, at that time there was another chick behind me that threw her hand in in the middle saying she would play but i told her to wait for a minute until im done with her. then that chick rejects the game so i look back, play that other girl win quickly and look infront, give my girl a disapointment look. she reinitiated conversation after then end of class came and we are leaving, "where are you going? " "i am going to the other building to go home with a friend", fine i will walk her there, on the way i go "So,.. Do you smoke Ganja?"*SMILE*kino slap on sholder. so goes no, she gave the face of being surprised but not offended, i reply with a really? damn, too bad we dont have that in common, then i throw a thats maybe why we will never be together, and continue walking, we reach the building, wait for her friend, then one of mine passes, i grab him and introduce him to her, make nice conversation, more comfort, he is 4 years older, so im showing that age is no problem to me what so ever. her friend comes running to us, says some things to the girl with me, then goes back ,then my chick goes after her and tells me be right back. im here talking with my friend then she comes back at the end of a line of 6 girls with her friend and passes me fast and gives me a bye bye bull**** that went so fast flying by. wtf?, come back i wana say something, she looks back stops and looks like she wants to leave to i shoo her with my hand and say go. look the other way continue my conv and so on.

Today. omg at last.! class starts, sitting on the same row, almost half time and im not looking at her, teasing her maybe? i dont know. she looks slightly every once in a while but nothing serious, then i check her out waiting and she is avoiding my eyes, i keep at it for all about 7 seconds and nothing, so aah i get the picture, rejection. cool np, 5 minutes later she starts looking at me and smiling. o_O? what the **** is she crazy? aah, well she is funny w.e i reply the same, break comes i stay with my friends, class is starting, im walking accross the ground, passing the chick and her group, then this other chick i pass calls the girls name, this got me paranoid, but what the hell, it has nothing to do with me, im just a crack head, i go up, get in class, they are 1 minute behind, chick gets in class, then her funny friend from the court downstairs tells her loudly "ooh dont forget *her name* your fience will pick you up right after class at 3 oclock". .. ?>@? hmm, ha that chick is funny, now they are playing games with me, so she is playing hard to get eh? thats funny, im not that stupid. 10 seconds after that i get up, go over, sit next to her and start a conversation, 1 small neg, then happy fluff w/e then i move 1 seat further, max out in comfort and start pretending to be listening to the prof. i thaught maybe she isnt comfortable still arround me and i could be taking things too fast, so i will give her her space and stay being friendly and flirty.a minute into my battle in my ****ed up head one of her other friends goes into the class and tells the prof that she wants her friend excused because she is taking her back home after uni. **** that feance crap, her other friend was being funy. clearly. then i start thinking that starting tomorrow there will be a 6 days holiday so i should get her number and get in contact with her later, so a while in time i get back next to her, talk alittle, then go for the i want to get intouch with you in the holidays, whats ur number?.
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Don Juan
May 14, 2007
Reaction score
She takes the Protective stance, "oh, well i i have to tell you something, i am engaged so you dont think of anything wrong" me while still keeping my normal face on i say "yep i heard your friend say that a while ago, why do you chicks always think the same thing? i like you as a person, so i wanted to get to know you better, no no dont give me your number now, clearly you are not comfortable with it, now let me tell YOU something here., im not hitting on you, so dont act like that, we are friends here and im expecting to still be, so get ur head straight," she smiles, i react conversation by teling her that ive told her befor that my sister is getting engaged soon and i want to know her own point of view on it because i dont like the thing with my sister that much, i want some re assurance that my sister is not doing the wrong thing.

now by saying that im not oppening myself to her so i would get back into her hugs with a sad story or a heart ripper, no, i seriously think and DO know that its all just a lie or one of her games of being harder for me to get, i want details from her, now lets see how far her imagination goes. OH great class ended, now i can talk withought the whole class + the doctor hearing every single word of the conversation of her fience and my sister...i get out of class, she stays behind, maybe to avoid me, well im sure of it, but im getting to the bottom of it in no needy way, she is a friend now that will advise me about my sister and give me happy "advice", when i was talking with her she was acting normaly, she was not resisting, not blunt, just back to her old self, i believe that i got her convinced about me being too open and friendly. which i should be in some extent. so she is behind, im outside, so i make a small detour and oh wow, im glad i caught you, now back to what we were saying, my sister bla, so she told me, uhm well, firstly im not engaged engaged, im just acouple of days away from it, tee hee. wow nice, so why how are you reacting with it as a whole? are you comfortable? you want commitment?, saying that while walking accross the coffee court then we get visible to her group of *****es now, and with them is another dude that seems sleezy, that dude has been there with them the whole day today earlier, so get close to them ,friends notice us talking nicely or w/e then they talk to each other, the dude from their group walkes over, as soon as he reached i stoped talking, faced him, hand extended and introduced myself, got his eye there, that dude seems nervous. then he starts telling her, your "fience" just called me and he is telling you he is outside right now" befor he finished the sentace i had my smile on my face inturupted his last few words with a well i will see you later :) take care, turn my back, nice smirk on my face, no sloppyness, im pretty happy, i do have what i want but not entierly, i go to this other group, hey yo, wel yeah see ya, and continue walking and back home on this computer here and now.

this is a long story lol. sorry, but its full of details and mistakes that people could learn from, its not professional, im just me, clearly this girl is still not comfortable with me, why? because i havnt talked about myself except a few me too's and what i think of things but nothing about who i am or that crap, so maybe thats it, or she has a boyfriend, or which i realy think is the main reason is that her other part of friends dont aprove of me and are forcing or influincing her that there are plenty of fish in the sea and im just a younger dude that used to be silent most of the time and socialized with no chicks or COOL dudes befor or what ever else they think of.
i dont want her in specific, im not crying over spilt milk here, i want to know what went wrong exactly, so i dont do it again, and if there is a nice counter for that bullcrap i would like it too.
thanks for reading this, give me your thaughts.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
Man do you know how to type in paragraphs?

Looking at a big block of writing is very unappealing, split it up into paragraphs and somebody might read it.


Don Juan
May 14, 2007
Reaction score
jtrain 289 said:
lol 180 degrees is half a turn man
180 degrees u look the other way arround, not unless u want a full circle arround yourself.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2006
Reaction score
woah! a big block of text there...nobody will bother to read this sh!t...


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
I told this guy to use some paragraphs. hit the enter key twice its not that fu*king hard.