A live example in Progress of Seduction: field report from Supreme

Apr 3, 2003
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A Sunday ago, I told you guys I was at this club and had to leave but I met this girl on the way out and got her phone number.

I waited till the next saturday and went to breakfast with her. Then Tue. night I went and had a light beer at this bar. I did the usual player shyt. Found out babygirl hasn't had sex in 2 years. She decided to wait for Mr. Right.

Unfortunately that isn't me but I love the challenge. I sent her an Email after she dropped me off at my place:

"I had alot of fun this evening. It's amazing how time flys in our conversation. I really enjoy having fun with you M ...and looking at you...and touching you softly and whispering in your ear...and of course kissing you good nite....your lips and tongue touching mine....tasting you....

good nite"

She sent back to me:

"Hold on.... I'm feeling weak.....you are definitely hard to resit - thank you for not being pushy. Your respect means a lot. I drove home exhausted yet excited (in so many ways). I love our conversations as well. My visual mind took over after I left you last night - it continued into my dreams (seriously). Thank you for the sweet dreams last night. It's taking me awhile to finish this email, I keep getting distracted with thoughts....

Good night to you Pimp Daddy"

When I did my put your number in my celling she saw how it says Pimp Daddy on it...I told her just keeping my shyt real.

Ok my goal is to seduce this pent up woman. So I will now stroke her mind a little with one of my emails:

"You have such a deep well of passion locked away...I could feel the heat passing from you when I kissed you good nite. I could feel your soft surrender to being a woman instead of locking yourself away from your body soul and mind....remember when our lips met M ...how soft and sweet it was....the touch of our tongues....our breath....my strength....when I pulled you back for a second touch of our lips....

I am going to take you in my arms one day and release you from your prison....do you understand this....feel this....never mind writing that you want to take things slowly....why punish yourself any longer....plus I am a real man...I will give myself to you when you are ready and not before then...."

My email is one of those fluff things you guys talk about...full of sexual enuendo's and lead on's. women's minds respond well to this type of shyt. Since she responded well to my first one!

It's already a done deal...just waiting to put the nails in the coffin.

For you beginners...all it takes is getting that cell# and or that email address and your on your way to The Pus*sydome



Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
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chicago,il , usa
what nationality is this chick?

I find white wimmins usually laugh at this stuff?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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Smooth lines, bruh.

Only men with the gift of gab can pull this off.

Women love to fantasize what you can do to them.


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2003
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I'd have to say that most would laugh at this. I did too.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
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I don't think it's AFC at all, she obviously likes his e-mails as her reply looked promising. He's just giving her what she wants. The e-mail is very sexual in nature, something that AFCs wouldn't know **** about. He's not saying anything about her being the one, etc.


Don Juan
Aug 26, 2002
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From reading Player_Supreme's previous posts, I believe he is on top of his game and is a true role model to the rest of us. His words to this women give her feeling to wake up, and start getting sexual. Player supreme knows exactly how to seduce women and if we lived close i would befriend him in order to up my game.

As far as white and black women responses to his techhique, I can speak from both persepectives. I am was born from Italian-American parents yet adopted at birth by my parents who are both African-American. Being white I tend to date white girls. I must say that only white women that are ages 28+ would appreciate this language, whereas the black girls i have dated would prefer this type of talk 100 percent of the time cause usually black men lack romance to black women, when a white guy comes along and spits this novelty stuff they eat it up.

Hope you score Player
Apr 3, 2003
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Originally posted by Starman
what nationality is this chick?

I find white wimmins usually laugh at this stuff?

Hahahahahaha! Sorry. White woman. Teaches 8th grade History....And it's only white wimmns...whom I use this crap on...I guess you still don't know about how to get into a womans mind with words as in the words they speak...look up an ebook called "the sexual key" it will teach you the difference between how women communicate and how men communicate.

Yeah white woman...educated....intelligent...well travelled....you shoulda got the clue when I said she hasn't had sex in 2 years....

I told you I only go for the intelligent ones....only they have enough of an IQ to understand what I am saying. Stupid people will only see a gobbedygook of words...kinda like a chineese puzzle.

Hmmmm...oh never mind....

But let me ask how would you know if white women will laugh at this stuff?? Or were you just speaking from the side of ya kneck again? You posted it so respond....how would you know this?...in fact how would you know anything about what a woman would like or not?...ok sorry I couldn't help myself.
Apr 3, 2003
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Originally posted by Allstar69
From reading Player_Supreme's previous posts, I believe he is on top of his game and is a true role model to the rest of us. His words to this women give her feeling to wake up, and start getting sexual. Player supreme knows exactly how to seduce women and if we lived close i would befriend him in order to up my game.

As far as white and black women responses to his techhique, I can speak from both persepectives. I am was born from Italian-American parents yet adopted at birth by my parents who are both African-American. Being white I tend to date white girls. I must say that only white women that are ages 28+ would appreciate this language, whereas the black girls i have dated would prefer this type of talk 100 percent of the time cause usually black men lack romance to black women, when a white guy comes along and spits this novelty stuff they eat it up.

Hope you score Player

ages 28

Got dam...she is 28 years old...wow! and thanks for the vote of confidence.


Master Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
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women my age(21) would laugh their asses off at that stuff... your 28 year old is in the "settling down" phase and lets the AFC behavior slide.
Apr 3, 2003
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Now most of you player wanna be's will say this stuff is corny, but as I've posted before it's meerly a tool to get into a womans head.

When you program computers you use something called a language whether it be; basic, assembler, cobol, r-pg, fortran...I know only the old languages sorry not up on new ones oh yeah c and c-plus which I never learned but my point is you use a language to accomplish a task correct.

to accomplish a task....it doesn't make you a computer or AFC if you using a language to accomplish a task...

Am I an AFC or speak like one or do the actions of one if I use a launguage for the human female computer to accomplish a task...

Am I a fool if I don't learn how the machine operates?

Unfortunately women didn't come with instruction manuels until this century. And it behoves me not to learn how to operate this machine correctly instead of stumbling around blindly and ending up posting "help me Please" notes to fello DJ's.

So gentlemen sit back and watch and learn. Save your comments for when it's over.

Oscar Wilde

Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Hehe, cool. I reckon PS is on my list of "DJs to sarge with" ;)


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
chicago,il , usa
Hey Im not doubting it doesnt work for you..

I just know the women(white/hispanic) I have tried this stuff on before laughed at it..maybe its because thats not the way I really talk to women..so it may come as funny to them

and women arent st00pid..they know exactly where you are going with this sexual innuendo stuff..Im sure they have heard it from many a playa

but My game is a bit more toned down than yours..I say stuff like

"Honey baby B1tch,

Last night was like heaven for me..the way you were sucking on your lips..I could tell you wanted to devour my c0ck like a cured ham on a stick..

It was fun..and I am and the conversation we had kept giving me boners..

the next time I see you, you bes bring triple the condoms..see you soon
Apr 3, 2003
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Originally posted by Knicknack
women my age(21) would laugh their asses off at that stuff... your 28 year old is in the "settling down" phase and lets the AFC behavior slide.
Uh just cause they are young doesn't mean the speak a different language than an older model. I have used this shyt on 19, to 23 year olds...sorry kid...sit back and learn something...do not close your eyes to potential...

No where in my email did I say please love me...no I said I will take you and you will wait until I am ready....I gave her no choice in the matter I took control as I always do:

"I have been thinking a lot. I re-read your most recent emails and I can totally see where you are coming from. I have asked myself those very same questions. What draws me to him?..Why?...What would happen if the feelings were reciprocated?...Despite the barrage of questions that may float through my head I do know that my feelings for you are real and that they are vividly clear to me. I know that I am quite young, ****. At 22, mentally I am on prepetual over drive. Kids my age are still trying to find there place..fumbling for a purpose. My collection of thoughts and experiences, although 22 years in the making, are still ripe. My brain like a vast field preparing for harvest. The fork which cultivates my mind may seem to me to be very old and rusted at times but it is adamant in it's perserverance.. constantly probing..attempting to show me who I am by unearthing pieces of me that to myself are yet to be discovered."

***notice her words about me above in relations to an old fork**

I know starman another one of my frigging emails:

"LOL:LOL: Oh god baby boy you crack me up. Good thing your a smooth talker huh! God I want to kiss you soooo bad right now you ****in drive me crazy even through an e-mail.I'm glad you got your self out of it......."

Now fellas this what's called proof of purchase. This shyt works...get the program if you want or sit back shut up and watch.


Master Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
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Originally posted by Starman
Hey Im not doubting it doesnt work for you..

I just know the women(white/hispanic) I have tried this stuff on before laughed at it..maybe its because thats not the way I really talk to women..so it may come as funny to them

and women arent st00pid..they know exactly where you are going with this sexual innuendo stuff..Im sure they have heard it from many a playa

but My game is a bit more toned down than yours..I say stuff like

"Honey baby B1tch,

Last night was like heaven for me..the way you were sucking on your lips..I could tell you wanted to devour my c0ck like a cured ham on a stick..

It was fun..and I am and the conversation we had kept giving me boners..

the next time I see you, you bes bring triple the condoms..see you soon


Don Juan
Aug 13, 2003
Reaction score
Hey Player_Supreme..

You will get much better results if you do that kinda stuff with her face to face, instead of through an email. This is because you can pump in asmuch kino as possible at the same time as you hit her with that romantic talk.

I do this stuff whenever im stuck with LMR, done right it works like a charm. Its easy once your in the zone.

Ronin I

Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
Player -

In general I really like your posts and your whole take on the game -

but I agree with Starman in that I think that this stuff works, for YOU.

Not to get all racial, but maybe it works for you because you are black and the white women kind of expect the kind of attitude that you project and the language that you use.

I doubt that it would work nearly as well for me for various reasons.

If I were to try it, I would definitely tone it down - so that it would at least fit a bit better with my personality. I do like the idea of using more expressive language when writing to a woman (ala romance novels) but I would have to walk the fine line of not crossing over into corny -

A question for you Player - have any one of your white disciples pulled this sh!t off?
Apr 3, 2003
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A few more points to add to my post above;

1. notice how in the long one she says I am constantly uncovering things and showing her....I constantly preach get her life story. I give direction as to my goals and what I want.

2. notice she says I am adamant and that I perservere...you fools who give up too easy take note.

3. notice her admitting that at her young age kids many haven't uncovered their purpose. Or learned enough to sit back and take pot shots at something they don't know **** about...too closed of mind to learn something...yeah you know who you are. Along time ago a group of people left this old country and founded a new land to excape that type of closed mindedness. Now we have the America's..

4. I offer 2nd proof that this shyt works with "f*uckin(word got censored out) drive me crazy even through an e-mail."

Now I can handle critisizim, but I don't put up with stupidity and blindedness....don't be like a horse with blinders on...

peace, I gotta to take care of my own place now.