A little unsure on what to do?


Don Juan
Oct 19, 2005
Reaction score
London (currently in Sydney)
Hey guys, i've been on 2 dates with this girl - 1st was coffee - short & sweet and a kiss at the end of the date (we'd met in a club the previous week), 2nd date went bowling, to a bar then to a club - really good night and after the bar we were holding hands/touching more and in the club she was really into me, teased, flirted, kissed, etc....

I'm living in a backpackers hostel in Oz as i'm travelling (but i'm staying put in the city for a few months), and she moved in the other day as she's got a few weeks left before she goes home. This makes it hard to not see each other most days so i'm gonna be keeping myself out the way a little so as not for that to happen too much. Now we went out Monday and i bumped into her yesterday and we spoke a little, she followed me round a little but we didn't kiss, etc... With her only being here for 2-3 weeks obviously i wanna try and get some action in and i do like her a lot, any advice on my situation? Also i don't wanna come across as needy but is it ok for me to initiate the kissing, hugging, etc... but keep it limited? It's just i know she likes me (from the 2nd date & the way she was acting, talking to me, asking if i liked her & not sure how i'd act towards her the next day, etc...) and i wanna make the most of the time left but maintaining control & not being an AFC?


Jun 20, 2006
Reaction score
Skidsta said:
Hey guys, i've been on 2 dates with this girl - 1st was coffee - short & sweet and a kiss at the end of the date (we'd met in a club the previous week), 2nd date went bowling, to a bar then to a club - really good night and after the bar we were holding hands/touching more and in the club she was really into me, teased, flirted, kissed, etc....

I'm living in a backpackers hostel in Oz as i'm travelling (but i'm staying put in the city for a few months), and she moved in the other day as she's got a few weeks left before she goes home. This makes it hard to not see each other most days so i'm gonna be keeping myself out the way a little so as not for that to happen too much. Now we went out Monday and i bumped into her yesterday and we spoke a little, she followed me round a little but we didn't kiss, etc... With her only being here for 2-3 weeks obviously i wanna try and get some action in and i do like her a lot, any advice on my situation? Also i don't wanna come across as needy but is it ok for me to initiate the kissing, hugging, etc... but keep it limited? It's just i know she likes me (from the 2nd date & the way she was acting, talking to me, asking if i liked her & not sure how i'd act towards her the next day, etc...) and i wanna make the most of the time left but maintaining control & not being an AFC?
Dude relax,just let stuff be natural and why are you posting a pointless thread it seems like you got everything going but your just over thinking stuff,RELAX!