Let's Try This Again...
I attempted to explain the idea of being ****y and funny to you guys once... but apparently many of you (particularly AC/DC) has missed it. So... let's try this again class... shall we?
I did "C+F", the thing I told you all was crap but not many of you really listened.
This is your first mistake... I will get to this later.
I kept being "****y about myself and funny about my penis size.
This is your second mistake... I will get to this later.
I told you all, ****y + Funny DOESN'T WORK.
That it does... but as I have said countless times being ****y yet funny is a
mindset not some technique that you can use when you feel like it... which you did (see first quote).
Anyways, I got around this little problem. I told her "I'm acting weird around you, and i donno why. You haven't seen the real me.
Bada bing... that's the point I have been trying to make right there.
"You haven't seen the real me." This is what happens guys when you try to be something that you are not... you come off as mechanical, and fake... something that women can smell a mile away.
Part of being a man is being able to admit your fears, but STAND UP AND CONQUER THEM!
The best thing that you have said all post.
You don't want your girls to see you as someone who can never be toppled, because that's annoying to them.
So what if it is annoying to them? If it is the natural vibe that you give off, why bring yourself down to please some girl? With me... women have two options: Either learn to like me for what I am or... damn... I forgot what the second option was.
Unfortunately, I was taught (improperly, might I add) that C+F is the way to go.
Obviously you were. Because ****y and funny is the way to go for some... but in this game, their are hundreds of roads that can be taken. The ****y and funny approach is merely one of them.
This is THE girl for me, I don't wanna let her slip out of my hands this time. So anybody have any clue on how to just be a natural with this girl, and how to be the guy she really wants to have?
For some strange reason, I highly doubt that she is
The girl for you although I am sure that she is a fantastic human being. But if you want to be your
true self around her or anyone for that matter... then do it. It's really simple. Being yourself is the easiest thing that you could ever do.
Guys... listen... for the last time: Stop trying to be something that you are not...
It will not work. AC/DC... do not knock the ****y and funny approach merely because it does not work for you... because it works for me and plenty of others I am sure. It is not crap at all... in fact it can be quite effective when used correctly. It becomes crap when someone decides to use it as a technique... instead of it being apart of their mindset.
P.S.: Spring of 2002... the time The Matrix was originally unleashed to the forums... now that's good times

There is no spoon...