If you find you hate your job, figure out what exactly you hate about it. I hated my job for a while because I wasn't able to be creative and I didn't have enough to do. So I created a position for myself as well as started a side business where i could be more creative. In my new position, I identified certian things that weren't being done and I took the intiative to do them. My boss likes it because it makes her look good, it makes my coworkers look good and gives us all work to justify out jobs (we have had months with nothing to do, and they are cutting jobs, not a good position to be in) and it has raised the standing of our department in the eyes of upper management. So now I hate my job less, I feel like apart of the team and that I actually have something to contribute. In my freelance work I can be creative and do interesting things that don't go down at work.
So if you hate your job, figure out why and do what you can. Don't be reactive, be proactive. I've had a job since I was 14, so I don't know what it means to be unemployed. Even when I don't have a boss, I work for myself and hustle. Slacking is for losers in my book.