mrRuckus said:
My girlfriend is 27. We've discussed that going to a club while in a relationship is unacceptable. She agrees wholeheartedly that her man is more important than silly things like that (she doesn't really want to go to them anyway, though). Therefore she does not go to clubs, and I do not go to clubs. However, bars and restaurants and similar tamer environments are usually fine.
There's no reason why a taken woman needs to go to a club if she values your relationship. A club is an inappropriate setting for non-single people. Hell I kinda think it is for even single people but I digress...
We also do not go out with opposite gendered friends except in groups. There's just no real need for it and it's hardly an inconvience for the peace of mind of the other.
I've been taking it upon myself to talk to women about these things before agreeing to enter into a LTR so when these situations do come up they have no right to be mad or argue about things later because they already agreed to our relationship conditions. If she wants to change the conditions then our LTR is null and void.
None of it has to do with controlling or possessiveness or thinking a woman is going to cheat on me. It's just inappropriate behavior or situations that neither I nor my girl should be involving ourselves in to begin with and if they think it's unacceptable then we will not be in a relationship.
This is exactly how I see things too IF in a
committed long term relationship. I don't prohibit anyone from doing anything. But I made somethings clear and I'm willing to abide by the same standards. If she decides to change those standards, then I will change mine too (and her future in the relationship would be over - I might keep her around for a while but there won't be a "future").
I strongly believe on BOTH stating what's acceptable for the relationship and what's not BEFORE getting in the
committed relationship. Once you are married...and have many years together...things tend to loose a little as trust has been earned throughout the years and throughout different conditions.
Going back to the original poster. Why would "friends" try to put their friend's relationship in jeopardy by exposing her to an environment conductive to disrespect? An environment of alcohol? An environment in which many men try to seduce women?
I strongly believe on women spending time together on places such as the theater, hair salon, massage places, and other appropriate venues. Heck, even a sit down bar is not a bad thing if NOT done frequently (e.g. too much alcohol).
But in a meat market (dancing club)? What's the point? Why put themselves in a position (even if they are not doing anything wrong) that might require my presence to RESCUE them? What about showing their younger/single girlfriends that finding the correct man sometimes take a change of venue and behavior?
If I'm dating a woman for a few months and we are not
committed or if we are married for MANY years...then I apply RT's approach (plus some tricks of my own). Other than that, I like the approach of the quote above.
In MY case...all the women that have been with me know that I have cheated in my pass. And they are with me because they know that I don't do that anymore. So...that adds to their decision and even to their exitement as well as insecurity (as they don't take me for granted).
Note: If a woman tries to play games to sh_it test me with the type of test that are designed to create "insecurity" the end...SHE is the one that will lose.