Thanks man. That helps a lot. One thing I want to ask you, would you tell her, or imply that "when the right girl who comes along who wants to be with me" that I will get rid of her? Kinda like "Sorry, but if I meet someone who I like, we have to stop this?" I am single so I want her to know that she is not that important to that of a future girlfriend. Second, will she want something more soon? I'm kinda worried that she is getting heavily attached. Do they get attached to a point where she may break it off with her boyfriend? She
texts me all the time, wants to see me almost every night, which I have so far successfuly avoided this week. Do you think she will break up with him? And how will I know?
Thanks very much for the long response.
Good question. But the answer is no, you don't have to imply that or tell her that. Your ACTIONS will already tell her that if you do what I tell you (see her once a week, twice MAX, and DO NOT talk to her on days when you don't see her, AT ALL). Pretty much, set a time and day when you want her to come over, or go to a hotel, wherever it may be that you guys bump uglies. Do not talk to her until it is time to see her. This worked out pretty good for me with A LOT of girls. If you only see her and talk to her once a week (when you fvck her) she will not have enough contact with you to develop very strong feelings, so that's the benefit of it, but she is still attracted enough to keep having sex with you (make sure it's sure good!!)
Now your situation is a bit scary now because it sounds like she's at that point where she is already VERY serious about you or close to it. She may or may not leave her boyfriend (but she already left him emotionally long time ago, but the positive for you is that he is still putting up with her everyday drama and bull**** while you just get the p**sy

), and at this point it's too late to undo eveything you've done so far. So your best bet now is to only see her once a week, and DO NOT talk to her on any other days or even on that day. Remember, when someone calls or texts you, you are NOT obligated to respond! You are not obligated to do anything you don't wanna do, so whatever you do, don't talk to her on those days. The ONLY time you can say something is just to tell her "look, I"m kinda busy, but we have our date at "my house" "hotel" "motel" "your parents basement" on friday at 06:00 PM, I'll see you then!! kinda busy in the meantime though!!" And leave it at that!! (is there a small risk that you lose her? of course! but it's worth it at this point, so don't sweat it too much if she gets mad, chances are, she is probably gonna show up at 06:00 to meet you right when you guys agreed to meet.
Also, the benefit of doing this is, it will give her time to talk to/ see her boyfriend more, and postpone the inevitable (their breakup). This way, she will still keep him around as the provider and the source that she can go to to vent and ***** and moan and nag and suck all of his energy, while you meet her ONCE a week and just screw her brains and peace out

. She will start to think of you less (outta sight outta mind), but you still have enough rapport built up with her that you can keep seeing her once a week (later you wanna change this to once every two weeks, or maybe once a month, as you will probably have more girls). You'd be surprised what kinda rotation you can build by doing this with mannyyy girls (they don't have to have boyfriends OBVIOUSLY lol, dont' get me wrong, do the exactly same thing with single girls.) ..
Oh, and if it comes down to it and she SAYS something, then YES, you can tell her "I am NOT looking for a relationship, sorry", and leave it at that. And yes, there is a chance that she "may want something more", and at that point once again you will have to make it VERY CLEAR, that you DON'T want anything more. I have had girls that I seee only once a month or even once every two months, and every now and then, they will start to bring up the talk, "I've been thinking, how do you feel about me, would you ever see us together, bla bla bla bla" and I honestly shut that down RIGHT AWAY. I have used this exact speach (as far as I can remember, or almost exact): "Look, you and I will NEVER be together, ok? I have a good time with you, and think you're fun and cool to hang out with (and we only f*ck ahahah), but I WILL NEVER be in a relationship with you, I just want you to make sure you understand that. No matter what happens with us, we will never live together, we will never be married, we will never be in a relationship" I have used that EXACT speech on a few girls and NOT ONE OF THEM called it quits with me lol. Ironically, they would actually try to defend them selves saying "oh no, I wasn't implying that I WANTED that, I was just asking how would YOU feel about it, I would NEVER wanna live with you or anythign like that (haha RIGHTTT)" ahahah so you'd be surprised as they get butt hurt and try to change their story as if they didn't imply they wanted something more. But yeah, most of them will actually RESPECT this, especially the good looking ones. I mean think about it, how many guys tell 'em sh*t like that? lol, not too many bro. They won't tell you 'hey, I respect you more for that" but they will prove it with their actions when they keep fvcking you and eagerly schedule another "date" with you down the line lol.
I remember a few of my "dates" that I cancelled on because I had somethign else come up, and one of them was set for like a month and a half in advance. We were supposed to meet at a hotel half way in between us (about a half hour drive half way). I honestly didn't hear ANYTHING from her at all but i KNEW that she would be showing up, and what do you know, that thursday night (we were on for friday night), she sends me a text message saying "we're still on for tomorrow, right?" LOL... I wrote her back and told her that something has come up and she got PRETTY UPSET over it ahaha, but that just means that she was really looking forward to it. Usually I dont' ask them much about their every day lives especially if they're involved with someone. Idont' talk about that and try not to for the most part. If we're laying down or whatever we might joke around about small stuff and she may tell me some of her ambitions and goals and what not and light stuff like that, but you dont' want to be laying there after you have railed her for an hour and be like "sooo, how's everything with your boyfriend" ahahahah you know??
But do be careful, there is a limit where this can become unhealthy if you completely let it take over your life (I'm not gonna lie, I crossed the line sometimes, and there were times where I was involved with so many girls I didn' teven have enough time to see them, I was forgetting names, didnt' remember where I met or saw the girls, mixed the damn stories up,the things they tell me about them selves obviously I cound't remember it all because of so many girls, and then kept "picking up" on new ones anywhere I went lol). You HAVE to have a balance. So set some goals for your self. Dedicate time for your Job, your business, your friends, working out, and then also dedicate some time for girls of course. And always be trying to improve your self. I've done toastmasters for a long time to become an expert on public speakign and also have to do public speaking almost every day at work in my position. I've read HUNDREDS of books, and not just self improvement, I try to mix it up with fiction as well, and read for fun. I do audio books as well, while driving to and from work, and also listen to business programs on audio. The more you get involved in life and set REALISTIC goals, the better you feel and you don't have time to think about some of the ugliness of life that can hold a lot of people back. People get in depression, they get married and think "what else is there to life". All they do is go to work, go home to their wife, and repeat, repeat, repeat. Before they got married they had goals, like "get married" and after that, there are NO goals. Well ,this causes problems, as I know even some of my married friedns that have hit this rut and some of them are getting a divorce. They are not the same guy anymore and that's partially because of just letting life get to them rather than staying active, setting goals, being involved, working towards something!! When you stop working towards something, you DIE! Even if you're only in your 20s and 30s, lol, deep down inside you die and become a shell of your self. Don't let this get you down, get involved, always be working towards something, get more schooling, meet more girls, if you have a girlfriend go do fun sh*t with her, dont' lose everything else you had just because of her...
Anyway, I'm getting way off topic now.. my bad lol.. but I'm being serious, follow the above advice with that girl and let me know was up. Always feel free to hit me up on PM if you wanna talk privately or anything, and GOOD LUCK!