A girl dealing with a heartbreak, How long until she'll recover?


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2006
Reaction score
I've met a HB9.0, broke up with her first love. It was a serious 18 month relationship and he ended it out of nowhere because he didn't want to hurt her.

It's been 4 months since the break up, she is having a rough time with the breakup, has dinner with her ex, tries to see him every now and then, posts on blog's how he misses him. They have occasionally have had sex after the relationship.

How long does it take for a girl to get over this and relize she wasting her time waiting?

They still carry links to each other's myspace profiles

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
At least as long as it takes for a guy to realize that pining over a woman in a situation like this is a wasted effort.


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2006
Reaction score
Francisco d'Anconia said:
At least as long as it takes for a guy to realize that pining over a woman in a situation like this is a wasted effort.
I guess it's different for everyone. See my recent ex tried to be cool with me and I didn't want to be cool with her because she cheated. I just ignored and ignored and blew her off and then we got into a fight. She had a new boyfriend the next week.

This girl's ex is just acting cool and not so much ignoring her. I assume this will just always leave her hanging and wanting more and take a lot more time for her to recover, correct?

But given the 18 month serious LTR that she was in, does anybody have a similiar situation and could tell me something from their experience?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Here's the thing, what you're going through is a common mistake of many guys. You will easily find (especially in this forum) guy who have been through similar experiences. Will they have suggestions? Absolutely! They'll say hang in there and she man come around. You'll get that from the rest of the guys who will want to commiserate with you instead of moving on.

Stick around the forum, read the DJB and start perusing the forum. If you pay attention you'll begin to understand women and their actions. You'll also realize when certain things are efforts in futility and it would be easier to start over with a woman who's less "encumbered."


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
omgwtfm8 said:
I've met a HB9.0, broke up with her first love. It was a serious 18 month relationship and he ended it out of nowhere because he didn't want to hurt her.

It's been 4 months since the break up, she is having a rough time with the breakup, has dinner with her ex, tries to see him every now and then, posts on blog's how he misses him. They have occasionally have had sex after the relationship.

How long does it take for a girl to get over this and relize she wasting her time waiting?

They still carry links to each other's myspace profiles

Is your Question How long will it take her to get over it?


How long do I have sit by and wish she didn't talk to him anymore?

To answer your first question: It won't end untill they quit F'n! Talking! Etc!

To answer your second question: It will end when you quit waiting for it to end!

Move on... Bad timing! Put her on the back burner until she contacts you, test the water if things still arn't right NEXT completely.

Who wants a Clinger anyway....

AND HB9 IS an opinion.... By calling her a HB9 you are saying you are ga ga over her. Drop her to A HB8 at least.


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2006
Reaction score
I broke up with my Ex Girlfriend about 2 months ago.. pretty much because I wasn't happy and she cheated on me a while back. Why i stayed with her... dont ask me why because I couldn't tell you. We went out for 2 and a half years. She is still madly in love with me and it's annoying as hell bc i try to ignore her and stay away from her as much as possible but i randomly get love messages and stuff saying how shes so in love with me still. She met this guy and was seeing him but at the same time always try to comeover and have sex with me. I always say no bc i just want her to get over me. She just won't do it. Another girl i met and hooked up with went out with her X for 2 years. She said i was the first guy she's been with since they broke up. The X called her again and she totally ignored me for 2 weeks. When she came back to me I said No. All girls are different but from my experience. Girls are F'd up... move on dude. Find another girl. Once girls are F'd up they are always going to be. If this dude wants her he has her at his disposal. You dont need to be F'd with.


Master Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
yea bro next her, let her deal with it herself. she might pick up a new bf but he'll be the rebound, then she will dump him soon,

she needs to relize wat she want, and u cant help her with that


Master Don Juan
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
I agree with Francisco, in most cases and in the long run it's better to start with a girl who is fresh from a past relationship. It can be a couple weeks (if the last relationship was empty) or a couple months (if it was a long or very emotional relationships.) If you look around enough, you will see women in a dead end relationship with a guy where you just can't picture them having great conversations with.

We guys go through a lot of hell in relationships just like the girl, we have to becareful on who we pick to have sexual relations with, truly only the rich/powerful can afford to date anyone they wish. Their value is very high compared to average joes like us - Date cautiously as I say.