According to Coach Red Pill (you can find his video at Youtube), you need 3 things you need to get a hold a woman:
- Psychological security. They want to be led and you must always be assertive and confident about where you're leading. Both in marco level like life in general, and on mirco level like being decisive in everyday life.
- Physical protection. Yes, gym but weirdly enough, it is also measured by how well you fcuk her and get what you want in sex from her.
- Material security. At least enough for a house and kids.
According to Rich Cooper (he also have a video at "Entrepreneurs on cars" channel at Youtube) it's basically down to 3 P's:
Provide, Protect, Procreate. But he also cited a long study, where there was a list, sorted by priority:
- Good genes indicators (physically attractive, sex appeal, fit). Most important.
- Good resource acquisition indicators (older that herself)
- Good parenting indicators (home and shelter, emotionally stable, likes children)
- Good partner indicators (loving partner, devoted, loyal). Least important, but still important.
In that video he also had weights for each indicator which I cannot cite right away. So,basically, these are the way you should invest into the relationship, both emotionally and materially, while during the seduction you should invest as little as possible (if at all).
Also, there is a thing as
Comfort Test. Unlike Sh!t Tests, you pass them by showing a some Beta behavior but in VERY LIMITED way. You can google the examples of passing the Comfort Test. Basically, they are only used in LTR after many months of relationship, so yeah, they are absolutely irrelevant for seduction game.
You can also check out Rollo Tomassi's blog "The Rational Male", he has the article called "
Your Friend Menstruation" where you can read how to better predict if she wants you to be a bit more Beta or just sh!t-testing you right now, according to her period's phase. Being able to have options is also essential, but don't spin plates or cheat to keep your LTR, lol. Women don't want a boyfriend who cheat, they want a boyfriend you
could cheat. There are several articles by Tomassi called "
Dread Games" where the Game is based on this "could cheat" principle. There are even Soft Dread and Overt Dread, just like there is Direct Game and Indirect Game in seduction. Read his blog. They guy went from PUA to 20 year happy and committed marriage.
There are also other factors of Game that are still very relevant in LTR. For example. there should be no jealousy, no neediness, no sacrifices your time with friends, no sacrifices of your interests and hobbies, no forgiving attitude to her bad behavior, not buying into her provocations (sh!t tests never end), no being too emotional etc. These became especially important in the critical moments of your LTR when the balance of power might be shifted. Those moments include:
- One of you getting a promotion.
- Her getting a new job. (Suddenly getting more attention from other guys. Or the new handsome guy at her work. Or the new boss trying the get in her pants. You name it.)
- Critical moment in your life. (You losing your job, money getting tight, you feeling weak. God forbid you trying to get support from your woman, even emotional. No, keep strong and assertive even if everything goes to hell. Remember, always err on the side of confidence.)
- Long periods of routine life. No new emotions, no new adventures, only a range of very predictable nights at home in front of TV and sex after. Familiarity breeds contempt.
- You yielding after a big fight, trying to be a Peacekeeper. Losing the Frame.
- Temporarily switching to LDR (Avoid at all cost).
- Her being way too dominated for a very long time. The moment you let her loose a bit she might try to take revenge.
- other
And last but not least, her social circles! Women are way more susceptible to social influence of her friends and her family, so watch who she hangs around with. It's your job to cut her away from single wh0res she used to party with, as well as from her divorced mom full of "good advice for her happiness", and it's your job to support her friendship with married girls or girls in LTRs.