A few tips, probably most relevant for daytime approaches


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Here are a few tips/concepts that have helped me during daytime approaches. Some of this may be old news, but it has helped me a lot so I just wanted to throw this out there.

1. Be Yourself At All Times
yeah, I said it. The trick is to be a more confident version of yourself. Girls can tell when you're faking, and your game will likely suffer if it is based on fake garbage. In my opinion, it is much easier to improvise during a situation when you are "just being yourself". Don't change who you are/how you approach based on the girl.

examples of not being yourself:
-using jokes you honestly don't think are funny. USE YOUR OWN SENSE OF HUMOR.
-speaking differently than you normally do, such as trying to talk in slang when it doesn't sound right coming from you.
-acting differently because the girl is a different race then you, taller than you, etc.

2.Throw Her Off Balance From the get go
I get a lot of comments about this from girls. There is quite a difference between how I look/dress and how I speak. Some say I look like a thug/cholo, but speak exteremely well and sound very intelligent. This has worked to my advantage in a lot of situations, and it really throws women off INSTANTLY. They think they have me pegged, but almost instantly realize they are wrong. IMO this perks their interest a little bit. Try it out for yourself.

-If you look a little rough, try to clean up your language and speaking voice a little bit in order to contrast your look and your personality.
-If you look clean cut, think of other ways to distance your personality from that image a little bit.
-discuss things she wouldn't suspect you know about, or things she wouldn't expect you to like.

3.Sound educated/intelligent. YOU ARE SMARTER THAN SHE IS
This sort of goes along with #2, but I just want to reiterate it. Sounding intelligent can command respect and admiration from women.

-slowly work on expanding your vocabulary and becoming more articulate until it sounds natural.
-you can sound intelligent in many different ways, adapt it to your own personality. You don't have to sound stuffy or stuck up!
-sarcasm+impeccable speaking=deadly. See stephen colbert for good examples.
-combined with all the fundamentals of body language and you will be unstoppable. You're neg hits will be lethal.

Anyway, these have worked for me. Tell me what you think....


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
That's great. By the way, how did you managed to remember your password. It's been 4 years now.. since 2004. Welcome back.


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
amoka said:
That's great. By the way, how did you managed to remember your password. It's been 4 years now.. since 2004. Welcome back.
LOL, yeah it's been a while. I have a decent memory I guess. Plus I make my passwords easy for myself to remember. Not common, but inside jokes from my group of friends and things like that.

Anyway, after 4 years, I thought I'd just share what has worked for me. I've come a LONG way. When I first started posting here I'd never even kissed a girl. I still have a long way to go, but I finally feel like I can give field tested tips.