Don Juan
One of the biggest improvements in my life since coming to this site has been the wit and humor I now display in conversations because of the higher level of self respect I've attained. Both men and women associates alike seem eager to stop and chat with me. Women especially seem MUCH more prying and active in conversations with me these days. This one improvement has paid big dividends
That being said, I becoming more acutely aware of differences between men and women in their senses of humor. I've known since I was 15 that women tend be more receptive to playful banter, but I've begun to observe what I believe are more fundamental differences in how men and women respond to funny comments. A few questions, which you guys can either try to answer outright or expand on:
1. On C+F--I use ****y/Funny sparingly, except for the occassional situation where it seems natural and productive to use more of it (I go with my gut) It seems to me that, while C/F is an effective tool, it does more to establish yourself as a confident man than to make her laugh. I get a lot of small, sort-of forced laughs or smiles using C/F, but not nearly as much spotaneous laughing when I just go with pure joking, wit, and charisma. I've never noticed it to hurt my chances, but I can't be sure that it's helping either. Am I just not that good at C/F, or is this response the appropriate one when emphasizing that I'm confident in the context of a joke?
2.Are women more self-conscious about laughing? I get the impression that women will find things funny, but seem restrained about letting go, especially in front of a group of people.
3.I know I score major points with witty comments and some playful neghits. It starts the IL climbing. But what REALLY seems to get her panties moist is when the situation gets a little goofy. I'll be getting high-interest signs from the get go, but if I start getting a little goofy--or tipsy-- the girl often seems to go into a hyper-interest, take-me-home-and-bang-me mode. Any explanations?
4.Why do women never seem to get obscure references or "cereberal" humor? Don't worry, I save that for my friends, but anytime I've EVER tried with a girl,they NEVER get it, even the smart ones.
5. Anything else anyone feels to feel they could add to the topic?
That being said, I becoming more acutely aware of differences between men and women in their senses of humor. I've known since I was 15 that women tend be more receptive to playful banter, but I've begun to observe what I believe are more fundamental differences in how men and women respond to funny comments. A few questions, which you guys can either try to answer outright or expand on:
1. On C+F--I use ****y/Funny sparingly, except for the occassional situation where it seems natural and productive to use more of it (I go with my gut) It seems to me that, while C/F is an effective tool, it does more to establish yourself as a confident man than to make her laugh. I get a lot of small, sort-of forced laughs or smiles using C/F, but not nearly as much spotaneous laughing when I just go with pure joking, wit, and charisma. I've never noticed it to hurt my chances, but I can't be sure that it's helping either. Am I just not that good at C/F, or is this response the appropriate one when emphasizing that I'm confident in the context of a joke?
2.Are women more self-conscious about laughing? I get the impression that women will find things funny, but seem restrained about letting go, especially in front of a group of people.
3.I know I score major points with witty comments and some playful neghits. It starts the IL climbing. But what REALLY seems to get her panties moist is when the situation gets a little goofy. I'll be getting high-interest signs from the get go, but if I start getting a little goofy--or tipsy-- the girl often seems to go into a hyper-interest, take-me-home-and-bang-me mode. Any explanations?
4.Why do women never seem to get obscure references or "cereberal" humor? Don't worry, I save that for my friends, but anytime I've EVER tried with a girl,they NEVER get it, even the smart ones.
5. Anything else anyone feels to feel they could add to the topic?