A Discussion: When trying to change your life, where do you start.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
I have not posted here in years, but I have somthing I feel the need to discuss.

I dont struggle to hold a conversation with a girl I have just met. I know how to be funny and I know how to act a little cheeky, but somtimes and particularly with people I know better I feel like I cant be bothered to put the effort in. Like I dont have the energy. I could be with some mates and often feel in a mood where I will happily just sit back and let other people talk.

This got me thinking that maybe to snap out of this, rather thna concentrating on how I tlak to a perosn I have just met, I should concentrate on how I talk to those I know best.

I dont understand why I so often feel uninterested in conversations. Maybe I just find the topics boring somtimes?

Any comments apreciated.
Nov 26, 2009
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
i can relate very much to this. sometimes when i'm around my friends i get into this funk where i just get completely turned off talking about the same old **** that i've talked about for years

i'm trying to improve my life, taking up new hobbies, making new friends, and trying to make my life more interesting, because with new inner confidence, its much easier to hold your own in any social situation, and often times guide the conversation to more interesting topics (well more interesting to you at any rate ;-))