The problem often is delivery. Teasing is fine but negative teasing is hurtful underneath and can be difficult for others to hear. Now it’s different if I neg myself, or call my guy “such a nerd” (he’s an IT guy) or he will call me a geek or whatever. We tease a lot. But it is a playful tone and harmless content. Men are sensitive to comments about their junk and women are sensitive to comments about their appearance. I mean, if someone were to straight up call me ugly, I’d laugh it off because that’s objectively ridiculous. I’d simply smile & agree.
But if my man, whose opinion I care about were to start doing that? That doesn’t feel good & why would he insult me? I don’t do that & don’t find it cute in an exchange between lovers. If he doesn’t like something I wear, he’ll say very directly “I don’t like that…” and I’ll change, no worries. And vice versa.
Part of the problem is that in the field out meeting people you can’t know who is cool with caustic banter and who isn’t. So more often than not it will shoot you in the foot if not delivered perfectly. It will sometimes shoot you in the foot if it IS delivered perfectly.
Tone is important and on a written forum we have no way to understand OP’s tone and delivery.