Ok now your all probably wondering, what is this guy talking about by a different dj perspective...let me explain
For the past couple of days, post after post i've been reading have refered to getting ladies (As some would call it)as the game or a game. This is true infact if you view yourself as a "player". (player of the game)
My perception of a player is someone that uses women to get what they need(generaly sex), and then discards them to move on to the next victim. Now this is ok if thats the way you want women to view you. As a wise man named Pook once said: "As you think, you shall become."
Essentialy saying if thats the lable you give yourself, then that you will become.
My opinion on the other hand is that getting ladies is not some sort of game that you play, but and art that you master! What are some of the things that come to mind when you think of art....some that come to my mind are creativity, skill, style, and practice. Now put these words in the context of getting ladies.
First there's creativity. Almost all girls love a guy thats creative, and that can come up with things that wow her. The simple reason being that its makes you stand out, or as girls would say "different from other guys" (As i've heard plenty of times
This is where style comes into play. Style simply meaning the use of the imprinted djbible in your head, converted into your own interpretation for use in your attempt to seize the ladies. For example...some people are alot sharper in remark than others. So in this case you would utalize your witty comments, and smooth remarks to show just how much style and smoothness you have. As creativity does, style also helps you to stand out from all the other guys.
Skill is another important thing you need in able to become proficient in the art. Not only do you have to remember the things you've learned from the djbible, but you have to know when, where, and who to use them on. This can only be done using your professional judgment (i.e. knowing if a chick wants you or not).
And most importantly the last 3 things rely on this "Practice". You could read all the djposts you want, and read all the books in the world, but without practice your not gonna know when, where, or even how to apply these things. You can't learn from your mistakes if you don't give yourself the chance. But thats a whole nother topic...
Hopefully I didn't lose you by...now
if not keep reading
I'm now going to try to explain this in a more relatable way. Lets take actual art for instance (i.e. Drawing paiting etc..).
Now for me art comes natural, because my fauther was an artist. So I aquired most of my creativity, and style from him. But the thing is I'm not very good at drawing, and painting. In other words I'm great at comming up with things and ideas to draw, but when it comes to the actual drawing part I suck. Note: successful artists are usualy proficient in all these areas. I'm sure if I really wanted too become good at drawing I could, But there is only one way that would be possable...any guesses...........practice!
Now put this in a dj context.. Your good with comming up with fun things to do, and you've got a book of witty comments impounded in your head, but when it comes to the actual drawing part you suck...(Don't worry dude I know how you feel) Well what I just said a bit ago apply's in the same way.....P R A C T I C E~. So my point of this whole jumble is that you can know all the knowledge in the world about girls and how to get them, but without practice your gonna be stuck as a intermediat artist with master potential...
Don't let that happen.........
Haha I can hear you now....dammit Wiz!~
you went through all of that to tell me I need to practice geez~*
If this is at all hard to understand plz let me know and i'll try to explain to you personaly
So...anyway now I hope you understand why I view getting ladies as an art, and not a game.
luv to hear some feedback
-----------Wait stop here and think about what I just said while its still fresh in ur mind
For the past couple of days, post after post i've been reading have refered to getting ladies (As some would call it)as the game or a game. This is true infact if you view yourself as a "player". (player of the game)
My perception of a player is someone that uses women to get what they need(generaly sex), and then discards them to move on to the next victim. Now this is ok if thats the way you want women to view you. As a wise man named Pook once said: "As you think, you shall become."
Essentialy saying if thats the lable you give yourself, then that you will become.
My opinion on the other hand is that getting ladies is not some sort of game that you play, but and art that you master! What are some of the things that come to mind when you think of art....some that come to my mind are creativity, skill, style, and practice. Now put these words in the context of getting ladies.
First there's creativity. Almost all girls love a guy thats creative, and that can come up with things that wow her. The simple reason being that its makes you stand out, or as girls would say "different from other guys" (As i've heard plenty of times
This is where style comes into play. Style simply meaning the use of the imprinted djbible in your head, converted into your own interpretation for use in your attempt to seize the ladies. For example...some people are alot sharper in remark than others. So in this case you would utalize your witty comments, and smooth remarks to show just how much style and smoothness you have. As creativity does, style also helps you to stand out from all the other guys.
Skill is another important thing you need in able to become proficient in the art. Not only do you have to remember the things you've learned from the djbible, but you have to know when, where, and who to use them on. This can only be done using your professional judgment (i.e. knowing if a chick wants you or not).
And most importantly the last 3 things rely on this "Practice". You could read all the djposts you want, and read all the books in the world, but without practice your not gonna know when, where, or even how to apply these things. You can't learn from your mistakes if you don't give yourself the chance. But thats a whole nother topic...
Hopefully I didn't lose you by...now
if not keep reading
I'm now going to try to explain this in a more relatable way. Lets take actual art for instance (i.e. Drawing paiting etc..).
Now for me art comes natural, because my fauther was an artist. So I aquired most of my creativity, and style from him. But the thing is I'm not very good at drawing, and painting. In other words I'm great at comming up with things and ideas to draw, but when it comes to the actual drawing part I suck. Note: successful artists are usualy proficient in all these areas. I'm sure if I really wanted too become good at drawing I could, But there is only one way that would be possable...any guesses...........practice!
Now put this in a dj context.. Your good with comming up with fun things to do, and you've got a book of witty comments impounded in your head, but when it comes to the actual drawing part you suck...(Don't worry dude I know how you feel) Well what I just said a bit ago apply's in the same way.....P R A C T I C E~. So my point of this whole jumble is that you can know all the knowledge in the world about girls and how to get them, but without practice your gonna be stuck as a intermediat artist with master potential...
Don't let that happen.........
Haha I can hear you now....dammit Wiz!~
you went through all of that to tell me I need to practice geez~*
If this is at all hard to understand plz let me know and i'll try to explain to you personaly
So...anyway now I hope you understand why I view getting ladies as an art, and not a game.
luv to hear some feedback
-----------Wait stop here and think about what I just said while its still fresh in ur mind