A couple cold approach questions for experienced cold approachers


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
OK, so I've gotten pretty good at warm approaches (i.e. friends of friends) and cool aproaches (e.g. strangers, but God has dropped a situational opener into yr. lap, or yr. in a laundromat w/a captive audience). My collection of phone # is growing, but not fast enough to compensate for the inherent flakiness of women. Time for the next step: real cold approaches (i.e. total strangers that you just buttonhole).

I have a couple technical questions so I don't go off half-****ed. Please, I am only interested in responses from people who are experienced in this area!

(1) There are 3 reactions you can get:
1. Eye contact
2. Brief glance & look away
3. Looks through you, or doesn't notice you.
Should I prefer one over the other? I've gotten conflicting advice: some say EC is vital, some say it's irrelevant. I most commonly get reactions 2 and 3, rarely 1.

(2) This is a college town, so the most available targets are students. I am in good shape, but I am in my mid-30's & feel self conscious sarging students. Is this just a self-defeating belief? Any older men have experience trying this? Note: I have often thought there must be students who don't fit into the college scene (sick of fratboys, whatever) who would be open to me. But how to identify them? Edit: I also go after women 15-20 years older than me if I find them attractive, & briefly dated 2 40-yo when I was 21, so I'm not asking anyone to do anything I wouldn't do myself :D Age is just not a big issue for me: either I like her when I meet her or I don't. (Although under 25 are often immature).

I plan to start immediately. I'll post my results. Thanks in advance for your help.
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Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks Shezz, this stuff is gold. Fortunately I am a good conversationalist (funny) & don't need canned routines. I planned to use the direct approach because I'm a direct guy & it feels natural.

Here's one I tried that really bombed (I tried it on a fat chick because I didn't want to "waste" a pretty one with a dubious opener). I caught her looking at me 3 times, so I walked over, smiled, & told her I came over to say hi b/c I caught her looking. She immediately began denying it.

Lessons learned: this is TOO direct. Women's job is to GIVE sh1t tests, not take them. She got all panicked & didn't like being confronted at all. So in the future I will just say what you suggested.

BTW, just got an e-mail from a 50-yo last night, an old lady but a BABE! In this town, even the old ladies are hot :D (This one was a warm PU). She's also witty & can hit the ball back, which I dig.

BTW Shezz, I only wish I had access to this stuff when I was 19! You don't know how lucky you are! (Or maybe you do). Thanks a million.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
OK, good point. 2 lessons learned:

1. If you want to learn how to hunt gazelles, don't practice by shooting at elephants.

2. Come on to shy girls more gently so you don't spook them.

I was also a little nervous since I'm still bad at cold approaches, which I'm sure didn't help. UPDATE: I just e-mailed a girl again who failed to reply the first time (8 days ago). She responded immediately saying she'd been out of town & inviting me to a cafe tomorrow morning. The Doc sez, when it's incoming, you take it, so I did. Lessons learned: if you get no reply, keep trying once/week for 3 weeks before declaring it dead. It's really not much trouble to do 4 or 5 emails/phone calls per week.

Here's the tally so far, which isn't as bad as I expected. Out of 7 # collected, 1 is live, 2 are inconclusive or ongoing, 4 are dead. (Note, 1 of the dead ones went as far as a 1st date b4 dying). So that's 1 in 7. Not great, but could be worse. (That figure could rise if one of the ongoing ones pans out).

Meanwhile I will continue sarging b/c women are like Hollywood movies: until the film is in the can, it never happened :D


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score

OK, I just got back from coffee datelet with K. I think it went well. One of my probs. in the past is failing to make my intentions clear. I tried to fix that with this excerpt from the convo. We were talking about how people are using the internet as a substitute for real social interaction.

Me: That's OK, though, b/c I think the fact that everyone else is doing that gives me an edge.
Her: How so?
Me: A lot of guys have low self esteem & can't stand rejection. These guys flock to the internet in swarms. I'm the only man left who will just walk right up & say "Hi, I think you're cute, what's your #?"
Her: You didn't say you thought I was cute.
Me: Sure I did. Just now.
Her: [looks down shyly & changes the subject, but now she is leaning forward on her elbows].

Before she left I caressed her upper arm & I think she melted a little. Then she thanked me for going out with her (!)

Upside: I think she has decent IL in me. At any rate, she's clear about my intentions. Downside: she's fresh out of a divorce (on the rebound), which means it's probably the guy AFTER me whom she'll stay with. So I have to try not to invest too much into it.

Still in the hopper: the 50-yo babe I haven't contacted yet, & the 25-yo geeky chic girl I can't seem to get a hold of (inconclusive but doesn't look good).

I've decided to limit my cold approaches to the most basic case: single target sitting alone. I don't want to stop moving targets b/c this town is crawling w/panhandlers, & I don't want to activate the anti-bum shields. As far as groups go, I'm not ready for that yet. Remember: small, achievable goals.

However it goes, this datelet has given me a little boost in confidence b/c I feel that I controlled it much better than I ever have before.

Observation: night is darkest before dawn. Your efforts will seem like the most terrible failure right before the breakthrough. Push through the barrier. Also, keep logs & journals so when you start to despair, you can do the tally & see that you've only done 10 approaches & you're not doing badly. It only FEELS like 1000.

More news as it happens... --booga