Danger said:
I would really like to see the "statistics" behind this type of information. Most of the fathers I know are great dads and do everything for their children. I honestly think this is just another lie bandied about too frequently.
Yeah, I pulled that number straight out of my rear. But I wasn't using that point to imply that men are all basically sh!tbrains or something. In fact, I was trying to show that men are all basically good and most want SOME level of involvement with the kids, but the ones that abandon them for a girl half their age or who skid into alcohaul/drug addiction give the rest of us a bad name.
Its interesting that this thread is perpetuating, and I'd like to tell something else personal. I usually live to regret doing that on the internet, but if someone can glean some insight into the life of a single dad then it is worth it.
For a few months, I have been trying to coax my ex-wife to lower my child support by a small amount. Just enough to add a few bucks into my pocket for entertaining my son. As it stands, I don't have enough extra money to spend on him and to have a life for myself too. I pay 750 a month, and would be happy with 50 dollars back in my pocket. Couldn't she skip a few fast food meals and a new pair of high heels once a month to help? (sarcasm)
Well, the thing you have to know with women, at least biotches like her, is that when they have some power over you, you can't win that battle. And no matter how diplomatic you try to be, she's going to "pwn" you.
Anyway, just the other day was my Wednesday to see him. She calls and informs me that I cant have him because she's working, her parents are watching him, and they have to drive home (an hr away) to feed the dog. They've been living in a trailer on my ex and her new husbands property helping them build a house. They drive to their house every few days to take care of stuff. (She's an only child, and they go out of their way to interrupt their own lives to give her what she wants. Who in their right mind would dedicate their full time to this and buy a TRAILER to boot) Anyway, this kind of excuse has been layed on me over and over, and I call her on it and demand that the dog isn't as important as my sons time and that she should manage things better....A long pause on the phone..."Well, I'm getting tired of getting my child support checks a week late, you never get them to me on time".....GRRRRRR!!! I pay her every month twice a month, 375 a pop, but I don't drive across town to make a special trip. I give her the check when I see her. Just a BS retaliation to my anger and frustration.
So I say that I'm tired of hearing that BS and it escalates. She accuses ME of starting a fight, always starting a fight, always irritating her with asking to lower the support a bit, that she's getting a lawyer and having my visitation supervised and asking for more money. Well, the thing is, this woman is a cunning, manipulative, BIOOOOOTCH. She is frankenstein. She was always a little bit deceiptful, but she became a monster after the D. (All the more crazy is that SHE CHEATED ON ME)...Anyway, she also has a masters in PSYCHOLOGY and uses that crap to manipulate. I can just see the court proceeding now, and me walking out with a hose up my rear.
Anway, I'm getting it direct deposited in her account, a mistake I made a long time ago by not doing it. I'm not asking her sorry azz to help me ever again. I worked 6 years of my life, never skipped a day of work, to pay for her spending addictions, and I'm tied to her azz for another ten and I'm at the mercy of a screwed up court system.
Am I bitter? Hellllz yes