A 22 year old girl told me something that made me feel really crappy.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2010
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She had sex between 15,000 and 20,000 times since losing her virginity at 14. She included all the times she had sex with her boyfriends, FWBs, and random flings. She admits to being way above average because she loves sex and often do it 3 or 4 times a day.

She guesstimates that an average 21 year old girl probably had sex no less than 1000 times, probably more like 2000 - 3000 times.

I don't know how we got into the conversation, but it sure made me feel like sh*t. I had sex less than 50 times in my entire life and I'm in my mid-twenties.

I wouldn't feel like sh*t if I experienced having sex with a girlfriend multiple times per day for a couple years. Now, whenever I see a girl, all I can think about is how many times she ****ed her last boyfriend. Ugh! My whole game is ****ed up now. I know girls love sex, but the whole idea of a girl having sex thousands of times by the time she's in her early twenties makes me feel depressed. If I wasn't an AFC and had one or two relationships, I would be on an even playing field. But just knowing that even if I become 10 times better with women now, almost every girl I hook-up with will be far ahead of me.

Has anyone else ever thought about this stuff? Especially if you got good in the game at a late age?

And do you think most attractive girls (HB6.5+) have ****ed thousands of times?


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
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Sorry bro, but you're a moron.

She's obviously full of ****. Let's look at the math, shall we?

14-22 is 8 years. 365 days a year * 8 years = 2920 days, let's say 3000 for the hell of it.

Do you HONESTLY believe that she had sex an average of 5-7 times a day EVERY DAY for 8 years? That means if she misses a day to stay on track she'd need to do 10-14 times the next day. Come on man, either she's ****ing minute men or she has absolutely no life because that would eat up 3 + hours a day, every day, not even counting how long it would take the guy to recover in between there.

Yes, 50 times is a bit low for somebody your age, I've done it maybe 1000 times. But regardless, it's not really a competition and you need to work on your critical thinking skills if you believed her.

Now is her estimate wrong for the average girl? I think it's a bit high, but if somebody spends a few years in solid relationships where they get laid on average every day, that would bring you above 1000, so that's not unreasonable. What does it matter though? It doesn't mean they're 20 times better than you, sex like everything has a learning curve. You probably learn 10 times more about how to do it in 0-50 times than in the next 1000.

Stop worrying about how many times she or anyone else has had sex, and enjoy the fun process of raising your own number.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
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Personally I'm not surprised. I'm in my mid twenties too and have had sex 0 times. But I don't obsess over it or allow it to make me insecure. It is what it is. The honest truth (which you can't escape and have to accept) is that women can get sex much easier than us guys. Chances are that you'll never catch up or pass the count of average women, so don't let it get to you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
TKool said:
And do you think most attractive girls (HB6.5+) have ****ed thousands of times?
Being attractive doesn't mean you're sitting around f**kin all day. Some attractive girls are s1uts. Others aren't.

It's stupid to take this story from one girl and use it to judge ALL women.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2010
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SmoothTalker said:
Do you HONESTLY believe that she had sex an average of 5-7 times a day EVERY DAY for 8 years? That means if she misses a day to stay on track she'd need to do 10-14 times the next day. Come on man, either she's ****ing minute men or she has absolutely no life because that would eat up 3 + hours a day, every day, not even counting how long it would take the guy to recover in between there.
I didn't have a calculator out when she was telling me this, but now that you've done actual math...it's not likely.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2010
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slaog said:
It made you feel bad because you believe wrongly that having lots of sex makes you a better person. Its just a false belief of yours.
I don't think it would make me a better person, but a better sexual person.

I'll probably never hook-up with a virgin and learn the ropes with her. So, a girl that's been in a relationship and done it every which way would grow bored of me since I'm far less experienced.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
TKool said:
I don't think it would make me a better person, but a better sexual person.

I'll probably never hook-up with a virgin and learn the ropes with her. So, a girl that's been in a relationship and done it every which way would grow bored of me since I'm far less experienced.
Wow. You're full of ridiculous theories aren't you?

Throughout the course of dating, you'll find people who will be more experienced than you and less sexually experienced than you. It's not a deal-breaker. Someone might have had sex 20x more than you, and still be awful at it. And some girl who only had 1 boyfriend before you might be great.

This isn't piano-playing we're talking about. "Practice makes perfect" doesn't necessarily apply to sex.

But keep giving yourself reasons to doubt yourself. It's doing wonders for you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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I'd be less concerned with how many times she's had sex, and more concerned with how many guys she's had sex with.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2010
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Iceberg said:
This isn't piano-playing we're talking about. "Practice makes perfect" doesn't necessarily apply to sex.

But keep giving yourself reasons to doubt yourself. It's doing wonders for you.
I haven't thought of it that way.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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...and how is she supposed to keep "count" of that? I admire the girl for being an honest slvt. Does she also brag about her STDs too?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
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Move on and start fuccking more girls.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2010
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corrector said:
...and how is she supposed to keep "count" of that? I admire the girl for being an honest slvt. Does she also brag about her STDs too?
She basically claimed whether she had a boyfriend or ****buddy, she had sex no less than 3 times a day since she was 14. Now that I think about it, that's nowhere near 15,000 times. It's closer to 9,000 times.

As someone else has said, the average girl has more sex than the average guy. I gotta accept that fact.


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
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I see people saying similar things on the Health and Fitness board. They feel intimidated when they go into the gym and see guys who are way bigger/stronger than them, and feel relatively weak or that they'll never "catch up". They're forgetting one thing: the law of diminishing returns. When you invest in something, you don't keep getting returns at a linear rate forever. You get big gains at first, and then your gains level off over time.

Here is a graph that illustrates this:


The graph shows armor on the x axis and damage reduction on the y axis. In this example, as you add armor to a tank, the amount of damage you protect yourself from per unit of armor increases very quickly. But the more armor you put on, the less protection you're getting back per unit of armor. Eventually you "max out" and you're not getting any more protection anymore no matter how much armor you add. You can put "sexual skill" on the y axis and "amount of times having sex" on the x axis and the graph would look the same.

Another example: when you lift weights, you get stronger very quickly at first. You can add 10 lbs to your bench every time you work out for a while. But you can't keep doing this forever, otherwise guys would be benching 5,000 lbs by now (the record is a little over 700 lbs). After a few workouts, you can only add 5 lbs each time. Then 2.5 lbs. The stronger you get, the harder it is to get stronger.

This law applies to other things as well, like gaining sexual skills. When you first start having sex, you will get better at it very quickly at first. Then your "gains" will level off after a while. By the 2,000th time you've had sex, you've basically plateaued. You're not getting much better each time.

What this means is that it isn’t nearly as hard as we feel sometimes to “catch up” to other people in physical strength, sexual skill, social skill, etc. You'll probably never **** like a porn star, because if you had what it takes for that, you wouldn't be posting about this. But you can get closer to your full potential very quickly.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
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Medellin - Colombia
She had sex between 15,000 and 20,000 times since losing her virginity at 14
Prostitution is a tough job, man. Her vagina must be labeled bio-hazard level 5 from all the STDs that have been brewing in there. I would not even touch her with a hazmat suit.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
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Like Smoothtalker said, there's no way in hell she's had sex that many times, it's bs, and it doesn't matter anyway. You should better pick and choose what is going to bother you and occupy your mind.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
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Who cares how many times you've had sex? It's not a race to see who can get the highest number. You're putting too high a value on sex itself, realize that what's more important than people wanting to **** you is liking yourself. Be comfortable with yourself, and don't stress.


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2010
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I had a gf once who had 4 partners before me, but not had sex more than 10 times total. At the time I had sex 0 times, but she had learned nothing, was an awful lover at first, and I had to show her how to do some things! We hit it alot over the years and while I learned so much (and now women tell me I could be a porn star) she was not much better than when we started.

It's all relative, and everybody is different. I was her best, we're not together now, but she still says I am, and she has never had it like she got from me. Your time will come.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2009
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Definit Bullshyt.

I had more sex with my ex girlfriend than ALL her ex boyfriends put together, her qoute - "I've never had this much sex with one person with all my ex's put together"

But she was great in bed. The average girl has more sex than the average guy? really, where is the source for this claim?


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
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First of all, she's full of shyt. Do you really think she's kept track of something she's done more than a hundred times? Im 34, I've praobably had sex less than a thousand times, but really, I have no idea, because I lost count YEARS ago. I mioght, add, that I am probably ten times better at math than she is, is she's so busy fvcking that she cant do anything else in her life. She backwardsly thinks its cool to have fvcked so many times.

Which leads me to the following point. This chick is a worthless hor, and you should have nothing to do with her other than busting a nut on her face. She's obviously lying about her number, but that in itself is a HUGE red flag. And since you're posting about her here, means you are hung up on her. That means the only answer is to forget al about this hor, and find another three.