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95 Theses of the DJ Bible (Long)


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
Fellow DJ's :

After reading the articles/posts on this site on a regular basis, alot of the responses naturally refer to the DJ Bible. Over the last 4 days I have read through the DJ Bible. As I was reading all these posts and the DJ Bible, I decided to start making a file of all the most important things to me personally....kind of like a list of the things that really stood out to me that I can use as a reference. So.....in the end I ended up with 95 things....hence the title of this post.

Originally this was meant for a personal project / reference of all the things I wanted to have written down, but I decided to post it, maybe it can be of use to you guys too! Oh yeah......Martin Luthors 95 theses were questions.......but oh well it has a nice ring to it hehe. Everything below are direct quotes from the DJ Bible, and include who posted it, and from what topic it came from. Hope it is useful - Hannibal82


1. "As you think you shall become " - Pook , Kill that desperation

2. "ALWAYS be willing to walk away." - Pook , kill that desperation

3. "Shy people THINK too much. Shy people react to situations when they should be acting/initiating" - Pook , Kill that desperation

4. "Set a high price to yourself! Treat yourself like gold because you're a Don Juan. And always be willing to walk away." - Pook, kill that desperation

5. "Girls just go with whatever their emotions say. Hot guy = horny state = acceptance of date. Charming, cool, happy guy = comfortable fun state = acceptance of date. Nervous frustrated guy = nervous state = no date = Most of Pook's saturday nights (until I found this site!) - Pook, kill that desperation

6. "Everything of success is in how you think. Control your mind and you control your destiny." - Pook, kill that desperation

7. "It's to women's advantage because it was given to them by our society, they get to pick and we constantly line ourselves out in the firing range ready to get shot down. Those hapless guys are blessed with long lonely nights with nothing else to entertain them but their callused right hand." - Adonis , Practical guide to the approach

8. "Don't be intimidated by beautiful women. They eat, crap, and sleep just like you and me. They have feelings, desires, and problems just like normal people do. So take them off that pedestal and put them on your level." - Adonis , Practical guide to an approach

9. "Cows group together and moo and gnaw on grass and take notice of bulls brave enough to approach the group." - Pook, Be a man!

10. "The Nice Guy becomes an emotional tampon to be used and discarded." - Pook, Be a man!

11. "Women don't want a p*ssy boyfriend, they want a man." - Deagleguy , For all the shy guys out there

12. "You can't be happy in a relationship unless you're happy being single" - Pook, Feeling Down about your love life

13. "Notice how the Jerk may get chicks long enough for sex, he fails completely in life. He ends up being a janitor or something similiar. The girls he bedded with? All of them insecure little girls. It is pathetic and very very sad." - Pook, Feeling down about your love life?

14. "You are enlightened and know something 99% of the other guys do not: how to handle women. For if you don't, women will handle you." - Pook, Feeling down about your love life?

15. "Face that what bothers you. " - Stockholder , Faceoff

16. "Want to talk to that gorgeous girl who is so hot? Do it now. If things don't end up the way you want to then at least you can sleep easily and you can focus on new and different projects." - Stockholder, Faceoff

17. Jealousy is a form of fear. Not taking risks is a form of fear. Lashing out is a form of fear. Avoiding difficult or scary situations at all costs is a form of fear. Not showing kino with the person you like is a form of fear. Worrying is a form of fear. Hesitation is a form of fear. Not looking in the eyes of a person is a form of fear. Not dealing with a problem is a form of fear. Not being able to face the truth is a form of fear. Not showing (different from telling about) feelings is a form of fear. Fear can only serve him who can deal with it." - Stockholder, Faceoff

18. "If you don't do anything, and sit on your ass like a nice guy, you are already down for the count. You rejected YOURSELF." - Pulse, How to avoid an awful experience

19. "When you let the idea of a woman rejecting you stop you from walking over
and talking to her, you're GIVING AWAY YOUR POWER." - Ralfus , Sisonpyh is back

20. "When you go into things in life knowing you will win, you radiate confidence. " - Drew, A Game you can always win

21. "Not approaching a girl actually feels worse than getting rejected" - Don Joey , Next time you're too scared to approach do this

22. " I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.
--Michael Jordan" - Paradox, on rejection

23. "Courage is an essential part of a DJ's arsenal. Without courage there is no approach" - paradox, On rejection

24. "Don’t just write it out, go DO the things you wrote" - DJ Bedford, Becoming a true DJ

25. "At the start, most (if not all) potential Don Juans will be rejected at one stage or another. This is not to be seen as losing! What it is really doing is teaching you the error of your ways, the mistakes you've made, and how to IMPROVE your methods." - nine Breaker, Winning and losing

26. "How many things do we all do that are way more risky then approaching a woman, chatting her up, and getting her number??" - Chicago#1 , Self Confidence

27. "Women have no problems with nice; they have a problem
with ambivalence, passivity, androgynous behavior, and a
wishy-washy demeanor. Women are attracted to confidence and
strength, but when there's no conflict..."yes dear, no dear"
it leads to boredom and hostility." - Jesterguy25, Nice guys get dumped

28. "I had had a revelation. Why was I making myself unhappy over these self-centered b*tches?! I was basing my life around trying to find a girl. Simple as that." - CoolHandLuke , Confessions of a self proclaimed "nice guy."

29. "Never look down after making eye contact; this is a sign of submission." - CoolHandLuke, Confessions of a self-proclaimed "nice-guy."

30. "Don't ever say "Idon't know, what do you want to do". This is murder!!" - CoolHandLuke , confessions of a self-proclaimed "nice-guy."

31. "In the end, it all comes down to a state of mind. You have to know, not think, KNOW that you don't need a woman to be happy. " - CoolHandLuke, Confessions of a self-proclaimed "nice-guy."

32. "Those same girls who said "Billy is a poopy-head and smells" back in 1st grade secretly wanted to f**k Billy, but were years too early to understand what drove their scorn." LOL , RonJuan, "My **** Theory."

33. "Girls constantly claim they like nice guys over jerks. I'll believe that when I see it." - Giovanni Casanova , She thinks you're an a-hole, and then BOOM!

34. "Now we all know that ****y+funny = wet panties." - Indy Examples of ****y + funny

35. "The bottom line is that when you focus on your own inner greatness your inner light begins to shine and like moths to a flame people will be attracted to you. " - Supporter, Breaking Free

36. "Never, never wait for something to happen to help you meet women -
You make it happen! You take action! Always be prepared to take
action when you see an opportunity to meet girls. You will be amazed
at how your luck will change when you have this mindset. " - Terminator911 , Always Take aDvantage of ....

37. "You've got to be
prepared to act as soon as you recognize opportunities to meet single
women. Don't put it off. Approach all those hot & sexy honeys as
soon as the opportunity presents itself. " - Terminator911 , Always take advantage ...

38. "Patience comes from confidence and is one of the five most important things in life, the rest of them I will let you know when I find out, have patience." - Don Phenom , For Newbies looking to ascend

39. "Once you become a DJ, you must rule out ALL women from your past. That includes secret crushes, ex-girlfriends, female friends, etc." - Survivor, Forget about the girls in your past

40. "Never ask a women to become exclusive. She must ask YOU. She must talk about it FIRST. " - Anti-Dump, Never ask to become exclusive

41. "The woman you can make laugh will do anything for you....Women who never laugh should be avoided like pissed-off rattlesnakes......." - bondjamesbond , Good Advice!

42. "Hesitation is like masturbation: in the end your only screwing yourself" - Young Juan

43. "When I got their name, I'd use it constantly, women think their name is the most important word in the world." - bondjamesbond, how I did it...

44. " Why be afraid of someone 5'6", 125 lbs.? If somebody that little scares you, you'd better grow some balls, quick time." - bondjamesbond, how I did it...

45. "Nobody has to be shy. You choose to
be shy. Don't let fear stop you
anymore! " - Dr. Feelgood , What I've learned so far

46. "1) Establish eye contact.
2) Smile.
3) Start a conversation.
4) Apply subtle kino as necessary.

Perfect recipe for a good evening! - bclarke675, reply from The MOST important thing!

47. "*DJs know not all girls are worth dating*" - Wildthang, Death of an AFC

48. "AFCs fall in love all the time. They pine, dream, sweat, fantasise and generally drool over their special beloved. Who meanwhile is off fvcking lots of other guys. " - Wildthang, "love" and AFC's

49. "Most women don't go for guys who 'love' them. They go for guys who excite them, frighten them, give them an adrenaline rush and can keep their little puzzies moist by acting like real men. " - WildThang, "love" and AFC's

50. "James Bond is a very nice guy. He is on the side of right, he is kind and exemplifies goodness.

What he is not is a puppy dog, he is not a coward, he will not be controlled by a woman, and he would never put up with silly games.

He is strong, the confidence of a jerk, without the emotional baggage. If a woman didn't return Bond's calls, wouldn't go to bed with him, tried to kill him, etc... Bond doesn't get upset." - MrSassyPants , Complaining , Whining, And Crying

51. "All those chicks are out to get my ****. God, why do they need me so bad? Just because I'm one of the few people on earth who could give them what they truly want... Matter of fact, it'd be charitable of me to give them any kind of intimacy. Poor desperate souls." - The Writer, Attitude:What to avoid, what to cultivate

52. "Convince the girl that she is more interested in you than you are in her." - Terminator911 , How to pursue single women

53. "Patience is controlling your eagerness." - Pook, What Truly makes a DJ

54. "So don't just think confident.. KNOW that you are the best.. never put up with any bu11sh1t.. respect yourself. That way you can succeed in every way in life." - StuartSan, Know that you can

55. " General George Patton said, "Fear kills more people than death." " - Adonis quoting George Patton, Motivate Yourself

56. "Trust me on this one, a confident elephant man swimming in a pool of dung is more attractive than an insecure Tom Cruise. We all know this : an assertive fat a$$ will always be more sucessful than a cute, muscular queer boy. " - Challenge GUy, My 2 Cents on Confidence

57. "Single women go on dates to have a good time, not to be serious.
Keep this in mind and never act serious on the first few dates." - Terminator911, Set yourself apart from others.

58. "End the date before she does. When you first start dating, it is
important to avoid that awkward time when it is getting late and she
finally has to announce that it is time for her to go home." - Terminator911, Set yourself apart from others

59. "Girls must categorize you. Three slots are available: 'Worthy', 'Friend', or 'Loser'." - Pook, Reply from First Impressions Count

60. "Nice guys think their sexuality will scare the woman so they hide it. They then wonder why they hear "Let's Just be Friends" a lot." - Pook, reply from First Impressions count

61. "Do, or do not, there is no try (Master Yoda)" - Shadowloard quoting Yoda LoL , reply from First Impressions Count

62. "DJ's don't sit there pondering over the fact that some chick didn't call. In the mean time they are busy doing something else (or someone else for that matter!)." - PimpNHard, Wake up Call!!!

63. "As a true DJ you have to be willing to cut a girl loose in a second if she crosses the line. And let her know." - PimpNHard, Wake Up Call !!!

64. "There was a time during my twenties when I approached over ONE HUNDRED women a month! I didn't spend my spare time doing nothing....I wouldn't go to one store a day, I'd go to thirty! I loved it! Every second of it! Hell, even getting blown off was fun....I'd get with my buddies later and swap "war stories" with 'em. We'd laugh our @sses off!" - Bondjamesbond, Laziness = Masturbation

65. "Remember guys, someday a nursing home attendant is going to have to help you get up to take a piss.......Go have a blast while you're young!!" - bondjamesbond, Laziness = masturbation

66. "Instead of fawning and supplicating all over her like the average nervous AFC, she sees right away you can take her (heh... ) or leave her. This blows a fuse in the chick mind. Once you're the real deal, you'll find she starts doing things to impress you, rather than the other way round. This is a good place for you to be. " - WildThang, Offensive V.S. Defensive plays

67. "I had a conversation last night with one of the girls I'm dating and the topic of a person's personality changing over the years came up.

I said, "Yeah, you wouldn't recognize me from five years ago."

"How so?" She asked.

"Well, I used to call a girl I was dating every day. I used to bring flowers on the first date. I always took the blame for arguments just to smooth things over. Today, I basically don't give a $hit."



"I find that incredibly attractive." She said.

An ear-popping blowj0b followed soon afterward. (She's having her period)

Guys, this stuff works!" - Gipper, Reply from What is she trying to tell me? ...don't worry about it

68. "AFC's are men who are fundamentally ignorant of both the required to succeed with woman and the attitude which their behaveior reflects." - Trickynick, The inner struggle of the DJ student

69. "You either own the game or it owns you!" - Trickynick's signature

70. "What you need to understand is that all of the DJ philosophies in the world will be useless unless you prepare yourself both physically and mentally to be able to put them into practice" - Sting, How much are you willing to pay for success.

71. "Powerful Male: Strike the concept beautiful out. It adds nothing and it doesn't help. She is not a princess, someone special super human. She is simply a woman that a lot of men emotionally respond to." - Darkdream, The holy grail of dating

72. "When you look directly and potently into a woman's eyes, her body produces chemicals like phenylethylamine, or PEA, that jolts the sensation of being in love." - Surfboard, Eye Contact (why it's important.)

73. "You can't be a scared, chicken-hearted bastard and expect to get anywhere with woman. You must have confidence and self assurance. A wimpy guy gets rejected and goes home pulling the covers over his head and whining that "girls just don't like me"......The tough SOB gets turned down, shruggs it off, goes out with his buddies and has a good laugh over it." - Bondjamesbond, how to attract women part II

74. "9's and 10's are sometimes easier then 7's and 8's... No one talks to the 9's and 10's b/c they don't have the balls to." - Syncmaster in reply to how to attract women part II

75. "Unless you're blind, you use your eyes to communicate with women more than your mouth." - Bondjamesbond, How to attract women part III

76. "Direct eye contact with a woman, combined with a nice smile tells a woman "I like what I'm seeing, I am interested in you"....." Bondjamesbond, How to attract women part III

77. "DJ's be aware of you own emotions, that's the only way you will control them, otherwise they'll control you. To master your emotions, don't wrestle or fight with them. Acknowledge them, and accept them, even befriend them. Don't let emotions like infatuation, frustration, fear, or other bull**** interfere, they're only shadows." - Virtuoso, THe DJ guide to social skills part I

78. "Failure is the one thing in life that tests your character, so consider it a blessing. In weightlifting in order to get bigger in size you use extreme resistance, feeling the burn and breaking down the muscle until it recovers even stronger. Failure does that to your character. Use it as an opportunity to learn, and allow it to strengthen you. " - Virtuoso, The DJ guide to social skills part I

79. "Warmth is the reason why Danny De Vito gets laid. Lack of warmth is probably the reason why you don’t." - Challenge Guy, Faking Warmth

80. "I think that the act of a guy walking away is our ultimate weapon. You must be willing to do this. Women can do it easily, because getting dates or sex for them is a given, unless they are ugly as hell. They know the power in it. Most guys won't use this power, or don't realize they have it. We do have it, and it does all come down to confidence." - Crowes22, If you think she's playing games/mixed singles

81. "be a good listener & hear what she is saying, this will lead to numerous topics to discuss. U pick up the topic thread, U lead, she follows." Poet, How to be a better conversationalist

82. "Yes = green light (maintain velocity and direction kind sir)

No = red light (STOP right there buddy; come to a screeching halt. If you procede the cops will be after you, or you are likely to have an accident)

Excuse = amber light procede with extreme caution: remember you still have to cross a busy intersection and it is highly likely that it'll change red on the way through. If it does please see NO!" - Peak , Anything, except for NO!

83. "never, ever, ever, ever, ever analyse her problem's. when she start's bytching or complaining about something, dont tell her how to solve it. just listen & sympathize with her. agree with her." - A turtle named adrian, Conversation to her heart

84. "rephrase whatever she say's & feed it back to her. "so you think i should cut my hair", "so, you believe he did it", whatever." - Turtle named Adrian, Conversation to her heart

85. "if you got yourself a 9 or a 10, hit her (not physically) with a negative remark like: you got a big belly, what's wrong with you hair, how long have you had them shoes. if she start's to break down, confort her & tell her you was just kiddin. " Turtle named Adrian, Conversation to her heart

86. "You remind me of my brother! = I would consider sex with you to be incest." - pook, ********!

87. "The key to a sincere sounding compliment is in its timing and deliverance…it has to either sound or be spontaneous." - Pimpologist , Pimpology 101, complimenting

88. "Initiate kino (body contact) as early as possible…..a simple non-threatening handshake is an excellent way of creating early kino. It also makes her feel more comfortable with you." - Pimpologist, Pimpology 101, The conversation part I

89. "Say her name……..after saying it was nice meeting her, this works subconsciously by giving her the illusion that you’re familiar with each other already." - Pimpologist, Pimpology 101, The conversation Part I

90. "Never call the very next day after getting a number no matter how good looking they are or how well the approach/conversation went." - Pimpologist, Pimpology 101 The conversation part V

91. "After getting a number, never say… “I’ll give you a call”

They have to wonder if you will call them or not. If you told her you were going to call her, it takes the challenge and mystery right out of you. " - Pimpologist, Pimpology 101, The Conversation Part V

92. "Never call back on the same night or the next night; always assume all girls have caller ID." - Pimpologist, Pimpology 101, The Conversation part V

93. "“I need to get going, let me give you a call…what’s your number?” - Pimpologist quoting Master PImp from How go get the # and split

94. "Always assume the sale" - Master of the universe, closing the sale 95% of the time and get that date!

95. "A strong personal connection cannot be established by simply asking questions, you need to also utilize tactics that make the conversation exciting, dynamic, and unpredictable, while remaining in control at all times. A great way to do this is to employ techniques that demonstrate that you can understand and relate to them.
Basic Paraphrasing and Word Substitution:" - Pimpologist, Pimpology 101, Connecting through understanding and relating

"You....You're so ******* money and you don't even know it.
-Trent from "Swingers


Master Don Juan
May 14, 2001
Reaction score
Good job Hannibal!

Would be nice to put into the DJB.


T Dog

Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
austin, tx
Everyone else. This is how it is done. Follow Hannibal’s led.

1. Reach down and find your balls.

2. Determine your weak areas when it comes to ladies.

3. Read the DJ bible with emphasis to your weakness.

4. Go out and actively hit on women, even if you suck at it or are a scared AFC.

5. Post the results of your encounter and ask for feedback.

6. Get and LISTEN to the feedback.

7. Reread the DJ Bible with emphasizing your weak DJ areas and reread the related areas per the advice given by your fellow DJ's.

8. Go back out and do it again, armed with your new knowledge.

9. Repeat steps 5 through 8 till you are in a LTR or your **** falls off!

T Dog


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2002
Reaction score
Thanks Hannibal. I started making my own list of quotes when I stumbled on this site and read all of the articles and then the DJB. What's interesting is noticing that what you find quotable changes over time. Some things you incorporate into your life, and other things still need work.


Master Don Juan
Oct 16, 2001
Reaction score
This was a great idea, hannibal. Very well done.

Just one comment. I didn't realize that I had made a mistake in my Inner Stuggle of the DJ student post until I read your quote. I just edited my post. When you get a chance, please insert the word "mentality" in there between "the" and "required".

Sorry for the faux pas, guys! Again, good post!

You either own the game or it owns you!

[This message has been edited by trickynick (edited 03-15-2002).]

De La Soul

Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2002
Reaction score
It's a badly-kept secret.
Great post, hannibal.


Don Juan
Mar 4, 2002
Reaction score
34. "Now we all know that ****y+funny = wet panties." - Indy Examples of ****y + funny

Is this one really true you guys think?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
ABSOLUTELY! ........ now, don't get me wrong here..... I have never been a ****y person.....actually I always strived to not be, it was the way i was brought up, and I actually dont' care for ****iness.......nevertheless, I personally have witnessed several times that ****y + funny works like a charm. I'm not sure I'll be practicing it as much, but it is a good tool to have in the kit know what i mean


"You....You're so ******* money and you don't even know it.
-Trent from "Swingers

Don't always be the one putting yourself out for her. Don't always be the one putting all the effort and work into the relationship. Let her, and expect her, to treat you as well as you treat her, and to improve the quality of your life.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2001
Reaction score
NYC baby!
Umm, guys, could you stop quoting the wholel freaking post when it's not needed? And damn yo, this is a wonderful summary of the main ideas focused upon in the DJ Bible.

You live, you learn? No, it is only if you learn the ways of the DJ when you can truly live...


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
i get out plenty.....like i said that was a collaboration of stuff i had been saving to a txt file over the period of 4 or 5 days.....didn't take that much time to read through the articles over a 5 day period


"You....You're so ******* money and you don't even know it.
-Trent from "Swingers

Never try to read a woman's mind. It is a scary place. Ignore her confusing signals and mixed messages. Assume she is interested in you and act accordingly.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Thug Intellect

Senior Don Juan
May 28, 2002
Reaction score
NYC /Maryland


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2002
Reaction score
bible material (or is it in the bible already) ?

Better Man

Don Juan
Jun 25, 2002
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
great post.
Iam studying Luther's 95 theses in class right now. So when I first saw this, i thought to myself 'hes blasting the bible and its in the tips seciton?'
heh. but iam glad you posted this.
Great ****ing post!

Better Man
"You nothing but a slut to me"

"I will never let another chick bring me down"