90% of pick-up FAIL during the first 10 seconds


Don Juan
Dec 4, 2006
Reaction score
So i was on the phone with my friend the other day, and she was talking about a creepy guy she met in the train. As she was describing how he had unsuccessfully initiated the conversation, i had noticed a pattern - which a lot of my other female friends face when going out in public and dealing with random guys wanting to chat them up.

Now Believe it or not, a girl will decide if she wants to talk to you before you open your mouth to say your first word. The first step to a successful pick-up is making sure that a girl wants to talk to you in the beginning.

These are common mistakes that screw up their chances before they even say hi.

1. The guy that'll stare at her without saying anything: This is what rapists do, not something a strong confident man would do. If you're going to stare at her, talk to her within the first 3 seconds that you make eye contact instead of just looking at her chest.

2. The guy they see everyday on the train but today he's going to try to flirt with her: He sees her everyday, and he knows where she's going. He will ubruptly start a conversation with her, without previously knowing her at all. He should at least start off by introducing himself and sharing who he is before he ask questions about her personal life.

3. Too old: An example would be a 40 year old man talking to my 19 year old friend. I've even done a pickup on several woman that's 25, 40-45 (i'm 20 years old), even though they were friendly enough not to reject me up front, the success rate for me is 0. I'm not saying it's impossible, but its very hard - you should pick-up girls within your age range for more success.

4. The bum: If he doesn't dress like someone she wants to be with, he's automatically rejected. It's a boy that doesn't take care of himself, a man will respect himself enough to look presentable when in public. It doesn't mean that he has to look gorgeous - it just means that he has to look like he lives under a roof, and not on the streets; clothes from walmart that fits him and is clean will suffice. Don't be the homeless guy trying to make a group of girls luagh.

[edit: added new rule] #5. Twitchy guy: Twitchy guys makes girls uncomfortable. This is generally because she cannot guess your intentions, so a girl will be more relax if you state your purpose clearly, for example: (get her attention) pardon me for being so twitchy, but i think you're beautiful and i'd feel regret if i didn't come here and talk to you. My name is newspaperRalph

So tell me what you think, i'm sure there are more things than 4 things that can screw up a pick-up in the first 10 seconds, but that's all i got for now.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
I have a problem with #3. I've seen 40+ PUAs pick up 18 yr olds. Chicks are more comfortable with dating older men than guys are with dating older women. I recall the story of Neil in 'The Game' where he f-closes a 19 yr old girl. He was in his 30's. I agree with the rest, specially with dressing like a bum, and I would add a #5 being nervous and twitchy before the approach, this makes the girl very defensive.


Don Juan
Dec 4, 2006
Reaction score
I agree, being nervous and twitchy would wreck the interaction between a guy and his potential girlfriend. And i agree that #3 shouldn't be a rule

#3 doesn't apply to everyone. If you are experienced and you've got skills you can have any girl you'd like. Just a general rule for newer don juans who are very dedicated into improving themselves - it's easier to start around your age group. Again, #3 doesn't apply to savvy don juans


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2008
Reaction score
Age is just like looks. It helps to be the same age, just like it helps to be physically attractive, but it doesn't determine whether you're gonna be rejected or not.

What's the point in telling people to approach within their age group? If you're attracted to a girl go talk to her. If she's not up for it it's no different than if you didn't do anything. If she is, well then, you're fvcking a hot girl.

The point is, aways try. If nothing else, you'll get more experience talking chatting up girls and have a better chance of pulling it off the next time.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
This only applies to first impressions, which can ALL be turned over with good game. Basically, this says groom yourself, and have decent body language. This is pretty common knowledge. It makes pickup EASIER, if you arent in those categories, but it never rules you out.

It doesnt matter whether she WANTS to talk to you or not, it matters on whether you are good enough to turn her around. She wont think you're a creep if you talk to her for a minute, and you stimulate her mind, even if she was on the defensive for that first minute. People cant help being old. It doesnt stop old PUA's from landing hotties, though. I also know dudes that dress like bums that pull more ass than a toilet seat. The rest of those numbers all apply to bad body language, which is a huge turnoff, and everyone here know this.

All in all, I say this thread is redundant. make an effort to not look creepy t a girl. Thats all that can be said.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
NewspaperRalph said:
1. The guy that'll stare at her without saying anything: This is what rapists do
It is?! You watch too much tv.