Every time you are worried about interpreting a particular woman's IL, you are neglecting abundance mentality. There is nothing to interpret when you have it.
If there is always someone you can reach out to for that booty call, if you can go out on a date with someone new any night of the week that you want to, if you can place an ad online and women are
messaging you rather than the other way around, you are not going to sit there and try to determine whether or not any one particular woman's IL is genuine or faked.
You are always going to deal with women who follow through.
Those who do not will always fall to the wayside very quickly, and you won't give two sh*ts about it.
IMO, there is no such thing as an interpretation problem. It's a problem of abundance.
If a man is not happy with the typical women he attracts, he is not going to have an abundance mentality without compromising his sexual interest and standards on women. Most guys would rather not do that. So, as an alternative, these guys end up focusing on those occasional women that might come along that they are attracted to but do not normally attract, and this is when they have to wonder about how genuine that IL might actually be:
Is she really into me?
Is she stringing me along as an orbiter?
Is her ratio of initiating contact a sign of her IL
Or am I the one always trying harder?
You just don't worry about that stuff when you have a list of phone numbers of women with higher IL and some follow through. Any woman without a genuine interest will eliminate themselves.