even if he did that == would you rather want Clinton to win?
Left or right, Clinton or Trump is not the point and a red herring that keeps folks who like to argue, divided and hostile toward each other.
It’s about the use of big data to build sophisticated behavior models for each FB user based on the preferences of both themselves and the network of ‘friends’ within their social circle by the ‘likes’, comment keywords and ‘sharing’ history. This is done with your data, without your awareness, knowledge, nor your consent.
This behavioral modeling segmented a user into 3 basic categories. There were the polarized ‘fixed’ positions (as is evidient in this thread) of people who whom no matter what evidence to the contrary will remain fixed in their perception of the world as ‘the truth’
That left the ‘persuasables’.
With this group, their newsfeed was fed a constant mix of media custom designed to trigger their ‘hot buttons’ much like targeted ads follow one across the web.
These custom ‘ads’ are composed of a variety of media and basically a manufactured ‘reality’ bubble personalized specifically for you. They were also able, with an unprecedented degree of accuracy, predict what your behavior would be after this ‘stimulus
In the age of social media, there is no objective ‘reality’ out there but a highly manufactured reflection of one’s own confirmation bias.
In post-modern culture, reality and truth are not what we were socially conditioned to believe them to be.