Take heed or in so many words, take these below responses very seriously!!
38. Don’t date women who ask you little about yourself.
45. Undesirable women come in countless flavors and colors. In general, do not date divorced women, single mothers, addicts, women with ANY mental health issues, eating disorders, or abusive pasts.
I learned about this site when I was married to my ex-wife. I took for granted communication in relationships. Fellas make it a must she has interest in you and your life. When I used to have communication time with my ex-wife, she would cut me off and ask for a kiss or it would turn into sex. I thought that was cool being married and she was showing a lot of interest still in me.
Low-and-be-hold, after our divorce my eyes and perspective woke up. The reason she cut me off during communication time like she did because, I realize (it's called Low Emotional Quotient) she has adult stage Attention Deficit Disorder. I didn't see it when I was married, however, I ask her questions now, her answers are way way way off the subject about what I was saying. I kick myself not paying attention to her and then married a woman like that. UGH!!!