After having been on this board for quite some time I have to say that there are a few schools of thought concerning seduction strategy. Personally I think that we have to weigh the factors that are important to seduction and base our strategies for success on those factors. When you strategize your seduction using these factors I think you can increase your success by working on your strengths and shoring up your weaknesses.
I think that the major factors affecting success in seduction are as follows:
1. Physical Attractiveness: Body, facial features etc.
2. Personality: Your general outlook on life. Your temperament, emotional and mental outlook on life.
3. Class/Culture: The way you are cultured, your income class, your social status.
4. Social Adeptness: Your ability to move, adapt and work within groups of people.
5. Knowledge/Intelligence: Your information reservoir and your ability to use it.
Lets call these the 5 big seductive forces. I am sure there are other minor ones but in my opinion these are the most important things affecting your potential to seduce females or males, this should work for both sexes. You ability to execute comes through experience and learning in my opinion, this is just strategy.
First off I am not trying to be cruel towards obese people or those with other physical issues, but if you are Obese or are considered aesthetically unpleasing in some other way then your odds of seducing scores of beautiful women successfully go way down. If you are ugly then you will need to work harder then good-looking people when it comes to seducing. I would suggest working at getting a rock hard body and if you are really insecure look into plastic surgery. I am not being shallow, just realistic. It all depends on how much importance you place on seducing people.
TIP: Put your picture on to find out what people generally think about your appearance and gauge accordingly.
The two major schools of thought on personality are nature vs. nurture. I think it’s a bit of both. Develop a good mental and emotional temperament. Don’t take everything personally. Have a good attitude. This is all of course much easier said then done. There are lots of posts on this site that are good at covering the how to’s in this area.
As far as class think about that category like this. If you had an identical twin and you were both trying to pickup a girl and one of you rolled in a Ferrari and the other in a Neon which one do you think has better odds? I guess it depends on the girl but in my experience most females gravitate towards men with wealth vs. those without when all else is kept constant. Basically people in particular cultures and classes like to mate with and socialize with people like themselves most of the time. There of course exceptions but I am making a broad statement about general groups not specific people. So if you are trying to pick up a person who comes from a close knit hermetic class / culture then you will have a lot of hurdles to go over to seduce this person compared to seducing someone from your own class / culture.
Are you a social idiot? Do you say and do things in front of other people that makes them repulsed from you but you have no idea what it was that caused this to occur? If that is you then you have a problem in this area. I know most people like to think that they don’t need anyone else, they are self-made but that’s a lot of BS IMHO. We need people we are social animals and we need to conform to at least some social standards if we expect to be accepted and work within our social structures and networks. So don’t show up to the bar alone and try to pick up girls solo unless you know what your are doing. Otherwise you will just end up looking like a weirdo, believe me I see it a lot, you end up looking like a guy with no friends whose sole motive is to pick up. Also don’t try to pickup at funerals or during a wedding (wait until the reception). People have actually done this stuff, believe it or not. I have met lots of people with great personalities who just cannot socialize, people are repulsed by them because for some reason people like conformity and when you stick out like a sore thumb nobody wants to be around you. However if you stick out like a gold nugget everyone wants to be with you so I guess it goes both ways. I have also met people who have questionable personalities but are great at socializing, just look at some politicians!
Your knowledge and intelligence as well as your ability to use it are definitely a force to be reckoned with. However I don’t ever remember Einstein as being a hugely seductive man. You need to realize that although intelligence is important it is not the most important factor it is just one factor of many. So learn as much as you can about seducing from this site, books etc. and learn how to apply those things. But don’t think that you can speed seduce a super model if you show up wearing a barrel and weigh 300 lbs. I am sorry but I would give very long odds on this person’s ability to seduce even if they were really knowledgeable about seduction.
I think that the main problem people have with trying to follow the content on this discussion group is that they do so will-nilly, they do not have an overarching strategy that guides them on which areas to focus for maximum effectiveness. They also do not know what their seductive potential is. Most of us do not know the context in which we are seducing, context is very important and it behooves us to understand it.
I would love to lie to everyone and say that your potential is unlimited. But it is limited by the time and resources at your disposal and your ability to direct those things in the most productive manner towards your goals. If we had unlimited time and resources then our potential would be unlimited but for now it is limited and is different for each person.
So there it is, a rough draft of my 5-force seduction model that I think is realistic and worthy of further attention. Let me know what you think.
I’d like to write an article on this 5-force model with links to appropriate websites to detail how to leverage each of the 5 forces, please let me know if what if that is of interest.
I think that the major factors affecting success in seduction are as follows:
1. Physical Attractiveness: Body, facial features etc.
2. Personality: Your general outlook on life. Your temperament, emotional and mental outlook on life.
3. Class/Culture: The way you are cultured, your income class, your social status.
4. Social Adeptness: Your ability to move, adapt and work within groups of people.
5. Knowledge/Intelligence: Your information reservoir and your ability to use it.
Lets call these the 5 big seductive forces. I am sure there are other minor ones but in my opinion these are the most important things affecting your potential to seduce females or males, this should work for both sexes. You ability to execute comes through experience and learning in my opinion, this is just strategy.
First off I am not trying to be cruel towards obese people or those with other physical issues, but if you are Obese or are considered aesthetically unpleasing in some other way then your odds of seducing scores of beautiful women successfully go way down. If you are ugly then you will need to work harder then good-looking people when it comes to seducing. I would suggest working at getting a rock hard body and if you are really insecure look into plastic surgery. I am not being shallow, just realistic. It all depends on how much importance you place on seducing people.
TIP: Put your picture on to find out what people generally think about your appearance and gauge accordingly.
The two major schools of thought on personality are nature vs. nurture. I think it’s a bit of both. Develop a good mental and emotional temperament. Don’t take everything personally. Have a good attitude. This is all of course much easier said then done. There are lots of posts on this site that are good at covering the how to’s in this area.
As far as class think about that category like this. If you had an identical twin and you were both trying to pickup a girl and one of you rolled in a Ferrari and the other in a Neon which one do you think has better odds? I guess it depends on the girl but in my experience most females gravitate towards men with wealth vs. those without when all else is kept constant. Basically people in particular cultures and classes like to mate with and socialize with people like themselves most of the time. There of course exceptions but I am making a broad statement about general groups not specific people. So if you are trying to pick up a person who comes from a close knit hermetic class / culture then you will have a lot of hurdles to go over to seduce this person compared to seducing someone from your own class / culture.
Are you a social idiot? Do you say and do things in front of other people that makes them repulsed from you but you have no idea what it was that caused this to occur? If that is you then you have a problem in this area. I know most people like to think that they don’t need anyone else, they are self-made but that’s a lot of BS IMHO. We need people we are social animals and we need to conform to at least some social standards if we expect to be accepted and work within our social structures and networks. So don’t show up to the bar alone and try to pick up girls solo unless you know what your are doing. Otherwise you will just end up looking like a weirdo, believe me I see it a lot, you end up looking like a guy with no friends whose sole motive is to pick up. Also don’t try to pickup at funerals or during a wedding (wait until the reception). People have actually done this stuff, believe it or not. I have met lots of people with great personalities who just cannot socialize, people are repulsed by them because for some reason people like conformity and when you stick out like a sore thumb nobody wants to be around you. However if you stick out like a gold nugget everyone wants to be with you so I guess it goes both ways. I have also met people who have questionable personalities but are great at socializing, just look at some politicians!
Your knowledge and intelligence as well as your ability to use it are definitely a force to be reckoned with. However I don’t ever remember Einstein as being a hugely seductive man. You need to realize that although intelligence is important it is not the most important factor it is just one factor of many. So learn as much as you can about seducing from this site, books etc. and learn how to apply those things. But don’t think that you can speed seduce a super model if you show up wearing a barrel and weigh 300 lbs. I am sorry but I would give very long odds on this person’s ability to seduce even if they were really knowledgeable about seduction.
I think that the main problem people have with trying to follow the content on this discussion group is that they do so will-nilly, they do not have an overarching strategy that guides them on which areas to focus for maximum effectiveness. They also do not know what their seductive potential is. Most of us do not know the context in which we are seducing, context is very important and it behooves us to understand it.
I would love to lie to everyone and say that your potential is unlimited. But it is limited by the time and resources at your disposal and your ability to direct those things in the most productive manner towards your goals. If we had unlimited time and resources then our potential would be unlimited but for now it is limited and is different for each person.
So there it is, a rough draft of my 5-force seduction model that I think is realistic and worthy of further attention. Let me know what you think.
I’d like to write an article on this 5-force model with links to appropriate websites to detail how to leverage each of the 5 forces, please let me know if what if that is of interest.
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