Originally posted by MindOverMatter
i train in HIT, if you can find a harder way to train, i'd like to hear it.
i train with ym own routine, i dont like any of those other ones.
secondly, i said this before, recovery is dependant on your diet and supplementation, as well as rest. for me, a good intake of glutamine, 10 hrs of sleep, and a big carb breakfast is enough to let me work shoulders after an arm day and keep making gains.
it was jsut a reccomendation to the other guy not you, i wasnt directing anything at you, get over it. and IT WAS A RECCOMENDATION, i wasnt trying to change your workout.
thirdly, yes I know that all pressing movements include triceps to a certain extent. but there is a way to minimize the use of triceps when it comes to bench/military exercises, such as wider grips, and not pushing the weight up all the way. if you push the weight all the way up and straighten your out your arms on every rep, you overinvolve triceps. if you push the weight up 5-7 inches and then back down, you keep the focus on the exercise on pecs (or delts if you're doing military press). i shouldn't even have to explain this to you, do your own research.
you said you didnt understand what i was saying, all i did was ****ing explain it a bit better. try and get your panties out of its knot. and you know this and i know this, but waht about everyone else, why dont you take the time to explain everything if he is going to use YOUR WORKOUT. O and btw, that sounds like something out of the arnold book, so you would think i would know about it common

fourth of all, my shoulder gains have been my strongest point, but according to you, they'd suck. that must be why i can add 5lbs to my military press every week. oh then it must be my arms that suck. too bad they don't.
stop putting words in my mouth, NEVER ONCE did i say this, i was simply reccomending to the other guy and explaining why it would be more beneficial for him to do it that way, rather than you explaining how you do your workout.
fifth of all, there is at least 1 day of full rest (sometimes 2) between my shoulder and chest days, wtf are you talking about?
once again another reccomendation, how long have you been working out, MUCH longer than he has, therefore for the first while he will be sore for a couple days after his workouts, and that will carry onto his chest days. common relax a bit.
honestly, i find it ironic that a guy who trains everything 2x a week is telling me im not getting enough rest
as for the whole 40 lbs, grats? that means nothing to me since I don't know what your bodyfat levels now and when you started, but considering you posted a thread where you said you were taking an ephedrine + caffeene stack, i wouldn't be surprised to find out what the content of these 40 lbs was...