4th date, text flake - how should i respond?


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
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Sounds like a prude to me. You know one of those girls who waits a year to have sex. Up to you if you want to continue with this.


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2009
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Sandow said:
Sounds like a prude to me. You know one of those girls who waits a year to have sex. Up to you if you want to continue with this.
Yeah. In my conservative town, the majority of girls are like this. Everyone here just adores abstinence.

I feel as if this forum is only targeting a specific type of girl. To me, the "prudish" girl is actually the typical sort of girl and trying to get sexual so quickly comes off too strong and creepy. Just my two cents.


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2008
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I think its really important that i follow up with this to show that their is a difference between the types of girls that exist. There are decent girls out there, and sometimes its worth waiting for quality.

We've gone out on a few more dates and it's been great. We both had a talk before our fourth date that we didnt find that we had any chemistry between us and we decided that we should spill the beans on everything before we call it quits. So she told me that she doesn't like games and that i come off a little too strong and shes not used to that because she doesn't feel entirely comfortable with me yet, having just met me. I told her that was cool and I told her that i think our nervousness is getting in the way of alot of things that kinda kills the communication. So we figured we would go on another date to test things out. She also told me that shes not seeing anyone else (which my speculation was that i was guy 5 of 6).

Turns out we had a great time on the date, and we ended up chilling in my car listening to music for about 2 hours. Lots of touching and receptiveness. During the week, she texts funny things to find out what i'm doing and how i'm doing. She texts me asking what times are the best times for me to talk and we talk for hours.

She invited me to meet her friends at her house on Saturday for a party.

Things are looking up but i mainly posted this to show that sometimes the prude girls are worth the wait. The sluts are just too easy... Go for something worth while, and never mind the guys who say fok after three dates. Completely subjective opinions based on class,culture, demographic, and social arena. Moral of the story

Theres types of girls that exist. classy vs. classless ... also don't kill yourself speculating.. or you'll get paralysis by analysis


Jul 13, 2008
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The United State of Texas
Venom01 said:
Things are looking up but i mainly posted this to show that sometimes the prude girls are worth the wait.
I think the thing with prude girls are that you have to be willing to be patient and willing to do the work necessary to make them feel comfortable enough to come out of their shell,but it's a gamble,though.

No guy wants to invest a month or two in a woman just to open her up to the possibility of giving him a kiss.

Also,there's no guarantee that all the time you put in her will pay off.

Venom01 said:
Ha,ha,I actually have a thread called,"She's not like other girls,she's different. Bull!!!!!!!".

I personally don't think that girls are all that different from one another.

I think that they're all unique,and have individual traits and personalities,however,the whole subject here (which is in the title of your thread) is dating.

We're talking about sexual attraction here.

In that reguard,I think they're all the same. There may be slight differences,but basically,they're all the same.


Jun 7, 2008
Reaction score
Bro, just go for it and do your thing

All we guys on here can do is tell you what we think based on experiences (or reading for some)

in the end it's all up to you and what you do.

basically do what works for you in a nut shell. If you don't wanna fvck on the first date then you don't have too. If the girl likes you then she likes you. Not all girls just want every guy they like to just reck the pvssy on the first date. some of them like to wait. if you think it's worth it then go for it.
do what you want.


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
This thread is no longer about the girl anymore its about types of girls.

LOL.. yes the tag "every girl is different" is completely subjective. We can look at phrase and refer it to so many different varieties of its meaning. Will just keep it at that..lol

I completely agree with you that every girl is unique and personably different. I believe no one can argue with that. However, the 'difference' I that refer to is strictly based on how fast and how slow they would like to take the relationship. Based on what I've read from this site, a lot of it's followers are looking for high interest off the bat (which includes being physical fairly quickly), and then 'next' quickly if their not getting what they want right away. I'm going to have to say that i disagree with this position. I think that guys should just go with the flow of the situation and not 'next' but let things pan out until you feel the communication is completely dead (whether it's her or you). Everyone should be spinning plates regardless, and if so 'nexting' doesn't even become a topic of conversation.

Generally you really can't figure out what shes thinking no matter how good you are at reading situations. You may read a situation where she may feel apprehensive kissing you and it may lead you to believe shes emotionally attached to another guy, but in reality shes thinking it's so early and I'm kissing this guy I don't even know.