41 Commandments of Pu$$y

Sonny Knight

Don Juan
Dec 18, 2012
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#41. Who you marry will be the most important decision you ever make in life. Better make sure she’s up for the job.

#40. Never get married or get tied down with a woman who you’re settling for. You will be miserable. She will be miserable. And life is too damn short to spend it with a woman low in caliber, personality and desire to suck your **** dry every mother****ing day.

#39. Believe a woman the first time she SHOWS you who she is. Don’t allow your emotions to blind you to her flaws and shortcomings.

#38. Women are not the enemy. They are merely following their inherent nature. Learn how to handle them and you will be rewarded with their positive attributes. Flail about blindly and be cursed with their negative attributes.

#37. Women are led by their emotions. Therefore, learn to use their emotions to your favor. Become the puppet master.

#36. Your greatest defense against the manipulations of women, is to learn Game. There is no substitute.

#35. Always lead a woman in the relationship. If you don’t know how, then learn how.

#34. You are not to be the ***** in the relationship. If you have to pause and think about it, then you are.

#33. Women are just as sexual, if not more than men. They crave depravity. Do not be fooled.

#32. ALL girls think they are unique. 99.9% of girls are not unique. Do not be fooled.

#31. The moment you feel you cannot live without a certain girl, is the moment you have officially put her ***** on a pedestal.

#30. Less is more when dealing with women.

#29. Be ready to walk away from the relationship at any time for any reason. If she acts up, be ready to walk. If you stay you will lose a small piece of self-respect, until eventually you won’t even know who you are anymore.

#28. Never take advice on sleeping with women FROM women.

#27. If you can’t see who’s the sucker in the relationship, then you’re the sucker my friend.

#26. What is unsaid when communicating with a woman, is oftentimes more powerful than what is said. Learn to use your eyes when flirting with women and conveying sexual tension.

#25. If you get caught cheating, always, always, always deny. Deny until death and she will eventually get over it.

#24. Always treat a woman’s tantrums like you would treat a child’s. Firm and unpersuaded.

#23. Buying gifts, groveling, begging and changing for a girl will never keep her around. You’ll only intensify her disdain for you and speed up her hunt for an alpha ****.

#22. If you think she’s cheating, she already has. Learn to trust your instinct. It’s ‘talking’ to you for a reason.

#21. Never fully trust a woman. It’s not in their nature to be trustworthy. Self-preserve by only allowing for 60% of your trust given after a full and long courtship of at least 2 years.

#20. Never get married before 30yo and always marry a younger woman. No exceptions.

#19. You’re not really ready for a relationship, until you know what’s out there. Go **** 20 women. When you get done, go **** another 20. Then you might have an idea of what you want.

#18. The moment you make a woman “your life”, is the moment she’s preparing to walk out of yours.

#17. The only thing that matters to women between the ages of 18-26yo is: “Does he make my vagina wet?”

#16. Women would rather be with a psychopath broke bad boy, then a stable, sane beta ***** boy.

#15. Never regret cheating.

#14. Don’t put ***** ON the pedestal, put it UNDER the pedestal.

#13. Always **** her like it’s your last time before you go to prison.

#12. Frame IS Game. If you don’t learn to have a strong Frame, your ‘Game’ will always be weak and you will always struggle with women.

#11. Always let her say “I love you” first. She’ll love you more for your self-control.

#10. Watch what a girl DOES, not what she SAYS.

#9. If a girl dumps you, never take her back. She will never respect you the same and the relationship is doomed to fail.

#8. If you notice 1 red flag take note. If you notice 2 red flags prepare to eject. When you notice three red flags you had better be out the door.

#7. Women lie. Get used to it. Learn to play the game better than them.

#6. The more money you get, the more you will attract women who are attracted to resources. Learn to put on a ‘Humble Front’ at first in order to screen the golddiggers out.

#5. Women are hypergamous. Get used to it. Learn to develop yourself into a High Value Man.

#4. The moment you invest more into the relationship than she does, then you’re already ****ed and you’re starting to ‘lose’ her.

#3. Never put aside your personal goals and dreams in order to please a woman. You won’t please her and you will be miserable.

#2. You will never lose a woman by having other admirers, but you will lose women by concentrating all of your efforts on one. You won’t just lose the one you’re focused on, you’ll lose all of them.

#1. If you don’t choose to learn Game, then don’t be surprised when the wool gets pulled over your eyes by a woman. Game is the great equalizer.


Don Juan
May 15, 2014
Reaction score
Sonny Knight said:
#39. Believe a woman the first time she SHOWS you who she is. Don’t allow your emotions to blind you to her flaws and shortcomings.
Can you elaborate on this? how do you know when it's there?


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
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Great posts

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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You know something that's funny? Men are always accused of thinking with their private parts but in reality, it's women that think with their private parts.

All that matters to most women is "Does he make my vagina tingle?"

Cerwin Vega

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
^ It's a very simplified version of the truth. When she's no longer attracted she'll move on, how many times did you dump a long term girlfriend who treated you well just because you've lost some attraction? When did you EVER lose attraction on a long term girlfriend who treated you well?


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
Neg rep for taking someone else's work as your own.:down:


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
OP sounds like he hates women. I've gotten more play from a positive mindset. It's not naive; I'm just trying not to be jaded

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
Sonny, you should have credited the author. You can still do that by editing.